![Bronzed Aussies surrender to blathering elites](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Bronzed-Aussie-cops-300x500-1.jpg)
SPECTATOR Australia columnist James Allan recently lamented, as well he might, the unwillingness of Australia’s media to ask our politicians difficult questions about COVID.
He referenced a recent article by Sarah Knapton in London’s The Telegraph newspaper about the emerging evidence that vaccines do not work as prophylactics against the delta variant.
- Australia’s “highly educated” people simply follow the cops, and not the science.
- Our media don’t analyse. They strut and lecture.
- Our people don’t analyse. They now just traipse along behind, mired in confusion.
Knapton’s article was even republished in The Sydney Morning Herald, so at least some Australian readers were exposed to emerging overseas COVID realities. The analytical follow-up in the broad media has been, well, nothing.
The evidence about the real efficacy of vaccines, and therefore the futility of vaccine passports, has been growing broader and louder.
Evidence from many western countries, beginning with Israel, suggests that the delta strain of the virus has defeated the jab.
Vaccines don’t stop you getting the virus, or passing it on. Period.
When Pfizer’s CEO states (on Twitter) that any solution to the virus will require both vaccines and treatments, you know that, surely, the game is up.
Even the claimed benefit of vaccines preventing serious illness and reducing deaths is no guarantee that they will do these things.
There are now simply too many unchallenged cases of deaths following vaccination.
Then there is the clear and mounting evidence of the dangers of the vaccines themselves, including death, well-documented and available from all around the globe.
Similar evidence is available in relation to the pointlessness of lockdowns. They are known not to work, and are known to cause massive harm.
Finally, there is the small matter that we are simply not in the midst of a crisis. Australian hospitalisations from COVID are still nowhere near what we experience in a bad flu season.
These are facts, all readily available to those who would look for them.
Absorbing and analysing these developments might simply be termed “following the science”, something that we are often urged to do in relation to climate change and viruses. It is always a good idea. Pity we as a nation aren’t doing it.
Instead, we get the tweeting classes of virtue signallers, the screeching vaccine bullies – did anyone mention Jack the Insider or Ray Hadley? – the ever-sincere, pharma hooked medicos, the curiously thought-free and largely silent oppositions, the dictatorial, hectoring premiers and ministers in every State and territory, the mute backbench class in every single government in the nation, the pundit-modellers who got the big COVID numbers wrong by orders of magnitude but who still blather away, and, last but not least, the self-important and now oft-quoted academics who have benefited mightily from the research-funding largesse of big pharma and who earnestly advise governments to jab us all.
It isn’t just the media not asking hard questions. A whole country seems to be holding its hands over its ears and singing loudly, such that it cannot hear the increasingly loud drum beat of reality trying to break into our collective thinking.
There has been a tripartite Faustian bargain, involving the governing classes, the media and the rest of us.
These are the three broad categories of actors in the COVID Theatre. Each group includes, alas, highly visible participants in the national “conversation”.
Given the almost total lack of diversity in this “conversation”, perhaps a better term is “monologue”.
What of the three signatories to the COVID bargain?
Politicians are panicked, clueless and over-invested in failed policies. We did not luck out in the age of COVID.
We have struck a bunch of politicians simply begging to be despised.
They have created false binary choices, like lockdown versus vaccines (we actually need neither and both are detrimental in a range of ways), and have routinely hidden the truth on an industrial scale, about lockdowns, about masks, about the jab.
They have almost uniformly revealed themselves to be born petty-dictators simply waiting their whole careers for the unbridled opportunity that the Chinese virus has provided them.
Once the starting point of political science theories of decision making was the “rational actor” model, with clear problem definition, examination of options, and the reliance on evidence. We even used to have a term for this – “evidence-based policy”.
The media have shrunk themselves from fearless truth seekers to merely the propaganda arm of the COVID State.
Allan’s thesis about the poor quality of university education for journalists is a highly plausible hypothesis but likely only a partial explanation of the media’s compliant behaviour and the palpably incurious approach to their core task.
What of the punters? The characterisation of “low information voter” accurately describes but does not explain the absence of pennies dropping.
Are we naïve about the presumed virtues of our leaders? Do we not read widely about overseas COVID developments? Have we not heard of the internet (yes, I know it is censored)?
Do we simply fear being labelled nutters if we dare to raise blatantly obvious questions like, what the hell are they up to?
Are we falsely patriotic – roll up your sleeves Australia?
Do we simply go along to get along? Have we been bullied into compliance and submission?
Is our behaviour evidence that the propaganda works? Is the State’s clever separation of our communities into automaton households and the denial of opportunities to chew the fat with our friends working against us?
Are we scared of the police? Even though most of us do not know anyone who has had the virus, let alone died from it, and even though most of us know someone who has had an adverse reaction to the jab, we still comply with public health orders that are simultaneously draconian and ridiculous. What is going on?
There is another silence, though.
Not only do we not want to know. We don’t even wish to analyse why we don’t want to know. There has been precious little of this going on.
There is, of course, a genre of national self-analysis. We should revisit it. The father of the genre is Donald Horne, who, in The Lucky Country, first published in 1964, pricked the national self-satisfied balloon in an ironic and pessimistic classic.
Two of his theses were that we had done well economically through the good fortune of being resource rich, and we were run by second-rate people.
A couple of generations on, Nick Cater, in The Lucky Culture (2013), sought in a more optimistic work to revise the Horne thesis.
Cater argued that Australia had benefited from the ongoing “resourcefulness” and “character” of our people and did not need to rely on luck.
But Cater also saw a threat to our continued success in the form of emerging, sanctimonious, progressive elites. The sort that are bullying us now.
What, then, should we make of our current predicament, at a time when the world is now finding us somewhere between amusing and pathetic in our submissiveness towards what anyone with eyes can see is a COVID dictatorship without the remotest justification?
We seem to have embraced a kind of opposite of our former cultural cringe.
Once upon a time, if something happened overseas or something came from overseas, it must be superior.
In the age of COVID and of Scotty from AstraZeneca’s “Fortress Australia and the States will decide if there is Christmas” approach to policy-making, we now stick our collective heads in the sand and simply ignore what is going on outside of Australia.
Our “highly educated” people simply follow the cops, and not the science.
The penny never quite drops. As a nation, we have given up on analysis. We have left our critical skills at the door. Our politicians, save for a shamefully pilloried minority, don’t analyse. They scheme.
Our media don’t analyse. They strut and lecture.
Our people don’t analyse. They now just traipse along behind, mired in confusion and vague, incurious, undirected anger.
A recurring theme among recent overseas commentary is that it had been thought Australians had the “character” to which Cater referred, but they now suspect we do not.
We seem to regard the greatest threats ever to our freedoms with a bit of a yawn, and to regard those who are alarmed about our future as barmy.
It is not a good look, when the luck runs out and our “character” proves to be illusory.PC
It seems politicians and journos are getting paid not to say anything against the vaccine narratives. They are on a road map that says we open up the economy when we get to 70-80% double vaccinated. They don’t seem to be worried about the economy at all, as if they are getting paid by the world elites to just follow rules – the Great Reset. But you are right, most people are following it all without questioning anything.
Yes we need our journos to ask more questions. The pandemic approach is an incredible bubble that saw a few “coincidences” bouncing around inside it.
*Big pharma invested in genetic vaccines well before Covid. *Big money invested in Big Pharma at that time – as I understand it, Gates and others. *A novel corona virus “accidentally” leaked out of a research lab in Wuhan. *Right Wing channel 9 bought a left-wing “masthead”. *Terror-stricken, shrieking TV and radio journalists cried out in horror. Day after day – morning, noon and night. All in an unrelenting panic-stricken, howling chorus that *actually forced politicians to start, re-start and start again the “lock-down” phase.
*Chief Medical Officers duly obliged by recommending the easy option. Easy because it satisfied the hysterical mob of jittery media. But is it the best option?
*Hey it must be right because – because – um that’s what other countries did. *That apparently was the extent of the journos probing.
Now the TGA website showed that by May, 398 people had died from vaccinations that collectively revealed 85 different types of adverse reactions.
Extrapolate that to now and the number is anybody’s guess. Probably approaching 700 or so.
(The first TGA entry for vaccination deaths was 210. Then a number of 398 appeared. Now it shows the original number of 210.)
Meanwhile the number of people who died from the virus just topped 1,100.
Only 2 or 3 children have ever died from the virus – and they were already suffering terrible illnesses. Health scientists now say that children are pretty much impervious to the virus generally. (More highly developed Thymus glands producing masses of virus-killing T cells).
*Now they want them vaccinated as well.
*European scientists are observing that beachside conditions were super-suppressors. We observed that after the famous “Bondi Beach is NOT OK” scene. Not one illness from it. *Why did not our “scientists” observe that?
*UV rays kill airborne virus. Why don’t the medical class know that?
*Why no health advice along with the daily body-counts? It has been long-established that vitamin C activates white blood cells, along with vitamin D, zinc, vitamin A etc. Why no qualified advice in these areas?
*Scientists discovered recently that T cells are routinely forming with specific targeting abilities for the corona virus.
*Why lock up groups at very low risk – the people who keep the wheels of commerce going?
Only about 70 under the age of 60 in the whole 20 months. Only ONE DEATH under the age of 20!
These are the age groups who have had the vast majority of cases.
*Why lock up vaccinated people? *That is their opportunity to gain other strains of Covid infections and maintain their immunity by repeated exposure.
That’s how “herd immunity” works. No herd – no immunity.
*Lock them up and that advantage is rapidly lost over 3 months.
*Yet the seasonal flu usually kills thousands. Of very elderly people. This group had very few cases.
See the pattern? This is normal – year after year. It is usually related to end of life. That may sound callous but it is the cycle of life.
*Why no other repeated advice on how to avoid serious infections regarding personal spacing, coughing into elbow etc?
*If we observe these techniques then the current SARS novel corona virus would have been and gone in 9 months, like previous SARS and MERS corona virus pandemics in recent times.
*Victoria is unnecessarily costing us a billion dollars every 2.5 days of their “ring of steel”.
Clearly, lock-ups don’t work.
*In a bizarre TGA report dated 27-05-21, it states that in Australia 210 deaths from Covid vaccinations had been reported – 109 from Pfizer and 101 from Astra Zeneca from 3.6 million doses.
*Further on it says: Apart from the single Australian case in which death was linked to TTS, COVID-19 vaccines have not been found to cause death. Ay? Excuse me?
Can’t find more reports since from 15.3 million doses to 8/8/21.
What is going on, journos?
The pandemic is not a medical question – it is a health question.
If CMOs don’t know anything about boosting health, then they should swallow their pride and collaborate with a health professional.
They are called naturopaths and nutritionists.
For the good of our nation.
Australia has already wiped off about 50 years of accumulated wealth from mining royalties and are now facing a trillion dollars of debt. Debt equals poverty.
Poverty equals despair.
Despair leads to suicides – 50% jump from Oct to Dec 2020 – twice the seasonal average.
No wonder the world is laughing at us.
Aussie independent spirit is apparently no longer. Replaced by subjugation of the freedom of choice by the political class? Looks like it.
Not part of the Grand Plan for “the great re-set” by any chance, is it?
PLEASE – start asking questions. Somebody!
WHy it’s almost like they’re trying to harm or kill people. Very good website, keep it up and I’ll make a contribution.