Australia’s failing multicultural experiment

by ALEXANDRA MARSHALLTHE claim that “Australia is the most successful multicultural nation in the world” appears to be the dream that never was. 

That is not to say that multi-ethnicity doesn’t work. Australia has been an immensely successful multi-ethnic nation welcoming dispossessed people from history’s tragedies. 

A federation of tribes is one of the chief reasons why nations within the African continent are in trouble – not colonialism. Politicians thrive off disunity and seek power by inciting outrage.

But that success has only endured while citizens operated under the coherent Australian dream of shared values, shared culture and shared desires for the future.

An Australian is someone who holds Australia at the centre of their heart and who would fight to defend Australia against the nations of their ancestry, regardless of how distant.


Any other view relegates citizens to the status of a hotel guest, ready to leave if the weather changes.

Australia has welcomed each migrant family on the understanding that their country of birth must be left behind.

Their ancient religious grudges – forgotten. Incompatible features of their culture – stopped. Previous wars and skirmishes – rendered irrelevant. Once a migrant lifts their hand and swears the oath, Australia becomes their past, present, and future.

Some have called this ‘assimilation’ – it is better described as common sense.

Even former Prime Minister John Howard, held up as the bluest of Blue Ribbon conservatives even though he is (controversially) not a Trumpian, said at Jordan Peterson’s ARC conference in 2023:

“Multiculturalism is a concept that I’ve always had trouble with. I take the view that if people want to emigrate to a country, then they adopt the values and practices of that country,” Mr Howard said.

“And in return, they’re entitled to have the host citizenry respect their culture without trying to create some kind of federation of tribes and cultures – you get into terrible trouble with that.”

Correct. A federation of tribes is one of the chief reasons why nations within the African continent are in trouble – not colonialism.

Drill down into the violence. Go through history. Their issues predate the occupation of both Europe and antiquity. Wildly different tribes fight, whether they are small groups or whole nations. Embracing socialism tends to spread fuel over simmering thoughts of revenge and State cruelty.

Former Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating, famous for presiding over interest rates which crippled the middle class and destroyed the Australian dream for millions of poverty-stricken families, seemed happy to disavow the birthright of Australians based on race saying:

“I have always believed this is their [Aboriginal] country, they are right to claim the legitimacy of their occupation of it, and wanting to be in the colonial constitution of their colonial dispossessors was, I thought, a capitulation on that point.”

That is not how a leader of the nation should speak about its people or the promise of equality.

Mind you, Paul Keating has been rightly criticised for his fondness of China at the expense of our most stable and powerful ally, America.

As for respecting Indigenous sovereignty, Mr Keating did not extend his sympathy to Taiwan, saying that the native people of Taiwan are “sitting on Chinese real estate”.

The point made here is to clarify that those who preach multiculturalism or chide Australia for its colonial history rarely hold to their ideological point in the face of neighbouring socialist regimes whose leadership they appear to admire, despite Australia’s colonial democracy and Christian work ethic having a vastly superior record of peace, prosperity and liberty.


Australians are looking to Donald Trump and Trumpism because they are fed up with political leaders picking fault with Australia and refusing to acknowledge the origin of Australia’s success.

They are angry about the outright re-writing of Australia’s history, falsely labelled as Truth Telling, to demonise hard-working ancestors as monsters to satisfy modern socialist policy whose ultimate aim is not the unification of Australia but rather the theft of its wealth under the banner of “grievance”.

Australia must be the only nation partially built by shackle-bound English slaves interred for the most minor of infractions who were then retrospectively branded as oppressors.

Are oppressors in the habit of building granite jails for themselves? Socialism and social justice did not build this country.

Socialism would have killed Australia in its crib. The simple practice of being thankful for the meagre offerings of life and working selflessly to make the nation better for the next generation, is the reason we are here today. Sacrifice. Endurance. And quiet gratitude.

That is the past. Let us look to the future.

No one forces migrants to come to Australia, so if they choose to, it is more than reasonable – not racist – not bigoted – for the citizens of Australia to set a high bar for behaviour.

And yes, if migrants do not behave in a civil and peaceful manner, or fail to adhere to Western values, they should be asked to leave. There is no moral responsibility for Australians to house dangerous guests. That is an invention of politicians who thrive off disunity and seek power by inciting outrage.

Damaging Australian peace damages the Australian dream for everyone, including other migrants who come here seeking safety.

It is impossible to turn Australia into a life raft for the world if you let people on board with knives and an inclination to stab.

“Multiculturalism” is a Left-wing ideological policy based on the fallacy that all cultures are equal, all countries are wonderful and all religions can play happily together.

A theory negated by mass migration itself. The other side of multiculturalism is the denigration of Western culture as an excuse for migrants to avoid adopting it. This is an attempt to weaponise history against the future.

If you think about what multiculturalism achieves politically, it is the steady destruction of the Christian capitalist democracy in favour of socialism thanks to the cultural origin of the government’s preferred migrants.

It is my suspicion that this is why the South African farmers were rejected and why the government goes out of its way to deport English migrants while ignoring convicted criminals from other cultures.

Multiculturalism encourages separatism, festers ancient grudges and sets the stage for migrants – stewing in the crucible of isolation – to act out the worst aspects of their culture.


We have been warned about this by leaders in the regions they came from. That is why extremists seem to behave worse in the West than they do in their homeland.

They are coddled by a frightened Left-wing class of politicians, activists – and the media – who seem to think any failure of behaviour from migrant communities represents a failure of them specifically for preaching a political philosophy that doesn’t work.

Every successful nation in human history (that you would want to live in) has a deeply loyal and coherent culture. Culture, not ethnicity.

Most great empires that fell did so because they were overrun by warring tribes after opening their gates to the “empire”.

I may not be religious, but part of the historical power of religion is the way it unifies tribes. Australia must be the chief religion of the political class.

The above essay came to me as I listened to Coalition Senator Hollie Hughes being interviewed on The World According to Rowan Dean on Friday night. She was asked, “Has Australia failed at multiculturalism?”

“Absolutely,” she replied. “Without a shadow of a doubt … the obsession with multiculturalism has actually established a more ghettoised system in our nation.

“And everyone knows, particularly around the major cities, that there are areas that have become really focused around one particular culture or region and that is taking away … when we look back to when the Italian and Greek communities really migrated to Australia after the world wars, when we even saw the Vietnamese come after the Vietnam war, they really embraced the Australian spirit. The Jewish community always.

“But instead we have seen with some of the newer migrant groups coming to Australia refusing to embrace our way of life and become Australian and in fact, what I think is most disturbing, hate our way of life. Hate Western values. And hate anyone who reflects Western values. And that is just not who we are.’

‘Everyone knows…” This is the observation that will tip the election for the first political Party to make a firm policy rather than soft words that have no consequence.

Senator Hughes is giving a flowers and roses view of previous migrant intakes.

The New York Times described the situation in Sydney following the intake of refugees from Vietnam and, certainly, Australians living in the area had every right to be angry about the imported clash of cultures and crime wave that followed.

The 5T gang was a criminal enterprise of Vietnamese refugees named after five Vietnamese words that translate to: Love, Money, Prison, Punishment and Death.

Fixing this self-inflicted social disaster took a firm hand, and even now, Cabramatta still has a problem with crime, driven by transport offences, theft, justice offences, drug use and assault.

The problem the West faces today – on the back of massive immigration from the Middle East – is creating civil unrest that dwarfs that of the 1970s in large part because cultural problems are being encouraged and exploited by academics, politicians and the media at large.

Senator Hughes was asked if universities had become hotbeds of radicalisation: “How much blame do they have for pandering to what could arguably be the extremist elements within our ethnic communities?”

She replied: “We have seen this pandering to institutions for a substantial period of time. We have seen it before October 7, where they have had anti-semitic views and refused to embrace sponsorship from Israeli organisations or part of their BDS movement.

“This has been part of the Left-wing hatred for a very very ong time. I went to university. You went to learn to expand your mind. To find information. To be able to debate issues and to recognise when you are wrong. To help your views shape and form themselves and to understand different perspectives.

“Our children aren’t being taught that anymore. They are being indoctrinated. And they are being indoctrinated from a very young age. That needs to stop.


“Federal funding needs to be seriously reviewed when it comes to a lot of these organisations. There is no better way for them to change than to turn the tap of federal funding off.”

To this, I have a question for the Coalition.

The indoctrination of Australia’s children in the university system has been going on for decades. The Coalition have been in power federally for a large part of this time, and in power in NSW, at least, for sweeping portions of this socialist revolution.

If the Coalition are aware that funding can fix this problem and protect the future of Australia and its people, why didn’t they propose this when they were in a position to do so?

Why do we only hear conservatives promise to fix cultural problems when they are in opposition, but never when they are in power?

The socialist rot and the escalation of multicultural philosophy happened, in large part, under their watch.

Let’s be frank, it happened because the Coalition were frightened of bad press and an academic revolution against them.

They lacked the courage that Donald Trump has shown and now all they can do is vaguely point in the direction of America and hope Australians translate Trump’s strength onto a conservative Party that is too frightened to send its Leader to open the Australian CPAC conference in case it is accused of being Right-wing.

Australian conservatives have to find strength and coherency within themselves if they want to lead a Party of strength. I hope they do.PC

– Alexandra Marshall, The Spectator Australia

Alexandra Marshall is an independent writer. If you would like to support her work, shout her a coffee over at donor-box.


MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: courtesy Diversity Australia)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Spectator Australia on February 16, 2025. Re-used with permission.

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