by KEVIN DONNELLY – A RECENT report investigating governments’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic criticised the States’ mismanagement and over-reach.
Even more frightening and unsettling is the way politicians, with the help of health experts and the media, trashed essential liberties and freedoms while ensuring citizens remained malleable and compliant.

- Victoria under the reign of Premier Andrews provides an exemplary case study of evil.
- He acted unilaterally and controlled all the levers of power – but when questioned he argued he wasn’t responsible.
- War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength, according to Daniel Andrews.
Even though Australia is a Western liberal democracy where citizens’ rights are protected – in response to the pandemic, governments enacted legislation, passed laws and employed State sanctioned intimidation and violence with minimal disagreement or resistance.
Citizens have been forced to vaccinate against their will or be sacked and the government has imposed inflexible and unnecessary lockdowns, denied free speech and freedom of assembly.
It even threatened people with imprisonment for sitting in an empty park or walking on an isolated beach.
As a result of border closures Australian citizens have been denied the right to return home and grieving families stopped from visiting terminally ill loved ones.
In scenes usually associated with third world dictatorships, peaceful demonstrators have been fired upon with rubber bullets and covered with capsicum spray.
One of the techniques employed by totalitarian regimes to enforce and maintain power and ensure citizens are compliant is to employ what the Belgium psychologist Mattias Desmet describes as mass formation psychosis.
In his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Desmet describes mass formation as “a kind of group hypnosis that destroys individuals’ ethical self-awareness and robs them of their ability to think critically”.
To ensure compliance people must be presented with an existential threat that is so demonised and feared the only remedy is to accept extreme measures no matter how unacceptable or unsettling.
People are conditioned to give up once accepted freedoms and liberties for the greater good and such is the overwhelming climate of fear any who question or fail to comply are beyond the pale and must be punished.
Extreme government actions are always justified for being in the people’s best interests and politicians present themselves as caring and concerned guardians of public safety and order.
Desmet argues, in response to COVID-19, the way governments around the world instilled fear and anxiety to justify lockdowns and imposing draconian laws and regulations illustrates mass formation psychosis in action.
Victoria under the reign of Premier Daniel Andrews provides an exemplary case study.
Much like the two-minute hate sessions detailed in 1984, where Goldstein is the enemy feared by all and only Big Brother can ensure safety, Premier Andrews painted COVID-19 as an imminent and deadly threat only he could address.
The pandemic was described as an insidious, unforgiving beast that had the potential to infect and kill thousands within days unless dramatic action was taken including declaring on-going states of emergency, closing parliament and enforcing a ring of steel around Melbourne.
Andrews, much like Uncle Jo Stalin and the Great Helmsman Mao Zedong, in his carefully managed and controlled media events, presented a caring and concerned figure only interested in protecting the people and ensuring their health and wellbeing.
Questions regarding the 800 deaths in aged care homes, the fact the virus escaped from quarantined hotels or small businesses being bankrupted by his actions were dismissed as insensitive and thoughtless, given the Premier’s only concern was to ensure public safety.
Although Andrews acted unilaterally and controlled all the levers of power, when inquiries pointed to mismanagement and policy failure his response was to argue he was not responsible, and his only concern was to save Victoria from the terrifying disease and restore public safety.
As noted by Mattias Desmet, one of the most disturbing aspects of mass hysteria is the way reason and common sense give way to thoughtless emotion and irrational group-think. Victoria under Andrews, once again, provides a unique example.
At the height of the pandemic’s fear campaign Victorians were told “staying apart, keeps us together”.
Much like Big Brother’s “war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength” the slogan involves accepting two incompatible ideas even though they contradict one another.
While there was no chance of being infected, such was the all-consuming climate of fear people wore masks when driving alone and when walking empty streets. Any seen in the distance without a mask were avoided.
The pervasive influence of government propaganda and the threat of intimidation and violence led to Victorians, with a few brave exceptions, much like the citizens of Big Brother’s Oceania willingly giving up their long held and cherished freedoms.
The expression “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance” illustrates democracy’s fragility and how the liberties and rights so many have died to protect can easily be lost.
Proven by how Victoria so quickly descended into a totalitarian regime – characterised by government manipulation, violence and overreach – the battle for freedom never ends.PC
“A former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police has slammed the Andrews government as the most “corrupt” he has ever seen.
Speaking to Peta Credlin for Sky News Australia’s ‘Cult of Daniel Andrews’ investigation, former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police Kel Glare said Victorians deserved better.
This comes just a week after news Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission may be opening an unprecedented fifth investigation into the Andrews government.
“We are entitled to have governments that are ethical, accountable, and competent, and I don’t think we have any of those things at the moment,” Mr Glare said.
“In my 84 years I’ve never seen a government as corrupt – and I make no apology for saying that. I believe there are a whole host of matters where they are seriously wanting in ethical standards.”
Under the Andrew government, Victoria made international headlines for for one of the world’s toughest and longest running COVID lockdowns.
During this time, Mr Andrews often refused to answer key questions from journalists at press conferences.
His government also presided over a hotel quarantine system that was linked to 801 deaths.”
Australians are slowly waking up. People fall into mass formation in herds and wake up slowly one by one…People have been massively lied to by politicians, senior health bureaucrats, the main stream media, the lame “sell out” celebrities and the many drop kicks who did not want to be unpopular by going against the narrative. They have been injected with experimental “viral gene cell therapies” which are so novel, late at night in the houses of parliament they had to change the definition of “vaccine” to accomodate mRNA vaccine technologies. This was also done to ensure Big Pharma would not be liable to the massive number of serious vaccine injuries and lawsuits heading their way…They made sure people signed their “informed consent” forms before they were injected to take away responsibility from governments and Big Pharma and we were told to “trust the science”…Pfizer said they had to move “as fast as the science” ….It was all a con and now the science is coming out and it does not look good at all. All cause mortality in Australia is currently 17% above average, prior to the vaccine roll out….The lame stream media blames vaccine injuries on “long covid” and labels the new Sudden Adult Death (SADS) phenomena as “anything but from the vaccines”….St Augustine once said, “the truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself”…There must be a Nuremberg 2 – all of these people must be held to account. Starting with Scott Morrison. All State and Territory leaders, Health Ministers (Greg Hunt, Brad Hazard etc.) and Health Departments, The TGA, APHRA, ATAGI, The ABC, All mainstream news channels, every “sell out” celebrity, Ministers for Education, Child care, Aged care/Disability, Ministers of government etc…
No Mandates EVER should have been enacted by anyone anywhere.
Professor of Law Mr Augusto Zimmerman has previously stated that the Governments Actions ARE UNLAWFUL.
Conflicts of Interest are absolutely sickening and are systemic and extensive and this makes it absolutely criminal when Governments “Pull The Mandate Caper”.
See >
About Mainstream Media Empires and Government Conflicts of Interest >
Please see the extremely Important Information on this Link the first comment >
https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/twenty-years-hard-labor/ And More Links to Explain further the Depth of the Problem.
Original Article by Independent researcher Elizabeth Hart here >
Information Papers >
Monkey Pox, Spanish Flu and much more
See Truth about water fluoridation chemicals – Toxic Neurotoxic Carcinogenic and Endocrine Disrupting dangerously corrosive hazardous waste Pollutants and Co-contaminants from page 47 on
No Mandates EVER should have been enacted anywhere by anyone.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST in Australian Vaccination Policies – Tip of the Iceberg examples
Demanding Answers over BIG PHARMA P.R. Firms EMBEDDED STAFF AT CDC
Admits Before European Parliament the “Vaccines” Were NEVER TESTED FOR STOPPING TRANSMISSION of Covid-19
Destruction of Medical Ethics and Patients ‘Rights – Qld and Australian Governments
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare – INFORMED CONSENT:-
***Any healthcare treatment, procedure or other intervention undertaken without consent is unlawful
Ensuring informed consent is properly obtained is a legal, ethical and professional requirement on the part of all treating health professionals and supports person-centred care. Have enough information about their condition, treatment options, the benefits and risks relevant to them, and alternative options for them to make an informed decision to consent.
This includes the opportunity to ask questions and discuss concerns.
1 Material risks are risks where a “reasonable person, in the position of the person being recommended the treatment or procedure, is warned of the risks that they would likely attach significance to; or if the healthcare provider is or should be reasonably aware that the particular person if warned of the risk, would likely attach significance to it” – Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479
Mr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus.
Dr Zimmermann was chairman and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.
He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017) and President of the Western Australian
Legal Theory Association (WALTA).
As can be seen, section 51 (xxiiiA) maintains the prohibition of vaccination through any form of government-run health service, indicating that vaccination should only be through voluntary means in accordance with the free communications between medical doctor and patient, which is essential to achieve a high-quality healthcare.
To conclude: The Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination.
In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination. Continued >
The TGA DOES NOT HAVE an “Emergency Use Authorisation” pathway for COVID-19 vaccines. 9 August, 2022
Is it true? Were COVID-19 vaccines rushed through approvals or given emergency use authorisations in Australia?
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) provisionally approved these vaccines after a complete assessment of all the available data (comment > NOT TRUE AS NO DATA WAS AVAILABLE !)
TGA COVID 19 Vaccine PRODUCT INFORMATION – First Approval 16 February, 2021 – Date of Revision 8 April, 2021 – NO DATA AVAILABLE FOR SAFETY & EFFICACY ! No data available on anything !
Also in Vaccines Graphene Hydroxide/Graphene Oxide >