The West Sacramento police department is currently investigating a shooting incident that occurred near a group of teenage rowers.

The incident occurred two weeks ago on the Sacramento River during a rowing competition for teenagers.

According to KTVU, three gunshots were shot near a group of teens who were on the last stretch of their rowing competition.

A sound of three gunshots was heard in a video of the incident captured by one of the teenager’s parents.

The video also shows the bullets making three splashes near the boat.

Fred Ackerman, the parent of one of the rowers, stated, “I was pretty shocked. I think all of us were. It’s horrifying to think in this peaceful, green setting, the final push of this race—to see and hear that.”



Footage has emerged of a shooter opening fire in the direction of teenage boys who were rowing down a river in Sacramento.

Parents were watching their sons compete in a race when they heard gunshots whiz by their kids.

One of…

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) May 10, 2024

Per NBC Bay Area:

Police are investigating after gunshots were fired near a group of teen rowers in the Sacramento area.

The incident happened about two weeks ago on the Sacramento River.

A group of teens with the Oakland Strokes were on the boat at the time of the incident.

East Bay parent Fred Ackerman shared NBC Bay Area the video of the incident from another parent. He said his son was rowing on that boat when the shooting happened.

“To be in that situation and see my child shot at, it’s horrible,” he said. “It’s absolutely horrible and what I experienced pales in comparison to what countless families have experienced.”

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