by SEAN BURKE – FEDERAL Senator Jim Molan has been denied a State funeral by the Perrottet Government, as internal factional acrimony continues to plague the NSW Liberal Party.
The former Major General’s funeral was held in Canberra yesterday after he died suddenly last week following a two-year battle with cancer.

- The Premier should have stepped up and made this happen.
- The Left, after being repeatedly outmanoeuvred by Senator Molan, has always held a bitter grudge.
- There have been State funerals held for footballers – and all they did was kick a ball around.
While voters from all sides of politics held Senator Molan in the highest regard, the factionally unaligned statesman was opposed by only two political groups – the Liberal’s NSW Left faction and The Greens.
NSW Treasurer and Left factional boss Matt Kean was left bruised by Molan after he had attempted – and failed – to remove the General from the Australian Senate.
The architect of Tony Abbott’s Operation Sovereign Borders policy and a staunch Australian patriot, Senator Molan was the antithesis of Matt Kean and his faction.
In the lead-up to the 2019 federal election, Kean’s factional deputy Trent Zimmerman disgracefully described the decorated Army General as “dishonourable”.
Zimmerman conveniently withdraw his comment and publicly apologised after legal proceedings commenced.
The Liberal Left, however – after being repeatedly outmanoeuvred by Senator Molan – has held a bitter grudge.
The Premier’s withholding a State service for Senator Molan is yet another reminder that Mr Perrottet is subservient to Matt Kean’s wishes.
After being asked whether a State Funeral would be offered, Mr Perrottet’s office flicked the question to the federal government.
A friend of Senator Molan has described the snub as “pathetic”.
“Premier Perrottet ‘referred’ it to the federal government because Jim was a federal politician,” he said.
“This is irrelevant! Mr Perrottet’s response is pathetic.
“Jim was a NSW senator, a decorated soldier and a community leader.
“The Premier should have stepped up and made it happen either at a State level or by working with the feds – by personally speaking to the PM, not just kicking it upstairs to get it off his desk.”
NSW Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen agrees.
“There have been State funerals for footballers – and all they did was kick a ball around,” she said.
“Jim contributed a great deal not just to the country but to the Liberal Party. He’s going to be very hard to replace.”
During his military service, Senator Molan AO, DSC commanded the 6th Battalion, the Royal Australian Regiment, the 1st Brigade, the 1st Division and its Deployable Joint Force Headquarters – and the Australian Defence College.
In April 2004, he was deployed to Iraq to serve as Chief of Operations of the Multinational Force in Iraq, where he commanded more than 300,000 American and allied troops.
He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, as well as the Legion of Merit by the United States government. He retired from the Australian Army in 2008, and later that year released his first book, Running the War in Iraq.
Following his retirement from the Australian Army, Senator Molan was appointed by the Abbott Government as a special envoy for Operation Sovereign Borders and was subsequently credited with being the architect of the Coalition’s “Stop the Boats” border protection policies.
In 2016, he unsuccessfully stood as a Liberal Party candidate for the Senate.
In December 2017, during the parliamentary eligibility crisis, the High Court declared him elected in place of Fiona Nash, who was ineligible to stand.
Despite harsh factional opposition, Senator Molan remained in the Federal Senate until his passing.PC
For the first time in 58 years as a voter; I will not be voting Liberal in the Lower House in March! 3 reasons. 70% is that lamentable ultra left, Matt Kean whom I loathe and detest; the sooner he is gone, the better off the Party will be. Second, nothing was done to ensure one of most effective and publicly popular Ministers, David Elliott was not found a good safe seat to ensure his continuation in the Party.This will cost the Party a lot of votes. Third is the appalling rolling and dumping of my good local member, Melanie Gibbons in Holsworthy; for purely opportunistic power stacking reasons, by the Liverpool Mayor’s wife :((
Here is one lost Liberal vote in Holsworthy! My first time ever!! It is high time for a good clean out and overhaul within the once great Liberal Party; at all levels. Many old friends I speak to, have the same intention this time around. I was an active non factional branch member for 46 years.
FEDERAL Senator Jim Molan was denied a State funeral by the Perrottet Government. NSW Treasurer and Left factional boss Matt Kean has held a grudge since he unsuccessfully attempted to remove the General from the Australian Senate.
Senator Molan well-deserved a State funeral for his outstanding service to Australia and Australians! This disgraceful decision is just another example of Perrottet’s gutless capitulation to the bully-boy Kean. He clearly has not seen the writing on the wall!!! So he just flick passed it to Albo who also denied General Molan a State funeral. Another example of the disrespect that the Government has for things that are important to Australians, our culture and our respect for others. It’s a real indicator of the tough times ahead for the average Aussie who will get no support from the government to manage their ever increasing costs of living and our inherent rights and freedoms.
PS: the Greens also showed their hatred for all things Australian by labeling Senator Molan a “war criminal”. He was worth a hundred of those ideological scumbags [who might not have had Australia to live in if not for real “war heroes” like him!!]
The Military Service I attended was a wonderful ceremony and memorial for Jim.
Let’s stick with the positive aspects.
A disgrace , a real Australian who gave it all and in the end got nothing back from the NSW Libs . When will all the” left liberals” [small L ] move over to the Green side and leave us real Liberals alone ? RIP Jim .
A disgrace , a real Australian who gave it all and in the end got nothing back from the NSW Libs . When will all the” left liberals” [small L ] move over to the Green side and leave us real Liberals alone ?
Kean has got to go as well as other left Libs.
Jim was not gay, trans, black or Islamic so he clearly didn’t tick the right boxes for the collection of woke morons pretending to be leaders…instead he fought for the country they hate; he stood against the tyranny they support; and God forbid, he was a man of conviction and principle…can’t have that sought of thing being honored eh! Matt Kean must have been sickened at the thought of honoring someone who actually cared about his country. Sad really but such is the likes of Kean and other left mongrels infesting our Parliament.
A Truely Great Man. He travelled to my hometown of Coolah for Anzac Day 2010 as the Guest Speaker. Jim also met my daughter Hope in Canberra & gave Hope advice on the ADF. Hope is now in Paris at the Embassy. Jim had accepted an invitation to come to Coolah on Veterans / Long Tan Day this year as a special guest.
Jim Molan was a National Hero, and deserved to be treated as such by the NSW parliament and his own party. It’s about time Matt Kean was dumped by the Liberal Party so that he could be freed to join another party to his liking. He certainly doesn’t qualify for membership of Bob Menzies’ party.
The least that should now be done for Jim Molan is to give him a State, or Federal Memorial Service. Anything less is a denial of his valued service to the nation.
Disgraceful, and the liberal party wonder why they are a joke ,Kean Zimmerman and the like wouldn’t even rate next to the late Jim Molan, I had the pleasure of supporting Jim when I was a senate selector for the nsw senate, we spoke a few times , it makes me boil up inside when I see the disrespect he endured by the Liberal party.
Poor Jim. He should never have ranked behind the likes of Andrew Bragg and Hollie Hughes (who?) in the Senate pecking order. Of course, his below-the-line gambit showed them up for what they are, utterly irrelevant in the eyes of the electorate.
The envy and revenge of weak men.
Jim Molan was a patriot, a life of service to this nation.
May these cowards rot in hell.
He did bloody good ?. Well done on a career and life well lived. I have more respect for him than the last 40 years of ex-Prime Ministers. He shall be missed. LEST WE FORGET Senator & Major General Jim Molan.