by ALEXANDER VOLTZ – LABOR PM Anthony Albanese’s reckless appointment of Matt Thistlethwaite as Assistant Minister for Defence, Veterans’ Affairs and the Republic has infuriated many veterans and defence personnel.
Mr Albanese’s move has been called an “egregious insult”, effectively insinuating Australia’s defence personnel swore a meaningless oath to some foreign monarch.

- For the Minister for the Republic to also be responsible for those who have sworn allegiance to the Crown is oxymoronic.
- Thistlethwaite’s appointment little more than a cruel contradiction.
- Petition underway to have Minister for the Republic removed.
“As Queen of Australia, Her Majesty has faithfully served our country with great distinction over the past seventy years,” Australian Monarchist League spokesman Jeremy Mann said.
“Australia’s defence force personnel proudly swear their allegiance to our noble and dignified Monarch, who is represented by the Governor-General.
“Would republicans and Mr Thistlethwaite prefer that servicemen swear their allegiance to Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, or to the hateful, anti-Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe?”
Mr Mann said that Mr Thistlethwaite’s appointment was little more than a gross hypocrisy coming at the expense of the taxpayer.
“This is a very sickening situation of irony, whereby we have a Minister of the Crown sworn in to remove that Crown and tear up our Constitution,” he said.
“Many Australians have sacrificed their lives in conflict proudly serving our Sovereign under the Australian national flag.
“Fighting under the Australian Crown, the people of our defence force have demonstrated their utmost commitment to the values of freedom, democracy and egalitarianism as espoused by our nation’s Constitution.
“The decision to appoint an Assistant Minister for the non-existent ‘republic’, especially during Platinum Jubilee celebrations, is completely distasteful.”
The Australian Monarchist League last week published an open letter to the Prime Minister, demanding that he separate Mr Thistlethwaite’s portfolios, leaving him as either Assistant Minister for the Republic, or Assistant Minister for Defence and Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs:
“Dear Prime Minister,
In the lead up to the last federal election on the 21st of May 2022 you specifically took the issue of a republic off the election agenda by inferring that there would be no move towards a republic in the first term of your government. However, one of your first actions as prime minister was to create an Assistant Minister for the Republic. Why did you break your commitment and make such an appointment without a mandate from the people? The fact that a republic is part of Labor Party policy is not relevant as far as a mandate from the people is concerned because you took it off the table. Despite not having a mandate, on the 1st of June 2022, you arranged for the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP to be sworn in as Assistant Minister for Defence, Assistant Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Assistant Minister for the Republic.
We put it to you that to include the portfolio of the Republic alongside that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs is a direct slur on the many brave men and women who fought and are fighting for this country, all of whom have pledged allegiance to the Queen and to many of whom a republic is an anathema.
We request that you abolish the Assistant Ministry for the Republic or if you decline to do so that you either remove the Republic ministry or that of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs from Mr Thistlethwaite.
The portfolio for a republic should never have been associated with Defence and Veterans’ Affairs in the first instance.”
The open letter asks concerned Australians to sign their name.
Only time will tell which the Albanese Government considers more important: the tyrannical fantasy of politicians, or the respect and dignity of those Australians who fight for their country, some of whom having made the ultimate sacrifice.PC
Australian Monarchist League
The Vote No Republic! campaign is on for the second time, and the Australian Monarchist League looks forward to keeping Politicom readers updated on the Albanese Government’s renewed assault against our Crown and Constitution.
AML welcomes all constitutional monarchists from all backgrounds and experiences. Join the Australian Monarchist League today, and help to protect the strong, successful system of our Commonwealth nation.
Nineteen countries have abandoned the British crown on Ms Windsor’s (apparently fabulous) watch.
No other British monarch has seen their crown so systemically and relentlessly diminished.
Even her home kingdom now teeters, with Scottish independence and Irish reunion ever more likely.
Her reign has been a catastrophe.
So much for ‘service’ hey.
You must have missed the history, the UK Act of Parliament that removed a monarch’s powers in the 1930s including for Commonwealth member nations that was reinforced by the Act here in Australia during the 1980s.
Australia’s permanent Head of State is the Governor General and appointed by the Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
The ceremonial role performed by the Monarch is a constitutional role.
The Commonwealth of Nations remains active and strong.
Labor has always shafted the military throughout all conflicts and whenever they gained power. Albanese is the worst the ADF has seen, his cohorts are already tinkering with the submarine contract, defence alliances and kowtowing to CCP and other like minded left wing countries, let alone climate bs andcwokeness. I agree remove the Republican agenda from Thislewaite or him from defence. Start looking after the REAL PROBLEMS, the welfare of ITS people not Marxists, greens, alphabet people and the hated unions.
Around half of all Australian’s want to ditch the foreign monarchy.
Yet the overt monarchism and disgraceful political bias of the ADF is unchecked.
Ever wondered why there is a recruiting problem?
Many more than that voted NO for a republic.
And I am certain that we in the majority continue to support our constitutional monarchy and being an independent nation.
And have now appointed former Labor Minister for Defence to conduct a review of ADF, he was responsible for cutting defence spending back to pre-WW2 level.
A while ago during media interest in replacements for the RAN Collins Class Submarines former QLD Government Labor Premier Peter Beattie was quoted, he apparently remarked that replacements were not important. I believe that his comment highlights Labor’s majority left influence, like their opposition to nuclear energy and uranium.
The Howard Coalition Government’s 2006/07 Budget prepared for future threats to Australia’s security, it delivered defence funding of $19.6 billion (considerably more in 2022 dollar value) which was an increase of 37% in real terms since Labor were in government until 1995/96 financial year.
And a commitment to a real funding increase of 3% every year for the next decade to deliver a more combat focused, better equipped, more mobile and operationally ready Australian Defence Force. This included New Air Warfare Destroyers, large amphibious ships, helicopters and the Joint Strike Fighter – the F-35 stealth fighter, deliveries now with the RAAF beginning a few years ago.
Rudd Labor abandoned the Howard Coalition’s future defence funding and further delayed selection of replacements for the RAN Collins Class Submarines.
Defence should be a primary funding consideration, always, and especially when threats to our region and nation have been detected.