Elites trick & rob poor – laugh in luxury

by SEAN BURKE – NEWLY-elected NSW MP John Ruddick has bravely described “global warming” as a mass delusion promoted by big government. 

In his maiden parliamentary speech this week, Mr Ruddick accused “powerful climate elites” of tricking and robbing struggling Australians, while they themselves laughed in luxury. 

It appears some want to press ahead with climate change policy regardless of reality – because it’s in their own commercial and political interest to do so.
John Ruddick
NSW Member of The Legislative Council

“I know this is not the view of the chamber, but please hear me out because occasionally minority positions are vindicated with time,” the Liberal Democratic Party MLC said.

“Is global warming orthodoxy yet another mass delusion turbo-charged by big government?” he asked.


“We’re not allowed to question global warming science. But if you can’t question it, is it science – or propaganda?

“Those who insist on questioning it are not just told they’re wrong, but that they are heretics who must be punished.”

Mr Ruddick said none of the wild predictions of climate alarmists had eventuated.

“Since the 1980s we have been bombarded with predictions around rising temperatures, rising oceans and shrinking icecaps,” he said.

“These predictions are not materialising. At most it’s a zig-zagged one-degree celsius rise in a 150 years. This is a remarkably stable era for temperature compared to the geological record.

“Every time there is a natural disaster we’re told this is proof of global warming – and then, in every case, a sober analysis reveals that these ‘calamities’ are in line with natural cycles.

“Surely, if we’re going to embark on re-engineering the world’s energy supply, we should ask the hard questions.”

Mr Ruddick accused the climate change industry of being little more than a cash-generating tool for elite investors.

“Why was ‘global warming’ rebadged ‘climate change’?” he asked parliament. “Is it because the warming didn’t arrive?


“We were promised cheaper energy through privately funded renewable energy – but we have ever soaring power prices despite endless government subsidies. That trend-line is unending.

“Why are the promoters so hostile to nuclear energy when everyone agrees that nuclear is the least carbon-emitting energy source? Is it because the promoters are not invested in nuclear?

“Should we listen to characters like Al Gore and Greta Thunberg who have zero qualifications in this field?

“Gore has successfully cultivated an image as if he’s a Gandhi or a Mother Teresa-like figure.

“But Gore was the world’s first carbon billionaire. Gandhi and Mother Teresa, of course, lived penniless lives.”

He said the Labor Party had abandoned its ideals and was now actively hurting it’s traditional supporters.


“For 130 years the Labor Party strived to defend low income earners – the very battlers who are struggling today,” Mr Ruddick said.

“Now they are making rich people richer.

“When it’s pointed out that, perhaps, the science isn’t as settled as we’re told, some people get upset.

“But, surely it would be a good thing if we weren’t facing a global apocalypse.

“It seems like some want to press ahead regardless of reality because it’s in their commercial and political interest to do so.” PC

Maiden speech…

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: John Ruddick. (courtesy NSW Parliament)

18 thoughts on “Elites trick & rob poor – laugh in luxury

  1. Absolutely correct John! And if doubters need proof then they should access the CO2 Coalition website https://co2coalition.org/ and see what truthful scientists have to say on this subject. Of course there is such a thing as climate change BUT it’s NOT caused by CO2, so everything western democracies are doing to remove fossil fuels is a complete waste of time and money. Meanwhile, Chinese Communist Party members are laughing at us as they develop even more coal-fired power plants. The leaders of our democratic governments are obsessed with renewables that will never be able to replace coal and gas at an economical cost.

  2. At last some hope on the horizon for saner politics based on common sense for the benefit of the people.

  3. Congratulations on you r courage to speak out. We have been silenced by those in power and feel helpless watching our economy being destroyed by the idealogues. Keep up the good work. Chris Bowen take note

  4. It is so sad China complies ( to a degree) and still goes forward Australian zealot. Comply and go backwards – wake up Aust.

    1. An interesting Sky Bolt Report a couple of months ago that the ALP has been helped by the Chinese Communist Party to swing Chinese voters in Australia to support Labor candidates at elections.

  5. Taking you over, so we can leave you the hell alone!

    John Ruddick is a rare jewel in our government ranks. We need more John Ruddick’s, we need more David Limbrick’s and we need to back them in getting our governments the hell out of our affairs.

    Libdems / Libertarians are on the ascendency, if you’re fed up with the duopoly, and who isn’t, you could not find a more representative organisation to get behind.

  6. Now there’s a politician with commonsense and prepared to speak out about renewables and the rich investors being the cause of never ending rising power costs. Cars emit carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is a plant food. The fools and politicians that push zero carbon dioxide have no knowledge of history and chemistry just robbing the poor to line their pockets. I’d vote for John Ruddick.

  7. Now there’s a politician with commonsense and prepared to speak out about renewables and the rich investors being the cause of never ending rising power costs. Cars emit carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is a plant food. The fools and politicians that push zero carbon dioxide have no knowledge of history and chemistry just robbing the poor to line their pockets. I’d vote for John Ruddock.

  8. It seems to be forgotten that soon after the Abbott Coalition Government was elected the Minister for Bureau of Meteorology received a letter from scientist Dr Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues reporting their auditing of BoM media releases that did not match BoM historic record data. And one example was not using weather station records earlier than 1910 when very hot weather conditions had been recorded, Bourke NSW Post Office location for example.

    Doctor Marohasy has since reported weather stations that are located in heat sinks, for example at Observatory Hill in the Sydney CBD now surrounded by high rise buildings roads including Harbour Bridge approaches and other hear retention areas that were not there when the Observatory was built.

    Also reported was BoM recording of electronic temperature and raising decimal points resulting long term in a warming trend that is too high.

    The Minister asked BoM management to respond to the allegations and the reply acknowledged “errors and omissions” and that steps would be taken to ensure they were not repeated in future.

    Apparently Prime Minister Abbott asked Cabinet to vote on conducting an independent audit at the BoM but was defeated by a small margin of votes.

    Earlier, some time before the UN IPCC Copenhagen Climate Conference, UK mathematician Christopher Monckton audited UN IPCC climate computer modelling and reported that historic record data was not matched. He determined that the modelling was badly flawed. As a result the IPCC banned him from speaking at events on climate and criticised him for not being a scientist. They also claimed that the science is settled (climate), but science is never settled.

    1. Correct. The advent of AWS, automatic weather stations, which record the temp electronically much faster than conventional thermometers has seen a spike in max temps because AWS’s are susceptible to transient, non-weather events and give false highs. The BOM has not adjusted to this even though they have been around for over 20 years. Jennifer and others have looked at temp sites which maintain a duel record of old and new thermometers and the heating effect of the AWSs is real.

      Some time ago it was proposed that a law suit against the BOM should proceed since a law suit against the New Zealand equivalent of the BOM, the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LTD [NIWA] was underway for the same reasons of a faulty or disputed record and methodology for adjusting temperatures. Unfortunately, while the Judge accepted that NIWA like any other public body was open to scrutiny, in any dispute about technical aspects the court would prefer the government experts over private experts like the ones who had brought the case against NIWA and who had similar qualifications. That Judgment would guide any case in Australia against the BOM.

      For a description of the NIWA case see:


  9. 06:43 PM ET 02/10/2015
    Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.

    At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.

    “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.

    Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”

    The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.

    Investors Business Daily

    1. The UN IPCC Climate Conference in Paris France began end of November 2015.

      The Turnbull Government signed the Paris Agreement in New York in April 2016 and ratified it later in that year after Donald Trump announced that he would not permit the US Government to sign it.

    2. I recommend that readers research the late Maurice Strong, former UN Official and later billionaire Canadian citizen who is credited with being the architect of climate change politics, I call a hoax based on natural Earth Cycles and weather events.

      He died in Communist China, he was granted asylum there when the Canadian Environmental Protection Agency was after him for illegally accessing an aquifer beneath land he had purchased for bottling and selling purposes. His cousin had been a girlfriend of Chairman Mao Zedong (Little Red Book author).

      I believe that what Ms Figureres admitted about changing capitalism (free enterprise) has much to do with the controlled and managed party member only approval to participate in capitalist activities by the Chinese Communist Party.

      Build Back Better, you will be poorer but happier, World Economic Forum statements are another indicator.

      But also see the Thomas Mayo Video truth telling about Voice+Treaty+Truth for more clues.

  10. An absolute cracker of a speech. Ruddick is making the obvious, empirical, scientific argument the Liberal Party never had the guts to make.

  11. Great speech. Absolute cracker. Ruddick is making the case the Liberal Party have ajectly failed to make.


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