FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott has re-joined the battle against politically correct “cheer leaders” who, he claims, are betraying Australian values.
Mr Abbott this week said that, while discussing and re-evaluating mainstream values remained important, “this was not the time for a politically correct woke reset”.
“In 2020 we saw an unprecedented suspension of our liberties,” he said. “We have to ensure – in 2021 – that this doesn’t become the new normal.”

- Former PM Tony Abbott declares 'this is not a time for a politically correct woke reset'.
- The 'reset', being advanced by globalists, advocates communal property ownership.
- Australia is in a cultural cold war where elites are pushing divisive & alien ideologies.
The “reset”, which is being advanced by globalists associated with the privately-run World Economic Forum, advocates communal property ownership – and promotes equality of outcome above equality of opportunity.
The socialist-based movement is being organised by political, financial, educational and unionised elites under the guise of a post-COVID new world order.
In taking up the fight, Mr Abbott has joined forces with the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), where he has recently been appointed as a Fellow.
IPA Executive Director John Roskam said the former PM was the perfect person to join the battle.
“The Australian way of life is under pressure because our political and cultural institutions have abandoned the values that made our country great,” Mr Roskam said.
“In place of values like freedom, equality and democracy, we now increasingly have censorship, identity politics, and the sway of unelected bureaucrats.
“Australia is now in a cultural cold war where the elites are pushing divisive and alien ideologies onto mainstream Australians who are without a voice and without institutional power.”
Research by Mr Roskam’s IPA indicates that the lifestyle of an average Australian has declined almost 30 per cent since 2000.
“This decline can be found across every area of Australian life, spanning home, work, enterprise, governance and lifestyle,” according to an IPA report released this month.
Titled The Decline of the Australian Way of Life 2000-2021, the report provides a comparative index of 25 measures of Australia’s culture and economy.
While it demonstrates that the quality of the Australian way of life is significantly worse now than it was 20 years ago, not all is lost – yet.
“Twenty three of the 25 measures selected have declined across the period 2000-2020, which shows that the decline of the quality of life has been felt across all aspects of Australian life,” the report said.
“The Scoreboard provides a comparison of the Australian way of life as lived today and as lived in the recent past and suggests that Australia can correct its current unfortunate course.
“By identifying the values, customs and institutions that made our country great in the first place, we can recover.
“Australia is blessed to have inherited a set of values known to correspond with flourishing individuals, families and communities.
“These values, including freedom, fairness, self-reliance, enterprise and good faith & charity towards others provide a sound basis for correcting our course.”PC
They smear those they fear. Those that speak the painful truth that would flush the cesspit of lies down the sewer will always be subjected to the vilest of labels by the maggots in the cesspit.
It is certainly time for Mr. Abbott to re-enter the political arena . He is much needed before we are completely ruined by the socialist loonies.
Mr Abbot, you talk so much sense. We need you as a leader.
Tony Abbott is one extremely wise but very fierce warrior for true Conservative values. He was the P. M. who had ALL the common sense, experience and intelligence to have made our AUSTRALIA TRULY GREAT!
Now he joins the fight against the shallow thinkers who would burden our collective, free and friendly character with ludicrous irrelevancies, or worse, bury it altogether under the alien ‘reset’ of despicable globalist socialism.
With the increasing secularisation of our community we are losing the tenets of Christianity on which Western civilisation was built. Love your neighbour as yourself and the golden rule of treating others as you would have them treat you. Simple tenets that make for a civilised society.
More Abbott, less O’Brien.
Hear hear Tony, your opinions are hated by the left, so anything that you say I’ll endorse!