When describing democracy, former American President Abraham Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg Address in 1863, said it was a ‘government of the people, by the people and for the people’.

In Australia, as in many other Western countries, government has been overrun by bureaucrats. As an unelected and unaccountable group of individuals, bureaucrats are left to wield enormous power over economies well after the politicians, who enacted legislation, have long gone.

The Oxford definition of bureaucracy is ‘a system of government in which most of the important decisions are taken by state officials rather than elected representatives’.

A capitalist society where important decisions are taken by state officials is more accurately described as ‘state capitalism’.

The World Economic Forum has described the Chinese Communist Party as presiding over a state capitalist society because state officials, rather than elected representatives, preside over the country’s capital, infrastructure, and economy.

Chinese citizens are ranked for trustworthiness by China’s economic planning team, the Peoples’ Bank of China, and the Chinese Court system. Each of these organisations are made up of bureaucrats. These bureaucrats are the arbiters of what is ‘trustworthiness’.

If you don’t fall in line with their view of ‘trustworthiness’ you are summarily punished. If the punishment is monetary, they take money from your bank account, to which they have access through a digitised system.

Australia is fast becoming a nation where bureaucracies are so influential that government has become a government of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats, and the people of the country are of secondary importance.

The current Australian government, presided over by the Labor Green alliance and led by Prime Minister Albanese, is doing everything can to increase the size of government and the influence of government over everyday lives of the Australian people.

The more influence government has over everyday lives of Australians, the more influence bureaucrats have over everyday lives of Australians.

In his famous book written in 1978, called Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman says, ‘Costs go up and quality goes down whenever bureaucrats are involved.’ In private institutions, customers have something to say. In government institutions, customers have very little say.

There are currently two Bills presented by the Albanese government with the wholehearted support of the Greens and those false independents collectively referred to as the Teals, which seek to put fundamental freedoms and individual property rights of Australians into the power-loving hands of bureaucrats.

I am referring to the Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2023 and the Amended Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 ( EPBC ) Act. The EPBC Act is also referred to as the Nature Positive Plan First Nations.

The Digital ID Bill threatens to centralise and digitise personal information, increasing the risk of surveillance and law enforcement without adequate privacy safeguards.

Potentially, every piece of every Australian’s personal information will be centralised, digitised, and ripe for the picking by hackers, or worse still, the government. The major question therefore is, who has access to this information? The answer is a bureaucrat. We can’t be certain which bureaucrat, nor how many, and that is the problem. All that can be certain is that bureaucrats will be in control of the personal data.

It is proposed that both public and private services cannot be accessed without a Digital ID, therefore making it compulsory.

A Digital ID brings us one step closer to the Chinese communist-style credit score system.

This is exactly what occurred during the Truckers’ protest in Canada in January and February 2022.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was confronted with a large group of truck drivers in their trucks clogging arterial access to cities. Their intention was to protest about the Canadian governments draconian Covid lockdowns.

The Canadian government shut down truckers’ private bank accounts denying them access to their own money because of what government called ‘civil disobedience’.

Bureaucrats wielding such power over a private monetary system is a very dangerous concept and anathema to a free society.

The Nature Positive Plan First Nations is also controlled by unelected unaccountable bureaucrats.

The Australian government has committed to protecting 30 per cent of Australia’s land and seas by 2030, by creating a nature repair market. The aim is to establish an Independent Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and work in partnership with First Nations people, including to develop standalone cultural heritage legislation.

50 per cent of Australia is already subject to Native Title and therefore denied access to 97 per cent of Australians who are non Aboriginal. Now the Labor Green Alliance is committing a further 30 per cent of Australian land mass to being denied to the Australian people. That leaves only 20 per cent of the Australian land mass for 26 million people who will be denied land for industry, energy, mining, agriculture, innovation and all other aspects of life necessary for a healthy society to grow and flourish.

Nature Positive is not an original idea. It is straight out of the United Nations.

Nature Positive is a global societal goal defined as, ‘Halt and reverse nature loss by 2030 on a 2020 baseline and achieve full recovery by 2050.’ The concept intends to ensure more nature in the world in 2030 than in 2020 and continued recovery after that.

The Labor Green alliance intends placing unelected unaccountable bureaucrats in charge of private information and to control 80 per cent of the whole of the Australian land mass.

To quote Milton Friedman again, ‘Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few people that mistakes – excusable or not – can have such far-reaching effects is a bad system.’

The Australian people are fortunate enough to live, work, and grow families and cities on a large land mass endowed with a vast abundance of natural resources that can feed, clothe, and protect Australians for generations to come. We have boasted a robust democratic political system. A system financed by a free enterprise capitalist economy that rewards hard work and dedication with the potential for individual property ownership and the promise of freedom.

The Labor Green alliance manifesto is becoming very clear, change it all as quickly as possible.

It wishes to replace the free enterprise capitalist economy with big government, big bureaucracy and big population which will only be permitted to occupy 20 per cent of the land.

We will not have freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of thought, and the right to individual identity.

The unelected, possibly unqualified and unaccountable bureaucracy will have the power to take from you everything you own.

The Labor Green alliance is a government of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, and for the bureaucrats.