Fear plagues West’s response to Ukraine invasion

by JURIS LAUCIS – IN THE days of America’s wild west, the robbery victim was paralysed into passivity by the simple phrase “stick ’em up”. 

Today, the same result is achieved by an equally simple phrase “I’ve put our nuclear forces on high alert”. 

The West’s inaction is predicated on the bloody onslaught being confined to the Ukraine: it’s okay to sacrifice one nation for the sake of avoiding a world war.

In the old days, fear forced the victim to hand over his personal valuables.

Today, it’s not valuables that are at stake, but the lives of the men, women and children of the valiant Ukrainian nation, that wants nothing more than to exist in peace and harmony as a democratic self-governing nation.


NATO and the Western democracies, stand by in paralysis, watching from a safe distance as a country of innocent human beings is systematically destroyed.

Vociferously uttering sanctimonious rhetoric, whilst steadfastly resisting military engagement with a megalomaniacal tyrant.

The West’s inaction is predicated on the bloody onslaught being confined to the Ukraine: it’s okay to sacrifice one nation for the sake of avoiding a world war.

Destroying maternity hospitals, killing civilians including children, is okay, so long as it occurs within the territorial boundaries of the sacrificial State, in this case Ukraine.

How bad does the situation have to become before we are forced to ask the question “are we prepared to sacrifice more than the Ukraine?”

Biden has made it clear that NATO territory is inviolate.

What do we do if neutral countries such as Sweden and Finland are embroiled?

Do we leave them on the sacrificial pyre to join the Ukraine or do we say enough is enough and take Putin on?

Our leaders have imposed sanctions on Russia. Putin and his kleptocratic henchmen will not suffer, but the ordinary peace-loving people of Russia will: add them to the sacrificial pyre, as long as we in the West are not involved.

There is no reason to believe that Putin’s imperialistic ambitions will be sated with the destruction of the Ukraine, now that he has tasted the power of nuclear threats.

Not taking him on now, is only postponing the inevitable.

Right now we have failed to live up to the legacy of our Western civilisation; humanity.

If civilisation as we know it is to survive, we have to fight for the preservation of humanity.PC


MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Ukraine warriors. (courtesy The Australian)

5 thoughts on “Fear plagues West’s response to Ukraine invasion

  1. Why not the West put $1billion on the head of Putin. It would be far cheaper than the cost to Ukraine and the world today. Same applies to other murdering dictators.

  2. Take on Putin? Wow you have swallowed the goop mainstream media has spoon fed you. No mention of all the lies and manipulation the US has done to put us in this situation. Its people like you who are helping push for war and people like you who would never strap on a boot to actually do anything. You need to go educate yourself and stop being a war hawk.

  3. How quickly we forget the lessons of WW2?
    It was the RED army that liberated Auschwitz and Berlin in 1945 and it was the SS using civilians as commodities and human shields.
    The first victim of war is truth.

  4. “[…] it’s okay to sacrifice one nation for the sake of avoiding a world war.”

    One can understand the reasoning; after all, the same approach worked really well in 1938, didn’t it?

    Our politicians don’t know very much, and the subject about which they know least is history.


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