Millions abandon ‘fake’ Liberal Party

Millions abandon ‘fake’ Liberal Party

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THE mood among Liberal Party supporters is darkening as the Party continues its hard lurch to the Left, shedding millions of voters as it does. From this month’s Western Australia debacle – where a radical Liberal opposition was all but wiped out – to recent big losses in Queensland, the Northern Territory and a minority government in Tasmania, there’s little joy among centre-right conservatives.

Loopy Libs blame Christians for impending carnage

Loopy Libs blame Christians for impending carnage

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PANICKED members of WA’s extreme Left Liberal Party have blamed faith-based candidates for their expected wipe-out on Saturday.

After defying the prime minister and committing to net zero carbon emissions a full 20 years earlier than the Greens – and promising to close half the State’s coal power stations while at it – the WA Liberals face an unprecedented routing at the March 13 election.

Why did Australia opt for communist model?

Why did Australia opt for communist model?

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THERE used to be a statutory office whose very name struck terror into the hearts of those who feared for their sanity, now or in the future. This was the Master in Lunacy. Threats were frequently made that “men in white coats” were ready to take anyone away for behaviour or even comment judged irrational. We may well wonder what the Master would think of those who govern us today.

Andrews: ‘We truly have higher standard than NSW’

Andrews: ‘We truly have higher standard than NSW’

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THE politician who has overseen more death and economic destruction than perhaps any premier in history has claimed to have the nation’s highest standards. With 820 COVID-related Victorian deaths – compared to 89 for the rest of Australia – and his State this week returning to total lockdown for a third stint, Victorian premier Daniel Andrews has reached new levels of political spin.