KARL Marx’s famous dictum, working off the back of his fellow German philosopher Hegel, stated that “history repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce”.
The emerging COVID State is a rich mix of both, delivered all at once.
- Footballers do not require re-education for saying the bleeding obvious.
- The idiots coaching them in newspeak are the ones who need re-educating.
- COVID hysteria is driven & maintained by legacy media.
The emerging COVID State is a rich mix of both, delivered all at once.
Each day brings fresh evidence of global and local madness, bullying, lies, dobbing, demonisation, wanton exaggeration and brainwashing.
You look at the morning papers and think – where to start? Someone needs to write a book about COVID madness, similar to the web site that lists all the things laughably said to be caused by global warming.
Not only did we have “Covidiot” St George-Illawarra Dragons rugby league players having an outrageous barbecue in Shellharbour – a place not even in Sydney, not anywhere near the “outbreak”.
The Covid-shaming of footballers has spread to the southern code as well. According to Fox Sports:
“North Melbourne’s Jaidyn Stephenson has apologised for ‘ill-informed’ social media comments about the COVID-19 pandemic, vowing to ‘further educate myself on this topic’.
So what did he actually say, prior to his (probably) forced re-education and grovelling mea culpa?
“If there’s no media then I don’t think COVID is such a big thing. It’s just my opinion.”
It was simply an answer to a fan’s question. It wasn’t a press release. He wasn’t in a pulpit. He said at the time it was an “opinion”.
Never were truer words spoken, Jaidyn. You are decidedly not ill-informed. You do not need re-education “on this topic”.
The idiots now coaching you in newspeak are the ones who need re-educating.
It is a fact that the whole COVID hysteria is driven, and only maintained, through the legacy media and its now twenty-four-hour news cycle. In a diabolical collaboration with the COVID State.
Without daily pressers and breathless announcements of new cases and new lockdowns, there would be no COVID hysteria.
The adage that virtually no one knows anyone with COVID, or even knows anyone who knows someone with COVID, rings true.
Who would even know a bad flu season, or even remember which preceding years were bad for flu, or good for flu, without the aid of Google and old health statistics?
No, COVID is “real”, a crisis, because the media say it is so. The media don’t merely exaggerate COVID. They make it a thing. Young Jaidyn knows this, and said so.
COVID isn’t the only phenomenon created by the media.
Consider so-called climate change.
If not for the members of the alarmist archipelago and their breathless friends in the media, no one would ever suspect it was happening.
Since sea levels have not, in fact, risen in a way that anyone can actually see evidence of it, and no-one would ever have thought that there were higher temperatures now than before.
Or more and more severe floods. Or more frequent and worse droughts. No, climate change is a thing solely because it is talked up, and endlessly talked about, by the virtue-signalling chattering class.
Endless, pious repetition brings something into existence.
Make it scary. Then make it even more scary (see the Delta variant, described as a “game changer” by the Unspellable Armenian who runs NSW).
And not only climate change.
The media maketh the moral panic, then they simply recycle ’til it is conventional wisdom. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Cardinal George Pell was jailed on the back of a moral panic (aided, of course by a half-billion-dollar Royal Commission, dodgy cops, priest-chasing lawyers, ABC fembots and a tainted judiciary).
And Pell isn’t alone. The true fact is that a tiny per cent of Catholic priests are child abusers. He was not one of the tiny per cent.
Yes, embedded public opinion is a powerful thing.
So, what Jaidyn Stephenson said was spot on. So why the apology?
Douglas Murray has opined (in The Madness of Crowds and elsewhere) that only the retired, the independently wealthy and those not employed can expect to have true freedom of speech in the age of political correctness, cancel culture, enforced conformity and social media pile-ons.
Of course, the same applies to contractors and the self-employed. Anyone who has ever had a contractual relationship with a government agency, a corporate or – especially – a sporting body in the public eye, is ripe for the demand for a cringe-worthy apology for any transgression. Even over COVID now, for heaven’s sake.
Stephenson’s felt need to recant, no doubt the result of back-room corporate bullying, is a great shame, for footballers with something truthful, indeed, insightful, to say on an important issue are a rare breed.
Most of them are pathetic, dime-a-dozen automatons who long ago ceased to be interesting.
Being forced to listen through a sporting press conferences will, surely, take years off purgatory for those so forced.
And, in the age of COVID State infomercials and endless propaganda, the need for prominent public figures to push back, to speak truth to power, to go against the ever-encroaching tide of swill, to be real influencers, is huge.
Instead, a young man is forced to go through the humiliation of a COVID show trial.
All because he needs to put bread on the table and, therefore, cannot afford to resist the corporate messaging deemed to be appropriate in these times of a so-called “pandemic”, and insisted upon.
It is sick-making. But it is also sinister beyond belief.
With apologies to Pastor Niemoller, writing shortly after the Second World War of the Nazis’ surprisingly unresisted push-then-push-again strategy, first they came for the footballers …
Massive corruption and conflicts of interest with governments and Vic government is seriously corrupted with systemic and widespread conflicts of interest and the ties association. Partnership membership with mainstream medicine and pharmaceutical industries. Victoria global health and huge revolving doors and with that it becomes serious crimes when they pull the mandates caper.
All mandates and all other tyrannical actions by governments must be abolished now and forever more.
Bloody criminals. !!!
Black sheep Mesiti exposes the woke Rev. Costello’s “social justice by vaccination” crusade | Cairns News
THE Rev. Tim Costello and his brother the former Treasurer Peter Costello, are up to their eyeballs in big pharma’s insane “global vaccination” drive. While one Costello beats the drum to “share the vaccines with our poor neighbours” the other keenly watches over the vaccine profits rolling on in.
Rev. Tim Costello cunningly co-opted major church denominations into a vaccination crusade.
The former Treasurer these days is making sure the Australian Future Fund ($149 billion in assets) is raking in tens of millions from its big pharma and “medical research” investments, while his woke Baptist brother Tim is making sure those shots are distributed far and wide with generous support from the Aussie taxpayers – all in the name of “regional social justice” and “vaccine equity” of course.
The reality is that our hospital system is well able to handle the impacts of the Covid Virus, the proof is in the TGA website- no deaths for seven months from Dec to June, a few in July. This is no worse, indeed much better, numbers than a flu epidemic, which nobody was stopped working because of.
However the reality is also true that our hospital system can’t handle the impacts of the Covid Vaccine- at least 272 deaths for seven months- TGA website again. The TGA claims that 271 of these deaths were quote “coincidence” that they occurred after being given the Covid vaccines. That of course means some incredible coincidence and some sort of gullible and stupid public to believe it.
Great Reset – Build Back Better – New Green Deal – COVID-19;
First, they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
Martin Niemoller, a former junior officer in the German Navy.