by PAUL COLLITS – OPPOSITION Leader Peter Dutton has reduced Australia’s minimally venerated Prime Minister to a gibbering, spittle-flecked wreck of a leader.
Clearly, Mr Dutton’s astonishing achievement of parity or better on preferred prime minister polling as a first term opposition leader has done two things.
- Airhead Albo isn’t just insulting Liberal independent thinkers.
- He’s insulting about one third of the electorate that doesn’t vote for the legacy Parties.
- The PM really is a low rent type – not a good look for someone who occupies high office.
It has marked him as Australia’s fourth great opposition leader, joining the ranks of Whitlam, Fraser and Abbott.
The threat from The Greens’ own lunatic Melburnian, Adam Bandt, has brought into focus the real prospect of a minority second term Anthony Albanese Government with the support of far Left Parties. God help us all if that eventuates.
The ageing Murdoch scribbler, Paul Kelly, drew our attention to Bandt’s push for power in his usual erroneous and insipid defence of Australia’s UniParty system.
Kelly writes: “Adam Bandt pioneers a new brand and a new ambition: progressive populism is the brand and selling The Greens as the nation’s authentic social democratic Party is the ambition. He has contempt for the Coalition. But Bandt’s real target is Labor.”
Real populism it isn’t.
The Government’s reaction to its slipping position has surfaced, specifically, in two recent sprays.
First, there was the positively undergraduate outburst by ALP Treasurer Jim Chalmers against the head of the Reserve Bank, rightly called out by John Howard for both its embarrassing ignorance of economics and its equally embarrassing and juvenile attack on a public servant doing her job and expecting the Government to do its.
It was reminiscent of one of Scott Morrison’s (many) lowest moments in his diatribe against Australia Post heroine Christine Holgate. If you are going to use the bully pulpit, for God’s sake use it wisely and with some semblance of control.
If the Government was going to pick on a public servant, I would be starting with the head of ASIO and his BS over the “rhetorical” flourishes of the Australia’s terrorist-adjacent Hamas supporters who have graced us with their cheerful presence since 7/10.
The second Government spitting attack related to the recently departed (from the Liberals) Gerard Rennick, a genuine COVID era hero with generally good policy instincts and priorities. Putting people first, as the good Senator would say.
You might think that even someone as dim as Albanese could come up with something better than the Libs “being full of conspiracy theorists and cookers”.
Three points. Firstly, sadly, the Liberal Party isn’t actually full of Rennicks.
The Liberals dispensed with his services in a recent pre-selection. Just like they forced Craig Kelly and George Christensen out.
The only other Liberal/Nationals that come close are Canavan and Antic, and the latter’s continued service to the Libs will be forever dependent on a South Australian division of the Libs riddled with Simon Birmingham and Christopher Pyne type Leftists.
Forget Albo and Labor. Birmingham and Pyne see Antic as the enemy.
So, the PM is telling lies about the Libs.
Secondly, Airhead Albo isn’t just insulting Liberal mavericks who are independent thinkers and not careerists.
He is insulting about one third of the electorate that doesn’t vote for the legacy Parties and which is prone to bursts of free-thinking.
One might have thought that a precariously placed legacy Party leader might have the wit to engage with these voters and by showing some respect.
He really is a low rent type. It isn’t a good look for one who aspires to, indeed occupies, high office.
Thirdly, the Prime Minister is merely showing his (willful?) ignorance of the core issues about which the so-called cookers are so concerned.
Like the real policy lessons to be learned from the COVID fiasco. The dangers to our freedom posed by cancel culture, State-serving fact checking and digital surveillance.
It is obviously easier for midwits like our Prime Minister to remain in their cloud-cuckoo-land world than to engage with the (mostly peer-reviewed) science relating to COVID.
Rennick is far, far closer to the truth. Even if his opponents are closer to “the money”. Literally.
Albanese is a memory-holer, of course, nothing more and nothing less.
He wasn’t even in government then! He has literally nothing to defend, apart from Andrews, McGowan and the certifiable guy from Darwin.
Having recently visited Dachau, I am only too well aware of the evil of memory-holing. A whole generation of post-war Germans did it. As did the Americans in Europe, after the Nuremberg trials.
No, Albo is merely a globalist, progressive stooge of the crudest corporatist kind, even if this means sucking up to the global drug cartel that is Big Pharma.
No, Albo cannot afford to admit COVID truths. This is why he has to create enemies and accuse them of being nutters and monster them away from the perceived centre of the ideological spectrum to the political fringes, at least in the minds of our generation of low-information voters.
That is the plan, at any rate. Senator Rennick and outsiders generally are very useful to the ruling class, for this reason.
What of Albo’s other spray allegations?
In a post on X, Senator Rennick claimed “institutionalised childcare is a sacred cow” for Labor which would “destroy the family unit” and “brainwash children early with the woke mind virus”.
This is not cooker stuff, either. It is cold, hard reality.
Handing babies and little children over to be raised by the State and the corporate childcare sector from as young as six weeks old is possibly the greatest social experiment in history, and with very obvious outcomes.
And the creeping sexual deviancy being imposed on the youngest generation today isn’t a myth either. It is the new reality.
All of it is being done on our dime, too.
What Rennick is exhibiting is called right thinking and courage. Saying the quiet bit out loud.
The only reason that we have gone as far down the road to perdition that we have is because there have been so few Rennicks across the political system over the past thirty years.
The only question is whether the family’s destruction by the outworkings of the sixties cultural revolution is deliberate policy or merely a massive error of omission.
The Labor Party might want to have a look at the recent State elections in Germany (Thuringen and Saxony) where that similarly minded one third of voters recently took to the legacy Parties with a hatchet.
And much of the rise of the Alternative for Deutschland was driven by … young voters! Not all old pale, stale, male Rennick-type cookers.
For years these voters have been treated as modern day Nazis by the media and other assorted useful idiots with ties to the establishment. UK YouTuber Russell Brand has noticed what is going on, and what it might mean.
Others have noticed it too. Not Australia’s governing class, though.
Albo seems to have forgotten, if he ever knew, that he is not where he is because we either like him or approve of his policies.
He is there because slightly more voters holding their noses in 2022 voted for his lot rather than for the proven Leftie failures of the Liberal Party.
Nearly 70 per cent of us didn’t and probably don’t want him there.
He should have gotten some inkling of this nearly a year ago, as the results of the Voice referendum poured in.
Maybe, sometime soon, a modern Party leader might think about trying statesmanship, talking respectfully to opponents and to voters, treating public servants (who deserve it) with decency, governing for everyone, and leaving bullying methods behind.
Then we might actually like them. Vote for them, even. Turn out on election day. And perhaps have faith in the system, once more.PC
Geez we’re in a mess.
So important to concoct a plan to beat the Teals.
Whitlam a great leader! You have to be joking.
Bobby Kennedy: May your speech change the course of history!
In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world….
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
Aug 24, 2024
On August 23, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., known to all of us as Bobby Kennedy, told the world that, after deep prayer, he would support Donald Trump’s election to a second term.
Throughout his career, Bobby has been protecting children, including their brains and minds, from pollution, vaccines, and other threats.
That is why he founded the Children’s Defense Fund. Although his work dovetailed with ours, we never connected, in part because of political differences and sadly because we lacked appreciation of the danger of vaccines in general.
Americans, we have now witnessed one of the few times in our lives when a man with a substantial amount of power and money is defying his constituency and the global powers by throwing his weight behind Donald Trump. His speech and actions are earth-shaking, not merely because he endorsed President Trump, not even because he explicitly exposed the corrupt death throes of the Democratic Party, and not even because he took a profoundly moral stand in defense of America and its children.
In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world — powerful predatory globalists who corrupted and coopted the Democrat Party and who are trying to take America down.
I was stunned by the honesty with which he criticizes the Deep State, including the FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, and others by name; the clarity with which he described the sacrifice of the young people and children in Ukraine for the benefit of NATO, the military-industrial complex, and other predators; how he excoriated the drug companies and others who advocate the drugging of children and the rest of the population. He even briefly refers to those who aspire to create an “American global hegemony,” although we see that being replaced by a Western Global Empire that is hostile to America.
Please continue to read full article >
Geez we’re in a mess.
Scribbler, spittle fleck, sneering, gibbering PM.
Leader, Biden Parrot, Union Cuddler, Business Destroyer – never seen it this bad.
Shades of Greece and collapsed banks.
an extra few million dole migrants propping up the economy using Government handouts but with nowhere to live – how does that work?
An extra few million Labor voters keeping us mired.
At least Scomo moved forward and built stuff.
Bring on P Dutton somehow, please!
And Fast.
Why do monarchists want Australia’s head of state to be inferior to the UK’s head of state?