by JOHN MIKKELSEN – HERE’S a macabre little story that illustrates where humanity is headed.
Let’s call it The Life of Zye even though Zye never had a real name – nor ever left the maternity ward.

- At least one baby a week is left to die following a failed abortion.
- The urgency motion was defeated 32/18 with Labor, Greens and some Independents voting No.
- They were joined by four Liberals, including Simon Birmingham, Jane Hume, Andrew Bragg and Maria Kovacic.
It all began in the usual way, with the coupling of the mum and dad he never knew, which resulted in a cell union or “zygote” and a normal pregnancy.
But little Zye wasn’t aware of that as he grew into an embryo then, after about 11 weeks, a fetus, which thrived in its warm, cozy environment.
He had his own heartbeat but he was also aware of his mother’s rhythmic beat which was as soothing as the music he could sometimes hear and the sound of human voices after about six months in the womb.
Life seemed good, even though human “experts” were divided on when his life or “personhood” actually began.
Wikipedia presents a confusing word salad on the topic: “There are differences of opinion as to the precise time when human personhood begins and the nature of that status.
“The issue arises in a number of fields – including science, religion, philosophy and law – and is most acute in debates relating to abortion, stem cell research, reproductive rights and fetal rights…
“Discussions of the beginning of personhood may be framed in terms of when ‘life begins’ … others argue that the question of when personhood begins is not interchangeable with the question of when human life begins. Similarly, ‘human being’ and ‘person’ need not be synonyms.”
Zye was blissfully unaware of debates over the sanctity of life versus the rights of a woman to control her body including through late term abortions.
But all that came to a sudden end one fateful night when his mother decided to terminate her pregnancy apparently without feticide which involves injecting a chemical into the fetus to ensure its death before delivery.
His small world was literally turned upside down with sudden contractions pushing him down the birth canal and into the bright lights of an operating theatre in our supposedly civilised world.
He couldn’t understand what was said as he gasped his first breaths and began to cry:
“Get him out of here before he upsets the mother!”
“But doctor, he’s alive.”
“Officially he’s terminated – put him in a petri dish and leave him in another room where the patient can’t hear him!”
So Zye was taken out by a tearful young nurse and left alone, shivering and crying until eventually he drew his last breath and the darkness he had been accustomed to, thankfully returned.
Meanwhile, down the hospital corridor another woman was among the hundreds in Australia receiving IVF treatment in the hope of conceiving. A few blocks away, in a government building, another couple were signing up in the hope of adopting a child sometime within the next few years.
I said this was a “story” and there will be some who will say that it could never happen in real life. But it is based on true events, which make it more horrific.
According to babies’ rights campaigner Dr Joanna Howe: “As data reporting requirements on abortion varies between States and territories, there is only limited publicly released information about when babies are born alive following an abortion.
“From this information and media reports we know of the following babies born alive and left to die:
- 31 in Western Australia
- 328 in Queensland
- 396 in Victoria
- 54 in South Australia
- 1 in NSW
- 1 in the Northern Territory
“These numbers are significantly less than the overall number of babies born alive following a failed abortion, given that only Queensland and Victoria publicly release fulsome data. In other jurisdictions, we only have an incomplete and anecdotal picture of the extent of babies born alive and left to die following an abortion.”
A recent live birth inquiry in Queensland Parliament introduced by Rob Katter (KAP) heard evidence from clinical midwife Louise Adsett, of a baby boy who survived five hours after a failed abortion.
“To give you a first example, a mother made a decision to abort a baby at 21 plus weeks gestation. The process began in the morning with misoprostol given throughout the day.
“The process took all day and the baby was only delivered during the early hours of a night shift where skeleton staff was on duty.
“This baby moved vigorously, gasped for breath and had a palpable heart rate. To make it clear this baby was alive, it was over 400 grams, so the baby was a good weight.
“The parents of this baby did not desire to see or hold this baby…. (who) fought for his life for five hours before taking his final breath.”
All this makes it harder to grasp the outcome of an urgency motion in the Senate this week moved by Senator Ralph Babet (UAP) to provide care to such babies.
The motion stated: “That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency: The need for the Senate to recognise that at least one baby is born alive every seven days – following a failed abortion – and left to die, and that Australia’s health care system is enabling these inhumane deaths; and for the Senate to condemn this practice, noting that babies born alive as a result of a failed abortion deserve care.”
This is clearly not a move opposing women’s rights to abortion, but a move for the rights of real live human babies.
But as a sign the nation’s moral compass is way out of kilter, it was resoundingly defeated on a 32/18 vote, with Labor, Greens and some Independents perhaps unsurprsingly voting No.
They were joined by four Liberals, including their Senate leader Simon Birmingham (South Australia), Jane Hume (Victoria), Andrew Bragg and Maria Kovacic (NSW).
We reap what we sow! PC
I only learned today, that this is not something that happens by accident.
Apparently, the drugs used to ensure a satisfactory termination, make it quite a possibility.
What is worse those administering the drugs, know this.
Think about that!
The wonderful Senator Alex Antic SHOULD BE Leader of the LNP.
He stands with Senators Malcolm Roberts, Katter, Ralph Babet, Rennick, Christianson et al – the Politicians in Australia who are standing up for all the freedoms, rights and choices of all the people and against this disgraceful and terrifying agenda by WHO/ WEF/UN/Globalists/Elite/ Big Tech/ Big Media/ Big Medicine/ Treacherous/treasonous politicians. End of story.
Its an appalling situation. I don’t know how the senators who voted against Babet’s legislation can call themselves women. I don’t know how this late term abortion legislation ever got passed in the first place. Truly there are satanic influences working in our parliament.
And that Sarah Hanson Young walking behind Babet’s back poking out her tongue in mockery, has to say it all about her. Where are the morals?
I wrote this in response to an editorial in The Spectator, written by Rowan Dean; I cannot write anymore on this subject:
‘I am in the winter of my life and I don’t like it.
There a lot of things I don’t know; after a long time trying to know everything, I have failed.
I did not know until recently that babies are left, quite deliberately to die, to die no less.
How on earth a human being, let alone a medical practitioner, could be instrumental in this barbarism is beyond my understanding.
I like to think that the nurses involved cry on every occasion a little mite dies.
How a politician could decide not to vote to outlaw this abomination is also beyond my understanding; they have no place in the governance of this country now or in the future.
I weep for those babies who are left to die and denied the life that I have had, in what must be the best country in the world; or should that be, what was the best country in the world?
We once were a country of compassion and care, led, occasionally, by fearless men and women with Christian values and common decency.
The words of Xavier Herbert ring in my old ears, “Poor Fellow my Country.” Ends.
A nation which allows and facilitates this monstrosity does not deserve to exist. The real villains are the 4 disgusting lnp mongrels who voted for this. We know that the left are barbarians but it is always the capitulation by phony conservatives which allows the left to have their evil way.
Be very careful of that Sen. Andrew Bragg…
But dont pillory all the Liberals, plenty of good ones like Andrew Hastie, Clare Chandler and Jacinta Price.
And … just remember, only the Liberals have the firepower to get rid of Albanese, Labor, Teals… and keep the Greens at bay…
Your choice… Dutton or Albanese and the rest of the Leftist jackals
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Senator Malcolm Roberts – Pauline Hanson’s One Nation
Excerpt >
In yesterday’s hearing into this bill courageous maternity nurse Louise Adsett described in heartbreaking detail the fate that has awaited so many beautiful young Australians in QLD maternity wards.
Babies left to cry themselves to death. Alone. Louise described nurses holding babies that have been marked for death until they drew their last breath, a breath surrounded with love, not cold, hard stainless steel.
There’s no legal grey area here, allowing a child born alive to die in Queensland is a crime, and that crime is murder.
To the QLD Police I have this simple message: DO YOUR BLOODY JOB.
Failure to prosecute the first murder has led to 327 more human beings losing their lives and that’s on you.
The preamble of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) explicitly recognizes the unborn’s right to life. This is a matter that can be legislated federally and if the States will not police their own laws then the Federal Government must intervene.
This makes me scream and it is difficult to stop the images in your head of the little bubbies OMG !!
The cruel, inhuman and torturing bastards who are doing this / participating/ condoning / involved in this horror are allegedly cold blooded murderers ! They all must be criminally insane / murdering monsters to be doing this – I’m horrified………my God these are human babies !!!
There’s a special place in Hell for all these disgusting murdering bastards.
Thanks for the article John and it does illustrate where we seem to be headed. As you say, “We reap what we sow” – time to do some serious weeding!
Why do monarchists want Australia’s head of state to be inferior to the UK’s head of state?