![COVID riches tied to forced vaccination](https://politicom.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Gladys-Berejiklian-riches-300x500-1.jpg)
by PAUL COLLITS – IS FORCED vaccination the inevitable outcome of the hidden relationships between elected governments, their officials and industry? The governments of Australia, which have invested heavily in vaccines, continue to bully people into getting the jab, threatening their jobs and their families and using the media to bombard the people with vaccine propaganda.
I HAVE previously written of the largesse provided to Australian universities by big pharma, Bill Gates and Tik Tok (an arm of Beijing) for medical research, especially relating to vaccine development.
A number of the academics in receipt of career opportunities continue to give advice to governments on the need to roll out vaccines at “warp speed”, including for children.
- Governments of Australia continue to bully people into getting the jab.
- The media has picked a side and demonises anyone who questions officials.
- It’s time to ask why!
The governments of Australia, which have invested heavily in vaccines, continue to bully people into getting the jab, threatening their jobs and their families and using the media to bombard the people with vaccine propaganda.
We know about the connections between the professor husband of Queensland’s Chief Health Officer and incoming Governor and Pfizer. Another example of the university-pharma industrial complex.
One blogger commented: “… no wonder she promotes the political jab.”
A conflict of interest, or merely the inevitable outcome of the client-servant relationships between elected governments and their officials and industry?
These close inter-connections are not new. But they are especially galling for cowed and bewildered citizens in the age of COVID tyranny who are right now being threatened with losing their jobs and being excluded from normal society – like being allowed to see their families – if they don’t take the vaccine.
In normal times, when accountability meant something, revelations such as these would necessitate anyone involved standing down from a public position.
Now, with so many in and around our incestuous government system so invested in the vaccine solution, things like the Jeanette Young affair become par for the course.
Victorian CHO Brett Sutton’s sister-in-law is Jane Halton, Australia’s high-flying international big pharma girl and Bill Gates’ right-hand-woman in driving the global push for universal vaccination.
A number of new claims, however, have recently emerged about the worryingly close relationships between the COVID State, in particular its Party-political arm, and pharmaceutical companies.
First, Clive Palmer set the feline among the pigeons in his recent press conference welcoming the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s threatened legal action against United Australia Party leader Craig Kelly.
Palmer referred to an unnamed lobbyist in NSW being in receipt of millions of dollars in fees from big pharma.
As reported by Cairns News: In a press conference on Tuesday Palmer dropped a bomb on the NSW Liberals and the … role of a political lobbyist being paid tens of millions of dollars by Pfizer and AstraZeneca. The same lobbyist, says Palmer, … is… [pressuring] Gladys Berejiklian to … push the vaccines.
The minister most closely involved with the vaccine rollout in NSW certainly wants to do the right thing by Pfizer.
“There is not enough Pfizer in NSW,” says NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard.
Talk about singing from the same hymn sheet. Hazzard’s performance as chief tormentor of the Sydney innocent has been noted by many for its delusional, almost manic pro-vaxx behaviour that would be a concern were it someone we cherished.
Cheering Pfizer on may not be advisable.
That, by the way, would be the same Pfizer that has just sought permission from the Federal Drug Administration in the USA to jab babies as young as six months of age with an experimental drug that is still years away from anything but emergency approval.
Our friend from Melbourne, Professor Tony Blakely, of course, is a fan of jabbing young children, with absolutely no medical justification.
Once upon a time, we would have called this insane.
It is the same Pfizer that settled a legal case in 2009 for $2.3b (which included a $1.3b criminal fine) under the USA’s False Claims Act, for “kickbacks and off-label promotion”.
The faith in Pfizer displayed by Mr Hazzard is widely shared by the great and the good.
It turns out that Pfizer has chic-cred. Pfizer is fashionable. America’s Leftist Slate magazine terms Pfizer the “status vax” and refers to the “Pfizer superiority complex” and the “double-dosed Pfizer elites”.
Next is the case of Peter Costello, once the darling of the Victorian Liberal Party and, in the view of John Howard, Australia’s greatest treasurer.
The position of Peter Costello and the Channel 9 pro-vaxx campaign is instructive, and suggests (at best) a massive conflict of interest.
Mr Costello is chairman of Nine and chairman of the board of the Future Fund, which he himself established. (It was created in 2006 as a sovereign wealth fund to pay for then unfunded public service superannuation. Ergo, it is “owned” by the Australian taxpayer).
Channel 9, along with the Murdoch press, is leading the charge on vaccinations, and Costello’s Future Fund is also heavily invested in big pharma.
According to the Informed Medical Option Party (IMOP): “If you have been watching Channel 9 on TV, you would have seen their latest ‘get the shot’ promo that uses celebrities to convince Australian’s to ‘Get Vaccinated’ in order to ‘return to normal’.
Did you know that the chairman of Nine Entertainment is former Coalition treasurer Peter Costello, who is also chairman on the Board of Guardians of the Future Fund, an Australian government investment fund with over $2b worth of shares in pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers ie CSL, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis and Merck.
Since June 2019, the Future Fund’s investment in pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturers has increased fromabout $1.7b to $2.5b (as at June 2020) during the coronavirus containment measures.
Nine Entertainment own newspapers The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun Herald, that were and are, responsible for “anti-vax” labelling and shaming in order to suppress critics and criticism of inappropriate vaccination.
$309m worth of Facebook shares are also listed in the Future Fund portfolio, and it is notable that Facebook is now hindering Australians’ free discussion of matters relevant to vaccine products and policy with its self-appointed “fact-checkers”.
In a sublime case of the virtuous circle, governments indemnify vaccine manufacturers, as well as making the take-up of the vaccines all-but-compulsory.
And then there are the never-ending booster jabs that everyone in the world will be forced to take. To keep their jobs.
The companies make a shed-load of money. The Future Fund invests in big pharma. Ergo, the Future Fund makes lots of money. Endlessly. No wonder Peter Costello loves the vaxx.
Merely a coincidence of interests? There is a widely shared interest in the vaccine rollout, despite all the manifest, unchallenged evidence that vaccines do not prevent infection and spread of viruses – that apparently, very oddly, is no longer considered the job of vaccines.
But they do cause harm, sometimes death, in those jabbed, and they likely increase the spread of COVID, though they reduce symptoms and death (no bad thing), and finally, for most people, they are simply not needed, since this virus harms few in the population.
Yet every single player in the game of COVID theatre – save the poor despised punters – has a vested interest in the great rollout.
Universities. Media. Governments. Bureaucrats. Lobbyists. Kame shock jocks. Two-bit blogging midwits. Supranational institutions. Alleged crooks like Fauci. Curtain twitchers. Big Tech fact checkers, and assorted partners of the global digital identity push. The social media Pfizer army. Bill Gates. You name it, everyone with anything to do with big brother is cheering for the vaccine. Everyone’s a winner, baby, and that’s no lie.
The default hypothesis here – conspiracy (a semi-coordinated collaboration of differently invested interests) and not stupidity – reflects the view of the well-known television detective, “I don’t believe in coincidences”.
The extreme COVID policies that have been rolled out that hover between the absurd and the sinister on a daily basis strongly suggest that malign forces are driving governance in Australia.
Is it mere coincidence that the government in Canberra moved in August to amend legislation to protect the Future Fund from Freedom of Information probes? It is very convenient, certainly.
The Guardian reported recently: “The Coalition is attempting to shield the activities of the Future Fund from freedom of information laws less than a year after revelations it invested in an Adani company criticised for its dealings with the Myanmar military.
“… Any Future Fund document that discusses ‘past, current or proposed investment strategies’ would be kept from public view, as would records that show investing amounts, or mention the fund’s evaluation of potential or current investments and investment managers, according to a document explaining the bill.
Naïve people should never underestimate the lengths to which governments will go to cover up inconvenient truths, including truths about conflicts of interest and murky relationships with business.
On the issue of conflicts of interest, the Concerned Lawyers Network, in a letter to Daniel Andrews in November 2020, nailed it: “There are serious conflicts of interest between some representatives of government, appointed health officials and taskforces, and pharmaceutical corporations and global interests that prioritise their own profits and control, instead of the health interests of Australians.”
The inter-connections and the deals between governments, universities, the legacy media, pharmaceutical companies, big tech and international “philanthropy” are massive.
COVID has revealed just some of them.
It always does well to “follow the money” as an explanation for the actions of politicians.
Each party to the conflicted partnerships has something that the other party or parties need.
The vaccine manufacturers and doctors need indemnification against the otherwise inevitable law suits that would follow the hundreds of thousands of (delightfully phrased) “adverse reactions” to the jab.
The governments, having cluelessly bought the line in March 2020 from the men in white coats that vaccinations provided the only way out (for them, of course), have stuck to their guns when every piece of scientific evidence available shows they are either fools or liars.
The media needs the panic. Big tech needs the power to censor the world. The puppet masters need the people to be afraid. This is the war not meant to be “won”, merely, like the “war on terror”, fought forever.
Adam Smith was well and truly onto crony capitalism, even using the dreaded C word (conspiracy): “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
In these times of heightened crony capitalism, raising prices is the least of our worries.
Smith faced mercantilism in embryonic form. The COVID epidemic has provided every man and his dog with anything to do with policy-making a turbo-charged incentive to expand his pie and/or his power at the expense of the citizenry.
Some wise people have termed this “convergent opportunism”. (I believe the first to use the term was Mike Yeadon).
Big government – and government has never been bigger in history than now – is cronyism central. And so many institutions and individuals have an interest in keeping COVID theatre going, possibly forever.
We see a coalescing of interests, certainly, but worse, the development of mutual dependence and mutual advantage.
The opportunities for totalitarianism, too, are everywhere in the age of COVID’S vertical and horizontal “policy communities” – to put it at its politest – and which politician can resist?
It is a perfect storm. And interconnected, corporatist government now has the power of technology, the tools of censorship and surveillance, to drive the totalitarianism, in ways that even Hitler didn’t have open to him.
It is the reach of the COVID State into every corner of society that makes it so lethal and insidious.
It can track you anywhere. It is a panopticon. It brings to any government with the will to use it, in Clint Eastwood’s phrase, “absolute power”.
Hence the danger of someone like the NSW Minister for Digital, Victor Dominello, even though his name wasn’t on the actual roadmap document.
Interconnected government has been analysed before in a modern context, specifically by public choice economists such as Nobel Prize winner (1986) James Buchanan and his colleague Gordon Tulloch.
Public choice theory exposed the private interests of public officials, and as such provides a continuing explanation of public sector decision-making. Moreover, it should come as no surprise.
Jane Shaw at the Library of Economics and Liberty has a succinct summary of public choice theory: “Public choice takes the same principles that economists use to analyse people’s actions in the marketplace and applies them to people’s actions in collective decision making.
“Economists who study behaviour in the private marketplace assume that people are motivated mainly by self-interest. Although most people base some of their actions on their concern for others, the dominant motive in people’s actions in the marketplace – whether they are employers, employees, or consumers – is a concern for themselves.
“Public choice economists make the same assumption – that although people acting in the political marketplace have some concern for others, their main motive, whether they are voters, politicians, lobbyists or bureaucrats, is self-interest.”
In Buchanan’s words the theory “replaces … romantic and illusory … notions about the workings of governments [with] … notions that embody more scepticism”.
Once you understand public choice theory, you get totally the reason for the existence of both crony capitalism and convergent opportunism, especially during a time of crisis.
Not for nothing did Rahm Israel Emanuel articulate his famous dictum, “never let a crisis go to waste”. In this system, there is really no such thing as a “conflict of interest”.
Politicians, their servants and their paymasters are almost always motivated by self-interest and almost never grounded in the desire to do public service, whatever they may say at pre-selection time and in front of the cameras.
This has been shockingly so during the lockdowns and now with the vaccine apartheid coming very, very shortly.
That politicians already well known for their self-interest – at least by those familiar with public choice theory – would actually crush the lives and spirits of their own citizens, having already taken their jobs, their silly enjoyments and their hopes for the future, without so much as an apology, is a truly shattering experience for most of us. Or it should be.
Anyone but anyone who has worked in government knows this.
The blind acceptance of all that governments of every colour say and do in relation to COVID, and of the efficacy of every last non-pharmaceutical intervention in managing COVID, has been a revelation and an enduring legacy of these times.
So, there you have it. A State that is totally interconnected with every institution in society, with all players self-interested and mutually dependent, trading favours, scratching one another’s backs, with the reach of big government’s tentacles and the power provided by surveillance technology.
Throw in a shared globalist ideology and its attendant supranational institutions, and you have, well, contemporary, totalitarian Australia. Technocratic rule.
Yes, all the while the punters go along, so long as they have, in the brilliant words of Stuart Lindsay (at Quadrant Online): “Netflix, a full belly and a warm place to defecate.”
Normally, you would expect all sorts to resist crony capitalism and call it out, but in these times, no way.
The media is fine with it. Not a skerrick of investigative journalism to be found, certainly anywhere where the journalist has a corporate boss. So are all opposition Parties in every Australian jurisdiction.
They are simply sitting out the era of COVID, despite the simply massive opportunities to oppose what is happening.
At best, they are down in the weeds, picking away at issues of no import whatsoever.
So is the ideological Left, astonishingly, as it daily goes about the business of defending the actions of crony capitalism, big pharma and Liberal-led governments.
So is almost everyone, alas, in this nation without character.PC
Massive corruption and conflicts of interest with governments and Vic government is seriously corrupted with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and the ties association. Partnership membership with mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Victoria global health and huge revolving doors and with that it becomes serious crimes when they pull the mandates caper.
All mandates and all other tyrannical actions by governments must be abolished now and forever more.
Bloody criminals. !!!
Black sheep Mesiti exposes the woke Rev. Costello’s “social justice by vaccination” crusade | Cairns News
THE Rev. Tim Costello and his brother the former Treasurer Peter Costello, are up to their eyeballs in big pharma’s insane “global vaccination” drive. While one Costello beats the drum to “share the vaccines with our poor neighbours” the other keenly watches over the vaccine profits rolling on in.
Rev. Tim Costello cunningly co-opted major church denominations into a vaccination crusade.
The former Treasurer these days is making sure the Australian Future Fund ($149 billion in assets) is raking in tens of millions from its big pharma and “medical research” investments, while his woke Baptist brother Tim is making sure those shots are distributed far and wide with generous support from the Aussie taxpayers – all in the name of “regional social justice” and “vaccine equity” of course.
Excelⅼent write-up. I definitely love this site.
Keep wгiting!
vendor of chemical
Probably not, John, until we toss out Mr Gobalist’s genocidal Climate-Covid narratives now culling our numbers.
Unless we the people boycott our set-us-up-again-to-fail electoral system we’re wasting our time staving off globalist dictatorship.
Lessons aplenty to learn from 2020’s stolen US Presidential election.
Why not a referendum first asking Australians the obvious question: yes or no to remaining on the psychotic, sociopathic globalist bandwagon that over the decades has landed us in our current hell?
Fanciful, may be, but there’s evidence aplenty now reaching millions around the world to topple this horror-house of cards
So? Is Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer going to be a force to be reckoned with in this next election for truth and Integrity, maybe with some backing from One Nation to rid our state and country of the crooks currently robbing us all?
It is up to us to get behind the minor parties. Help, donate, volunteer. It is up to the minor parties to find common ground, support each other and work out preferences. Only by a real concerted effort all round will we see any change.
And this is EXACTLY why we are doomed to failure. The minor conservative parties are like a bunch of seagulls fighting over a chip. Each one trying to malign the other for the crumbs left on the table by the duopoly. Only Palmer has the resources to mount a serious independent challenge & frankly I don’t trust his motives nor his politics. Let’s not forget his first tilt that left us with a clueless ex footballer, Ricky Muir the car enthusiast & the lowest of the low Jacqui Lambie.
I have said this form the beginning of all this but it is not just isolated to COVID. In NSW the state Government has been selling public assets and investing in private companies to their benefit and to our detriment. Follow the money and you will find the real virus and its cause. The definition of insanity is voting the same and expecting different results.
No, the real insanity is thinking that the way you vote will change anything at all. The division between the major parties in this preferential voting system is to merely create the illusion that you can choose.
Brilliant article, explains a lot of what is going on. Will post it to some friends. There are a lot of so-called elites who are going to ‘fall’ one day when word gets out who they are connected to and how much money they got paid. It’s called Greed or self-interest as you said. Those pushing these vaccines should be brought to account and punished one day. They should know it’s a conflict of interest. The electoral commission clamps down on unreported donation/payments etc. How come these elites are getting away with it? And we aren’t allowed to tell people or publish our views on the vax for misleading the public. Those elites are the ones misleading the public.
Follow the money and you will find a putrid trail to the swamp. Follow the money to the corruption of Australian governments -> https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/vaccination-and-the-media-conflicts-of-interest-in-australia/
I have said this from the start . Old Indian saying . Follow the cigar smoke and you find the fat man there .
Spot On.