by CRYSTAL-ROSE JONES – NURSES and midwives, not just doctors, in Queensland can now perform medical abortions with the drug MS2-Step.
The policy, which came into effect on this month, is aimed at increasing abortion access in rural and regional areas.

- Qld Labor commits $41.8m into increasing abortion access.
- Union Secretary Sarah Beaman commended Labor for its move.
- Free-for-all abortion may place remote womens’ health at risk
The move means medical professionals can now prescribe MS-2 Step, which consists of two drugs – mifepristone and misoprostol – and can be taken up to 63 days’ gestation.
CEO of Right to Life Australia Mary Collier, however, questioned the benefit of widening access to the procedure.
“In rural and remote areas limited or no access to emergency health care – not uncommon in outback Queensland – may potentially place patients’ health at risk,” she told The Epoch Times.
“Who benefits from this? The public must hold to account companies and abortionists who benefit financially from the destruction of human life.”
Collier also pointed to a submission by the CEO of the Australian Medical Association Queensland, Brett Dale, who outlined all the tools medical practitioners need to properly assess whether an abortion is needed.
These include being able to tell the date of a pregnancy, scan for an ectopic pregnancy, as well as access to local emergency care, which is often two hours away.
“Unfortunately, it is often the case in rural and remote areas that patients do not have this access and even medical practitioners cannot safely prescribe MToP (medical termination of pregnancy) medicines,” Collier said, saying it could put patients at risk.
With a State election due in October, Cherish Life CEO Matthew Cliff said abortion was a topic voters should pay attention to.
“We’ve obviously got an election coming up and the key for us is we want people to vote the right way,” Mr Cliff said. “We’re calling on people to put life first.”
He said Cherish Life would soon be adding a new tool to its website to list individual MPs based on their stance on abortion.
The Queensland legislation comes on the back of the State’s Termination of Pregnancy Action Plan 2032, which commits $41.8m into increasing abortion access and workforce numbers.
Minister for Health and Women Shannon Fentiman said every Queensland woman deserved access to early abortions.
“Access to timely termination services is a basic human right and a significant health issue,” she said in a statement.
“And we know that people in rural and remote regions of our vast State face significant barriers to accessing these vital services.”
Fentiman said early abortion access would help negate the need for later-term abortions.
The Miles government will also recruit up to 22 full-time equivalent clinicians to increase abortion access.
Queensland Nurses and Midwives’ Union Secretary Sarah Beaman commended Labor for its move.
“Queensland women have the right to autonomy, choice of provider and recognition of their reproductive rights,” she said.PC
Kempton coy about answering late term abortion questions
The Liberal National Party and its candidate for Cook David Kempton have been very shy when questioned about how they would vote when amendments to abortion laws are tabled by Katters Australian Party in state parliament after the election.
LNP leader David Cristafulli has repeatedly said there would be no change to Labor’s barbaric, baby-killing legislation which all of Labor and three LNP members voted for in 2018.
There has been a back bench revolt by some LNP candidates who thankfully have a human conscience, indicating they would be voting for amendments to these disgusting, evil, baby-killing policies.
See full horrific story >
Senator Malcolm Roberts One Nation Party
If you choose to vote for them (and I hope huge numbers do) here is where you get their how to vote information >
As UNITED AUSTRALIA PARTY Senator Ralph Babet spoke to his urgency motion, the Greens’ Sarah Hanson-Young made vomiting-gestures behind him for the cameras
(She allegedly looks like she’s in a scene from The Exorcist).
When Black Caviar’s foal – a colt sired by Snitzel – passed away this week, there was a virtual day of mourning.
He received “around-the-clock, world-class veterinary care, but unfortunately could not be saved”, and headlines lamented devastation, with even ABC reporting that “late Black Caviar champion racehorse’s final foal has died”.
As the world mourned the loss of a baby horse, a parliamentary inquiry in Queensland, sparked by Katter Australia Party MP Robbie Katter, was hearing gut-wrenching testimonies from frontline midwives like Louise Adsett. They revealed the tragic story of a baby boy, fighting for his life for five agonising hours devoid of any care, let alone that given to a colt.
A motion in the Senate, which sought to “recognise that at least one baby is born alive every seven days following a failed abortion and left to die and that Australia’s health care system is enabling these inhumane deaths, and for the Senate to condemn this practice, noting that babies born alive as a result of a failed abortion deserve care,” went strategically unrecognised in most media, save for Weekend Telegraph columnist Peta Credlin on Sky.
This was not a debate about women’s right to abortion but only pertained to what to do when an aborted baby is born alive.
Queensland MP Robbie Katter has introduced a bill to ensure the rights of babies born alive in his state. It’s a crucial step, which means the duty of a registered health practitioner to provide medical care and treatment to a person born as a result of termination would be no different from their duty to anybody else.
I’ll help with some transparency, a link to how they voted. You’ll find every so-called “caring”, “ethical” party, ********including Teal, Labor, the Greens and the four soft-moderate Liberal faction Senators, voted against pain relief for a baby dying in a dish. *********