Queen, 95, gives greedy pollies a lesson in serving

Queen, 95, gives greedy pollies a lesson in serving

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THE Queen’s Birthday on June 14 for most of Australia, September 27 in Western Australia and October 4 in Queensland, annoys many in the political class.

Just the fact that it exists enrages pretend republicans who prefer a fraudulent imitation of the current model, a politicians’ republic, rather than honestly basing theirs on the world’s most successful republic, the United States.

Australia’s deceitful slur of Prince Philip

Australia’s deceitful slur of Prince Philip

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WE OWE them, our dear Queen Elizabeth and the late Prince Philip, a debt greater than they would ever claim and we shall ever know. With the departure of that great and heroic Prince, Philip, we are reminded of how our ancient monarchy is now dedicated, as the Queen indicated when she attained her 21st year, to our service and the service of the great family to which we all belong, the Commonwealth.

Queen Elizabeth’s surprise gift to kids – & gays

Queen Elizabeth’s surprise gift to kids – & gays

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AS A teenager growing up in England I was an active Trotskyist. My pal and fellow Trotskyist PJ and I devised a petition to have Queen Elizabeth – or Mrs Elizabeth Windsor as we preferred to called her – her husband, the late Duke of Edinburgh, and her children, evicted from Buckingham Palace and re-housed in a modest semi-detached home in the outer London dormitory suburb of Croydon.