‘Small child’ Biden fed pills to stay alert, supervised by Dr Jill

US PRESIDENT Joe Biden’s cognitive function was so far gone that he was fed pills by staff supervised by his wife Jill to be able to function during the 2020 presidential campaign–and still is to this day, according to a report Friday by Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson: “How did he manage to get through the campaign? Well, it turned out, we learned later his staff, supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance–checking the time and at a certain hour giving him a dose of something. Now it’s not a guess, we’re not making that up. We’ve spoken directly to someone who was there and saw it happen multiple times. Now, before taking the medications this person said, Biden was quote ‘Like a small child. You could not communicate with him, he changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs.’ Someone’s pushing, we don’t know what those drugs are. We should know.”

Carlson opened the segment talking about former White House physician Ronny Jackson in 2020 calling for Biden to take a cognitive test and being rebuked via email within minutes by Barack Obama. Jackson is now a Republican Congressman from Texas.

Barack Obama wrote me a scathing email because I said something that was a THREAT to his party’s control. Democrats KNEW Biden’s cognitive decline was too severe, and the party did EVERYTHING they could to SHUT ME UP. Great segment @TuckerCarlson! You’re speaking the TRUTH! pic.twitter.com/482749WMel

— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) July 16, 2022

Excerpt from CNN report on Obama trying to get Jackson to stop questioning Biden’s mental condition.

…Jackson retweeted a video of Biden with the message: “Remember the cognitive test that I gave @realDonaldTrump? The one he aced! Sounds like somebody else might need some testing done!! Scary!!”

Jackson received an email from Obama shortly after. The email is included in Jackson’s yet-to-be-released memoir titled “Holding the Line: A Lifetime of Defending Democracy and American Values.”

I have made a point of not commenting on your service in my successor’s administration and have always spoken highly of you both in public and in private. You always served me and my family well, and I have considered you not only a fine doctor and service member but also a friend,” Obama said in the email.

Obama added: “That’s why I have to express my disappointment at the cheap shot you took at Joe Biden via Twitter. It was unprofessional and beneath the office that you once held. It was also disrespectful to me and the many friends you had in our administration. You were the personal physician to the President of the United States as well as an admiral in the U.S. Navy. I expect better, and I hope upon reflection that you will expect more of yourself in the future.”

Jackson called on Biden to resign this week, “Biden won’t finish his term. EVERYONE knows he’s unfit for the job. His mind is too far gone. This can’t go on any longer. He needs to RESIGN!:

Biden won’t finish his term. EVERYONE knows he’s unfit for the job. His mind is too far gone. This can’t go on any longer. He needs to RESIGN!

— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) July 14, 2022

The post Biden Fed Pills to Function During Campaign, Supervised by Dr. Jill; Before Dosing Biden Was ‘Like a Small Child’: Tucker Carlson Source appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Biden requires heavy drugs to remain awake…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH:  Joe Biden. (courtesy USA Today)

16 thoughts on “‘Small child’ Biden fed pills to stay alert, supervised by Dr Jill

  1. Who knows the truth of these allegations. Better that he be propped up rather than Kamala Harris take over. We should be careful what we wish for, before he’s put in a home.

    1. “Who the hell is Noel Jones?”

      He’s like a mentally-challenged nobody, only not quite as bright and much less important.

    2. Noel Jones backs Australia, unlike you spinless little colonials, hiding behind another country’s queen, desperately inventing ‘reasons’ why it’s all we deserve.

    1. Australia’s head of state is too old and too frail to come to Australia, yet clings to her birthright for grim death. It is a farce.

      1. The Australian Constitution has given the Australian people a Christian Constitutional Monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II is the Sovereign of Australia, but the Australian Constitution delegates all of the Monarch’s power to the Governor General, who is the practical Head of State of the Commonwealth of Australia.

        Some people are working to change Australia’s political system to a Secular Republic, with a President as the Head of State. The present Australian system of Westminister style of government, through the reserve powers of the Sovereign, as exercised by the Governor General, ensures that there is no concentration of power in one person or institution, as is the case in most of the Republics around the world.

        This site has been prepared by members of the community. We are concerned that Australians are being encouraged to change our Constitution without really knowing what we are changing from. We are also concerned that many do not understand the implications of such proposals as a presidential system of government without a Governor General and without a Sovereign as Queen of Australia.

        The Constitution belongs to the People of Australia, not the politicians. Australia was the first country to choose its Constitution by free, uncoerced and peaceful means. It has enabled Australians, for over 100 years, to enjoy a continuous period of liberty envied the world over.

        1. The monarch is the UK’s head of state. The GG is the monarch’s appointed representative.

          The GG is appointed by, acts for, and answers to the monarch. They are not equal. They can never be peers.

          So if the GG is HoS, Australia must be inferior and subordinate to the UK, because Australia’s HoS answers to the UK’s HoS.

          You colonial grovellers haven’t thought this through, have you.

      2. No, I said Australia’s the head of state, not the monarch’s appointed representative.

        1. “Before Australia was a nation, it was a collection of British colonies. Each had its own written constitution, parliament and laws. When these colonies joined together to form Australia, a constitutional monarchy system of government was chosen for the new country very similar to those of the colonies.

          Australia, like Britain, is a constitutional monarchy. The Queen is Australia’s head of state and acts in accordance with the Australian Constitution. In Australia, the powers of the Queen have been delegated to her representative, the Governor-General.

          As well as being a constitutional monarchy, Australia is also a representative democracy. This means the people vote for delegates to represent them in Parliament. In Australia, members of parliament are elected to the Senate and the House of Representatives to represent the Australian people and make laws on their behalf.”

          A Governor General is appointed on the recommendation of the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia. The Constitution of Australia.

          1. Who is the UK’s head of state?
            And are you really saying the GG is equal too, and a peer of the UK’s head of state – their diplomatic equivalent – as a fellow head of state?
            And, separately, why do you lie about the constitution?

    1. The GG is appointed by the monarch, acts for the monarch, answers to the monarch, swears allegiance to the monarch, takes instructions from the moanrch, can be over ruled by the monarch, and serves only at the pleasure of the monarch.

      How can they be equal? How can they be peers, as fellow heads of state?

      You foolish colonials need to think a bit about your idiotic debating tactics.

      Oh, and please stop lying about the constitution.

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