Leftists ‘deeply unhappy, unmade beds, hate their dads’

US FOX News presenter Tucker Carlson ponders aloud why the Left is in turmoil.

[Please note that the comments recorded below have recently been cut from the attached YouTube video. These comments had originally followed immediately after the footage of a conga line of Democratic Representatives explaining how very “sad” they were at having to impeach President Trump.]

CARLSON: Now you can mock the mindless conformity of what you just saw. But honestly you have got to admire the discipline that a moment like that must have required.

CARLSON: These are people by and large with disorganised and chaotic personal lives. That’s why they are Leftists in the first place. Because they are deeply unhappy. They don’t make their beds, they hate their dads.

CARLSON: But when it comes to political talking points, suddenly they are Germanic in their efficiency. For a moment last night, though, the mask slipped.

CARLSON: When the impeachment resolution finally passed onlookers began to cheer. [Speaker of the House Nancy] Pelosi had to remind them to shut-up.PC