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Edwardfeemn on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “Exponent Finance is redefining DeFi lending by providing secure, transparent, and high-yield investment solutions. Through smart contract-powered lending pools, Exponent…” Mar 25, 20:39
PatrickHat on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “Exponent Finance is redefining DeFi lending by providing secure, transparent, and high-yield investment solutions. Through smart contract-powered lending pools, Exponent…” Mar 25, 19:43
Christine Battersby on Dutton dumps environmental primacy: “Sometime ago I hoped that the Leader of the opposition would be so much better than the woeful lot we…” Mar 25, 15:35
Nick Bury on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “It’s very early to write off Nigel Farage. His basic premise is sound, and what other choice does the UK…” Mar 25, 10:52
Edwina on Bumbling fool Albo bets the farm: ““Bumbling fool Albo” ……that should read “Sinister Trotskyite/communist”. Why is it that we don’t spell out who these people really…” Mar 25, 10:52
Max Rawnsley on Bumbling fool Albo bets the farm: “Australia has proved Horne’s Lucky Country assertion wrong. Its not the politicians its the voters too. Following an ordinary Morrison,…” Mar 25, 10:28
Max Rawnsley on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “Farage astutely took the electoral mess created by Conservatives. He has, as Collits refers, allowed his inherent self confidence become…” Mar 25, 10:03
Max Rawnsley on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “Good analysis Paul. Imo Farage has had some good moments but not able to lead a potentially effective political group.…” Mar 25, 09:58
Gregoryno6 on Farage blinks & his Party is gone: “I found this commentary from Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad informative. Seems there’s a side to Nigel that he’s…” Mar 19, 21:19
Max Rawnsley on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “Imo Albanese does not have the gumption to be a socialist or any of the derivatives thereof. He is at…” Mar 18, 15:56
Max Rawnsley on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “Imo Albanese does not have thd gumption to be a socialist or any of the derivatives thereof. He is at…” Mar 18, 15:52
Max Rawnsley on Vatican a nest of vipers, pagans & crooks: “Malachi Martin, a (former Jesuit) described Vatican 2 as Marxist. As a Catholic I agree, indeed the traditional Christian churches…” Mar 18, 09:59
Diane Drayton Buckland on Surviving the Left media’s climate delusion: “CSIRO fudges figures, doubles actual cost of coal-fired electricity https://cairnsnews.org/2025/03/15/csiro-fudges-figures-doubles-actual-cost-of-coal-fired-electricity/ and CSIRO report criticised by energy expert for ‘lack of…” Mar 16, 15:08
Joy Holbrook on Doctors pushing patients to choose death: “I was recently admitted to a large regional teaching hospital with cellulitis. The night after I was admitted, I suddenly…” Mar 13, 20:37
Kaye Coates on Doctors pushing patients to choose death: “As a retired Registered Nurse who regularly prayers for every patient she every came in contact with, I have never…” Mar 12, 18:57
John Stapleton on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Excellent piece. How our political class got away with this level of fraud, malfeasance and criminal negligence is one of…” Mar 12, 04:59
Sarina on Wong opens floodgates to unskilled Indians: “It’s become visible that we have many Indians in Australia. Even in small place like Tasmania. I visit Botanical Gardens…” Mar 11, 19:07
Sarina Skiba on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “Yep, he is a hard core communist. Always was. Living off taxpayers money since he was born.” Mar 11, 18:53
Saeiba on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “No way! If the government is doing good job we will elected it again.” Mar 11, 18:52
cohenite on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “The issue is, is albo a commie. When he was at uni the Tribune selected him as young socialist of…” Mar 11, 13:33
david edwards on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “Fixed 4-year terms raises its ugly head again. If an Opposition Party doesn’t get its act together and formulate policies…” Mar 11, 10:54
Louis Cook on Albo: ‘I need more time!’: “Longer terms is only acceptable if it is coupled with the right of any electorate to recall their Representative to…” Mar 11, 09:12
Dallas Beaufort on Albo’s mates sharpen their knives: “Dr Who ? No attribution or comment worthy. Cancel Culture is perverse.” Mar 5, 22:40
cohenite on Compassion & diversity delivers poverty: “Victorian Muslim Nasser Mashni is a good mate of penny wong and tony burqa. Anyone who votes for the alp/greens…” Mar 4, 10:37
Max Rawnsley on Rate cut won’t save toxic Albo: “Labor has a tin ear. Not hearing the subtle RBA warning that accompanied the nominal rate reduction, fiscal constraints needed.…” Feb 25, 19:52
cohenite on Rate cut won’t save toxic Albo: “Yep, albo can rub and tug all he likes and make all the slobbering accusations about the LNP and excuses…” Feb 25, 18:44
Stephen Kuhl on Bowen slams own head in car door: “If we want to save the Australian Economy from total destruction, it is vitally important to be rid of this…” Feb 25, 10:43
Easy Rider on Rate cut won’t save toxic Albo: “Seems John’s right. And the latest polls today still show a drop in Labor support despite the rate cut and…” Feb 24, 12:49
Jacob on Something’s ‘wrong’ about Dutton: “You didn’t mention the main problems with Dutton: 1. He sat on his hands while politicians of both sides and…” Feb 23, 18:46
John Davis on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Blackrock, in Australia, own our government and are implementing their own policies through their major ownership in CBA, Woolworths, their…” Feb 20, 07:06
Christine Battersby on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “If Peter Dutton is going to be our next Prime Minister then it is of little use winning the next…” Feb 19, 02:43
cohenite on Anti-Semitism laws target whites – not Muslims: “The new hate speech laws make it easier to charge and convict someone of hate speech by removing the standard…” Feb 18, 13:54
Max Rawnsley on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “Too many fall into the left right dialectic. The focus and in particular speaking points must be on policy. Liberal…” Feb 18, 12:31
Max Rawnsley on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “Yes John, Abbott is a genuine conservative. However the lrft leaders crept up on him. I have still to hear…” Feb 18, 12:23
david edwards on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “Many countries around the civilised world are clearly sick of the multi-culti, Treny-Wendy anti-intellectual garbage. It will not be counteracted…” Feb 18, 11:26
John Bryant on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “Which truly conservative leader gave the LP a 14 seat majority,then sacked by the moderates who he got into government…” Feb 18, 10:17
Barbara on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: “Note to the ‘Moderates’ – please keep looking for the Exit door. Note to Peter Dutton – we do not…” Feb 18, 10:07
Gregoryno6 on Albo squeals: ‘Dutton too conservative’: ““Fringe-right”? Is that the new “Far-right”? And how big is the ‘fringe’, Albo, when 60 percent of voters disagree with…” Feb 14, 21:47
John Bryant on Dutton blind to Australia’s fury: “I thought Fraser & Gough were the Vietnamese, Muslim/Islam. Though it might have been Bob & Paul?” Feb 11, 13:02
cohenite on Dutton blind to Australia’s fury: “Actually Fraser brought in the muslim lebanese; that started the rot. The fact is every so called conservative LNP leader…” Feb 11, 12:34
Easy Rider on Bowen’s green dream bites the dust: “Another one bites the dust in Whyalla – looks like Trump’s tariffs if imposed won’t have much effect on these…” Feb 11, 10:21
John Bryant on Dutton blind to Australia’s fury: “Sadly never recovered from the Turnbull, Bishop, Pine, Morrison, Birmingham, Jackson backstabbing fiasco of Tony Abbott.” Feb 11, 10:03
John Bryant on Dutton blind to Australia’s fury: “Get real,Albo can’t afford to lose Clare,Burke,Bowen seats,just look@ his & Penny’s actions with the Hamas debacle” Feb 11, 09:57
Shawn on Bowen’s green dream bites the dust: “I was working with FFI for 2yrs, on the GH2 pipe dream. I thought it was a scam when I…” Feb 11, 01:02
Morrie on Dutton blind to Australia’s fury: “What Peter doesn’t have is ticker – he is timid, and he cares more about what people think of him…” Feb 8, 09:40
Easy Rider on Bowen’s green dream bites the dust: “The only thing worse for Australia than this dumb unrealistic Labor mob being re-elected is if they form a minority…” Feb 6, 17:40
david edwards on Labor rats flee Albo’s sinking ship: “Labor/Liberal, 49/51%….is that the best the Libs can do against such a dysfunctional government? Weak!” Feb 4, 16:51
Carole Hubbard on MP quits ‘to escape own lies’: “Great list Paul of ways the uniparty (Liberal and Labor) goes out of its way to escape accountability. On the…” Feb 4, 15:23
Carole Hubbard on Labor rats flee Albo’s sinking ship: “With Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Change and drilling for US oil, you’d wonder how Albo, Bowen and co…” Feb 4, 15:00
cohenite on Labor rats flee Albo’s sinking ship: “Let’s hope blackout Bowen flees too: by being voted out at the next election.” Feb 4, 13:58
Leigh Barrett on MP quits ‘to escape own lies’: ““If there is no accountability, there can be no real consent of the governed, and no democracy”. Paul Collits -…” Feb 4, 11:38
Cliff Reece on Nazism a problem – but not from whites: “The full power of the State and the media should come down on ALL extremists whether they’re politically on the…” Feb 4, 07:40
Robert Bateman on MP quits ‘to escape own lies’: “He is a grub and is only one of Albo’s mates who should resign, they have done nothing for the…” Feb 2, 15:26
Max Rawnsley on After Trudeau, it gets worse: “The Canadians will deal with in name only Liberals when next they vote.” Feb 1, 11:05
Max Rawnsley on Abbott best PM since Howard ‘by fair stretch’: “Howard, with Costello, handled fiscal policy very well to produce surpluses and pay off the $98 billion dollar debt Keating…” Jan 29, 23:54
Max Rawnsley on Labor ‘zombies’ resurrect climate scare campaign: “Climate hysteria, an addition to the menu of complaint. There is sufficient self interest in renewables investment to create deep…” Jan 29, 11:16
Max Rawnsley on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “I support a sectarian state, aware, respectful and supportive of its Judeo Christian foundation. A ‘religion” that seeks to intervene…” Jan 29, 11:03
Max Rawnsley on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Yes Big Pharma has walked away, again. Untested covid vaccines, as Pfizer publicly admitted, is beyond contempt for all concerned…” Jan 29, 10:46
Max Rawnsley on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Fauci on later evidence I agree . But to re-assess state and other responses to covid and centre on Morrison…” Jan 29, 10:37
Max Rawnsley on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Agree. Lots of hindsight. Morrison is pilloried but it was the states that went off reservation.” Jan 29, 10:26
David Edwards on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “Let’s get used to using the word DEPORTATION for imported (and even home-grown)terrorist supporters. These are not people who overstayed…” Jan 28, 15:35
suzanne on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “Excellent article “Make no mistake this does not end with the Jews, our entire way of life as Australians is…” Jan 28, 13:07
Carole Hubbard on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Morrison’s response to the pandemic was alarming. I’m afraid our politicians have lost the ability to think for themselves and…” Jan 28, 13:01
suzanne on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “The World got duped in a time when no one knew what we were dealing with. Go take on China…” Jan 28, 13:00
cohenite on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “Anyone who thinks islam comes to the West to assimilate and embrace Western democracy should read: Dr. Peter Hammond’s book,…” Jan 28, 12:29
Peter Holczer on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “How disappointing that Muslims are unwilling to assimilate into our society! Could it be that barbaric people don’t like our…” Jan 28, 11:34
John Faust on Muslims trash multicultural dream: “So true! There is no place in Australia for a warrior mentality people unless it is to defend Australia! And…” Jan 28, 09:11
John Bryant on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Don’t forget MSM reminded us everyday our leaders were worst in world for vaccines mandates – hello.” Jan 28, 08:38
John Bryant on Should Morrison be in handcuffs?: “Fauci, Morrison, Andrews, Gladys, Pallachook, UN, WHO, the list is endless, not enough room in gaols” Jan 28, 08:34
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