FEDERAL Senator Jim Molan was badgered by a baying ABC audience last week after saying he kept an “open mind” towards human induced climate change.
Seconds later, new Q&A host Hamish Macdonald openly sided with his loud and narrow-minded audience, questioning why the former Army Major General was so open minded.
Senator Jim Molan AO DSM was a panel guest on last week’s Q&A, a program that had recently undergone a major make-over after claims of inherent bias. The make-over appears to have failed.
ABC host: 'Why do you have an open mind!'
“I certainly accept the climate is changing,” Molan said. “It has changed and it will change. And what it’s producing is hotter and dryer weather and a hotter and dryer country.
“As to whether it is human induced climate change…
At that point the Senator was set upon by the Q&A audience with cries of “come-on”, loud groans and mocking laughter.
The Senator continued: “Thank-you, thank-you.
“As to whether it is human induced climate change, my mind is open. But this is…
The audience again shouted down Senator Molan’s response with groans and with such loud hysterical laughter that host Macdonald turned to call for quiet.
As the Senator re-commenced his answer he was cut off a third time, this time by Macdonald himself. Who then proceeded to ask one of the most self-defining questions a biased ABC anchor could possibly frame.
“I’m sorry Senator, but that was my question. What do you think is causing it? WHY IS YOUR MIND OPEN?”
Case closed. Group-think controls both Q&A and the largely unread studio audience it repeatedly recruits.PC
Senator Molan was treated despicably by the outlandishly rude and skewed ABC which showed it’s true colours as the one-eyed, ostrich-like, media arm of the Green and Labor Parties.
They are actually out of touch with the current and real scientific facts on the climate, (and so much else), but they bizarrely – precariously cling to their hopeless, disproved climate lies and their childish, ‘woke’ left-wing piffle.
I did like Morrie’s Comments, but he hasn’t taken into account that while Jim is extremely intelligent and superbly informed, he is also extremely polite and a true gentleman. He cannot function in such a toxic atmosphere and nor should he try.
All Conservatives must completely ignore the farce that is now the abc.
Jim is an old soldier, so he should know that you should never willingly engage in combat on ground of the enemy’s choice. He apparently doesn’t understand that while conservatives want to sit down and have a civil discussion over a cup of tea, the left only ever wants a knife fight.
What Jim needed to do on Q&A was to get on the front foot, grab the audience by their collective jugular, and call them out in no uncertain terms as a pack of brain-dead morons. The fact that he didn’t is emblematic of everything that is wrong with conservative politics in this country, and shows to what extent we have been cowed by the nonsense purveyed by the left’s hysterical hucksters, hell-bent as they are on destroying our society.
I too thought we got rid of the ABC leftist bias when Jones was replaced, but like many others the rot continues and yes I agree that the host and the obvious selected audience who too did not show respect to Senator Molin, who is a personal friend of mine because he said and had a view different to theirs. Notwithstanding this, it is also a very emotional time given, the drought, devestating bushfires and in other parts of Australia now horrific flooding and we need to restrain from such vetriolic behavour. As well I witness the total destruction and its surrounds of my boyhood farm, first from a drone on TV and then I visited it several weeks ago and yes it was very emotional and I did share a tear or two.
I don’t know where the Q and A audience comes from but they certainly do not represent a cross section of the population. Alternative lifestyle types for sure, the unemployed, the bored, students etc etc
My 16 year old daughter Yvette died in August 1992, she was worried about Dolphins Whales and Polar bears, their numbers have increased and it is also an impossibility for ice to melt and water to rise. Fort Denison Builder Engineer and surveyor George Barney measured the sea level and it has not increased since 1857 when he completed the icon.
Tony Abbott and Jim Molan Australia’s Greatest Patriots, Malcolm Turnbull Oz’s worst quisling.