If you hear the word “deportation”, you may automatically think about the southern border of the US. However, few consider the impact suffered by Mexico and Central America. Not only because of local immigration, but also more and more people from Asia and Africa. The new government of Panama has positioned itself strongly and managed to reduce the passage of illegal immigrants by 30% in just a few months. In addition, it is deporting illegal immigrants who try to cross through the Darien jungle. And it does so with the support of the US.

The US finances deportation flights from Panama

What’s more, the US is financing the flights. A single flight cost $700,000, transporting 125 men and 5 women from India. The figure was confirmed by the head of the National Immigration Service, Roger Mojica.

During a press conference, Mojica reported that this is the first time that an “extracontinental” deportation has occurred. That is, people who came from outside the American continent were expelled from the country. In this case, to Asia.

They are only deported to countries with diplomatic relations, Venezuela does not apply


The nationalities with the highest rate of deportations so far have been Colombia, Ecuador and India. It is worth noting that there are only deportation policies with countries where Panama has diplomatic relations. This excludes Venezuela, for example, since the Central American nation broke with the socialist regime.

After the failed elections in July of this year, Panama withdrew its diplomatic personnel and suspended relations with Venezuela “until a review of the records is carried out.”

“We cannot look the other way in the face of the attempted institutional coup against the sovereign decision of the people of Venezuela,” announced the Panamanian president, José Raúl Mulino.


“The fragile relationship established in recent years with the Republic of Venezuela has been severely damaged in recent days. First, due to the unilateral closure by the Venezuelan government of the airspace for flights of our airline Copa Airlines on Friday, July 26,» the president explained.

At the moment, there are already more than 8 million Venezuelans who have gone into exile. It is estimated that by the end of the year there could be 1.5 million more, given that Nicolás Maduro insists on clinging to power. According to surveys carried out in the first half of the year, 44.6% of the population would be willing to leave if the tyrant remains in charge of the regime.

According to the Movilidad Venezuela portal of the UCAB, there are more than 58,000 Venezuelans in Panama. Of which only 61 have managed to obtain refugee status. Due to its geographical position (and its immigration policies) Panama tends to be a place of passage for Venezuelans, not of permanence.

Humanitarian aid for Venezuelans, except for criminals

Given the particular situation of Venezuelans, Mojica explained that they receive humanitarian aid and support to continue on their migratory route. This applies to those who do not have a criminal record. For those who do, the treatment is different.

However, Ecuadorian citizens have reported mistreatment. In response to the complaints, Mojica responded that the use of handcuffs is protocol and that the purpose of the forceful measures is to avoid riots.

For its part, the US embassy ratified the discourse and position of Panama. It assured that its officials make surprise visits to monitor the treatment of migrants. The surprise nature helps them to observe without their Panamanian peers being able to disguise the situation. The Americans assure that the Human Rights of migrants are respected in Panama.

Meanwhile, deportations, surveillance and sponsorship by the US are happening without any concern in the US. In the middle of an election campaign, it is worthy of recognition that the Biden-Harris administration is taking action on the issue of immigration.

However, they are doing so behind the people’s backs (and with their money) through a third nation. While at home the border is collapsed and tens of thousands of immigrants are entering illegally and even under sponsorship.

The recent scandal caused by the Haitian population in Ohio, which kills and eats pets, exposed the failure of multiculturalism. It also contrasted how Donald Trump made laws to punish the mistreatment of pets, while Kamala imports illegal immigrants who kill and devour them. But the population sees it, to the point that an image of Trump hugging ducks and cats has gone viral, as he is a savior in the face of barbarism.

Mamela Fiallo Flor es profesora de lengua e historia, columnista y conferencista. Plasma su amor por la libertad y pasión por la verdad en cada nota.

Mamela Fiallo Flor is a language and history teacher, columnist, and speaker. She conveys her love for freedom and passion for truth in every piece she writes.

The post US funds deportation flights from Panama appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post US Funds Deportation Flights from Panama appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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