AMERICAN political commentator and 1990’s child genius Ben Shapiro explains his definition of a Leftist.
“What I mean when I say the Left is, the Left means people who believe equality of outcome trumps equality of opportunity.
“Now if you want to say there are people who don’t believe that who are on the Left, then you’re using another definition and not the one I’m using.
“I don’t equate Leftists and liberals, they are not the same. There are liberals who believe what old-school liberals used to believe. The whole idea that ‘I might disagree with you but I’ll die for your right to say it’.
“But that’s a liberal value, it’s not a Leftist value.
“[The Left] embodies the majority of people who ardently believe in the Democratic Party platform, to be more specific. I think most people who deeply study and believe in the Democratic Party platform are Leftists.
“I think that most people who vote Democrats do so because they believe Republicans are assholes.”PC