At least grandkids will never know what they lost

by PAUL COLLITS – AUSTRALIANS will have to get used to a different Australia. The old one has gone. Free speech is gone – and the only consolation is that our grandchildren will know no difference. 

Two depressing stories have emerged suggesting that the bad guys have won, and that we are screwed. Two stories from very different areas of the hell hole that is now the West. 

Once you have a sizeable and growing Muslim population, containment is the only option – stopping all further Muslim immigration. But how likely is that?

First, there was the estimable Peter Smith at Quadrant magazine: “We are where we are. And there is no way out.” 

His article was titled “Australia by the Will of Allah”. 


Then, over at The Brownstone Institute, there are two contributions on other matters:

While there was little chance Fauci would face severe consequences for his actions, at the very least a Congressional hearing might have provided some answers or incriminating statements. Now, we likely won’t even get that.

And this: “RFK Jr’s confirmation is a symbolic repudiation of the most egregious public policies on record. And yet, the repudiation is entirely implicit: there has been no commission, no admission of error, no one truly held responsible and no real accountability.

These comments came from Ian Miller and Jeffrey Tucker, respectively. They are not that hopeful.

We can’t vote our way out of this mess.

Here is Quadrant’s Peter Smith: “Muslims are the problem. Not innately as people. But simply because they are beholden to a toxic creed.

“This means, somewhat like the scorpion in the fable, that they are ever prone to living out that creed – which is bad news for non-Muslims, whether Jews or Christians or Hindus or whatever.

“And let us not forget homosexuals and, of course, women. As Mark Steyn astutely observed; “I will be alright. I’ll just grow my beard longer’.”

Naming the problem, however, does not solve it.

To go to Mark Steyn again; he reportedly said of the UK’s Muslim problem that voting cannot solve it. It is not like a fiscal deficit or a mad Bowen renewable-energy scheme.


Once you have a sizeable growing Muslim population, containment is the only option – stopping all further Muslim immigration. But how likely is that? Not very.

The same ilk of political and public service classes who have sold Australian and all Western populations down the river over the decades are still in charge.

It would be satisfying to try them all for treachery but that too would solve nothing.

This is gloomy reading. It suggests that they have won.

Who is the “they”?

Within western democracies, “they” is the establishment who pull the strings of the political class and all their puppets: journalists, academics, churches, NGO, bureaucrats millennials and zoomers, mainly.

All captured by woke neo-Marxist ideology and a determination to crush sources of traditional virtue and values.

Internationally, the “they” are:

  • Colonialist Muslims bent on intifada and the anal rape of hundreds, possibly thousands of young teenage Brit girls;
  • The Chinese Communist Party, using the tools of capitalist imperialism to achieve global economic capture;
  • Supranational bodies out to destroy the sovereignty of nations and remove democratic accountability from the earth; and
  • The globalist class of financiers, corporates and lunatic billionaires who are no longer satisfied with getting filthy rich, but wish to control the world and all the people in it. And, in the future, there will be far fewer people to control.

All these bad actors work with one another in different combinations on various projects to advance a new world order. And they are all upstream from politicians and far removed from voters. Hence the truism – we cannot vote our way out of this.

The puppeteers have achieved their objectives, largely. They have enlisted faithful cadres and placed them in the field.

They have made massive gains across all sector of society – workplaces in particular. And they have silenced dissent. This is continuing, even accelerating. Like through Australia’s latest hate speech laws.

Changes of government hardly move the needle a jot. There are plenty of moderate Rightists largely doing the bidding of the progressive and neocon establishments, too.


On the other hand, there are lots of great alt-media sources, working hard. There are standout minor Party politicians. Not many, of course.

But none of these are shifting the powers-that-be off their lofty perches. They are not achieving cut-through and, as COVID showed, most people in Australia and elsewhere are very contented and go along to get along.

Populating these key global institutions with puppets and foot soldiers has only taken half a century. Good Lord.

What about Trump, some will argue? Isn’t he proof that resistance can work? That they haven’t won? We shall see.

He has only been there a month. They still want to kill him. And one day the Democrats will win again, and will set out to destroy whatever Trump’s legacy proves to be.

So, our friend Peter Smith might well have a point. Not just about Muslim immigration’s irreversibility and consequences for the West, but about us losing everything.

The Old Australia certainly has gone, and I don’t see a way back. We are now populated by people who have no desire to “call Australia home”.

Another source of optimism might be said to include the person of JD Vance, who has just delivered a nuclear bomb of a speech at a conference in Munich.

The audience, and more broadly, European leaders, were shitting themselves.

Vance is a soldier in what people simplistically call the culture wars. He should not be underestimated, though. He absolutely means business.

He is currently taking on the might of the worst pope in Catholic history, for example. All power to him. He and St Augustine are right. Bergoglio is wrong.

President 48 will be a force to be reckoned with for the next generation, at least. JD is a man of the big picture. A little like his boss, but with his own brand of excellence and impact.

As I said, time will tell whether their optimism is warranted.

Then there is the ultimate optimism.

We will all die one day, including the bad guys, and there will be something more and greater in the next life, beyond the reach of the principalities of evil.

That is the ultimate hope, as outlined in the Gospels and more recently by the hope theorists, German philosopher Joseph Pieper and Joseph Ratzinger (aka Pope Benedict XVI). We’ll not have Faucis and Muslims bothering us then, I would think.PC

Paul Collits

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Immigration Minister Andrew Giles. (courtesy Daily Mail)

2 thoughts on “At least grandkids will never know what they lost

  1. On a more optimistic note…
    “Groups representing many of Australia’s biggest businesses defeated a plan that would have required all companies listed on the share market to guarantee women board seats and potentially promote employees based on their race, sexuality, disability, economic background or religious beliefs.
    The proposals were contained in a new rulebook for public companies written by a quasi-official organisation known as the ASX Corporate Governance Council.”


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