Colombian President Gustavo Petro’s accusation that Donald Trump is a ‘white slaver’ might be one of the most idiotic things said this year. And yes, I realise we’re only a few days into February, but the Global Left have said a lot of stupid things in 2025.

Slavers are famous for stealing peaceful indigenous people from their homes, putting them in chains, and shipping them off to foreign lands to be labourers and sex slaves. The Muslim traders are the most prolific in human history and still operate today, not that you’d know it from the silence of bleeding heart humanitarians.

What slavers expressly do not do is send people back home.

Ever heard of a slaver rescuing cotton farmers and putting them on a ship back to Africa? No.

Repatriating criminals to their homeland is a perfectly reasonable, legal, ethical, and rational approach for a leader. No nation can allow another country’s citizens to run across the border and live in the shadows. That is madness. To use a favourite word of the Left, it is unsustainable.

Nations such as America are generous in both their humanitarian and economic migration programs, but that does not mean they should be abused by their neighbours as an overflow valve thanks to failures in their domestic leadership.

President Petro is one such leader overseeing a country steeped in failure. He should be grovelling around on his hands and knees, apologising for having a country in such a terrible state that his own citizens want rid of it. Leaders whose main export to America comes in the form of terrified humans should be brought before the United Nations and flogged. Metaphorically.

Trump should not have to round up Petro’s people, but here we are.

‘You consider our race inferior, but you will never dominate us!’ proclaimed the unhinged President Petro.

Inferior race? Inferior leadership, certainly. Why are your people running away, Petro? What did you do to them? Why is your country such a mess? If anything, your citizens believe the US is superior.

‘You can try to stage an economic or political coup, but I will die with my principles! I resisted torture and now I resist you! I don’t want slave traders anywhere near Colombia! We’ve had enough of those already. Lovers of freedom, on the other hand, are welcome. I don’t like your oil, Trump. The human race is being destroyed by greed. Maybe one day, over a glass of whiskey, we can talk about this frankly. But it is difficult because you consider our race inferior. I’m not, no Colombian is. You don’t like our freedom? Fine. In any case, I don’t shake hands with white slave traders. If you strike me down, Mr President, humanity will react. Do you want to kill me? Then I will live on in my people. You will never dominate us!’

Five minutes later, Petro had his presidential plane ready to pick up his trespassing Colombians.

Petro sounds bonkers.

He makes Colombia out to be some sort of freedom-loving paradise, rather than a nation that has endured half a century of armed conflict thanks to warring political groups, of which Petro is one representative.

When he was a teenager, Petro joined the guerrilla group 19th of April Movement or M-19 which eventually turned into the M-19 Democratic Alliance.

M-19 is described as an ideology of revolutionary socialism and left-wing nationalism with a Far Left position. The group has been responsible for murder, kidnap, the forced takeover of towns, theft, and other actions of war. It’s a pretty nasty story, and former members of M-19 shouldn’t be throwing stones at a property developer and businessman like Donald Trump.

Trump is fixing America, Petro should do the same with Colombia.

Today, it has been reported that Colombians are forced to live in areas with armed militia groups while 8.4 million are living in conflict zones.

From the Norwegian Refugee Council:

Armed groups present across rural areas deploy a range of tactics to dictate and control the lives of people, including preventing them from leaving their communities in a situation known as ‘confinement’.

In the first half of this year [2024], killings, intimidation, landmines, and crossfire prevented nearly 65,000 people from leaving their confined areas … vast numbers of people cross Colombia seeking safety and opportunities in North America or Mexico.

Meanwhile, the UNHCR warns that there are 90 indigenous groups in Colombia but a third of them risk extinction thanks to armed conflicts.

‘To lose our land is to lose ourselves. To go is to take one step closer towards death,’ said one indigenous man, after fleeing his home.

The only leader failing Colombians is the President of Colombia.

Let us also be clear, there is nothing ‘racist’ about deporting those who break the law to enter a country. Calling someone a ‘white slaver’ for upholding border security is racist.

The President of Colombia has now asked his citizens to leave their American jobs and return to Colombia willingly, adding that, ‘Wealth is produced only by working people.’

How nice. Why didn’t he make that plea before?

‘Let’s build social wealth in Colombia,’ he added, before announcing loans to returnees. ‘They are Colombians, free and dignified, and in their homeland where they are loved.’

However you want to rationalise it to yourself, mate, just keep your borders secure as international law requires.

Trump has 11 million illegal immigrants to deport thanks to decades of inaction by both Republican and Democrat leaders, both of whom were too ideologically weak to maintain the integrity of the country’s borders.

Drug and criminal cartels based in places such as Colombia are responsible for America’s deadly narcotic crisis which has turned the once affluent blue streets in blue states into scenes from a zombie apocalypse. The President must end the influx of drugs if he is to have any chance of rehabilitating American cities.

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