Test Newsletter 2

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 Vol 1. Issue 1. December 21, 2019
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Labor should grow up and give Malcolm his membership

THERE'S no secret that the first love of dumped Liberal Party Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is himself ... followed closely by his beloved Australian Labor Party. We outline five reasons why he should finally be free to join his comrades.
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Welcome to Patriot Nation's weekly News Alert
PATRIOT Nation is the essential on-line survival guide for centre-right conservatives everywhere. Whether in Australia, the UK or NZ we help you decide who to like, who to loath – and why.
You're invited to sign-up, join in and be part of a movement that is proud of our nation, its people and achievements - and vehemently opposed to the extremist ideologies of third-wave feminism, post-nation globalism and revolutionary environmentalism.
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LOONEYBIN: How dare you! How dare you! Hur vagar du!

MENTAL health issues aside, woke Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg gave a climate speech to the UN assembly last month that re-energised the inmates. The rest of us writhed with embarrassment for her (and Sweden) then quickly tuned out.
5 conservatives no-one knew were straight (#3 has LGBTs in tears)
WE WERE all so sure they had to be batting for the other side ... but they weren't!
Who are they and who are they with?

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Patriot Shop
HOME DELIVERED: Turn your breakfast time into an all-in brawl (thanks to Maggie).
T-SHIRTS: Get this into your wardrobe.
Visit the Patriot Shop
Important Speeches
The father of the Liberal Party of Australia takes a huge swipe at "unadorned" Melbourne. More importantly, his legendary wit is subtly displayed.
John Howard rips Labor's Paul Keating a new one – shortly before trouncing him in an election landslide and becoming Australia's second longest serving PM.
Important Parties
The United Kingdom's ruling political party is the Conservative & Unionist Party - also known as the Tories.
Australia's major centre-right political party and natural party of government, the Liberal Party of Australia.
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