Screenshot: Kansas Attorney General/Facebook

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach announced Monday he is suing pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for misleading Kansas residents about the safety and efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

During a press conference in Topeka, alongside Deputy Attorney General Fran Oleen and Assistant Attorneys General Kaley Schrader and Melanie Jack, Kobach detailed the allegations lodged against Pfizer.

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth,” said Kobach.

The complaint, lodged today in Thomas County District Court, accuses Pfizer of misleading Kansans about the vaccines’ risks, including potential harm to pregnant women and the risk of myocarditis. The suit further alleges that Pfizer falsely claimed its vaccine was effective against COVID variants, despite evidence to the contrary.

Pfizer is also accused of suggesting its vaccine prevented COVID-19 transmission despite admitting it had not studied whether its vaccine halted transmission.

The State of Kansas outlines several specific allegations in its lawsuit:

1. Pfizer misled the public that it had a “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccine.

2. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was safe even though it knew its COVID-19 vaccine was connected to serious adverse events, including myocarditis and pericarditis, failed pregnancies, and deaths. Pfizer concealed this critical safety information from the public.

3. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine was effective even though it knew its COVID19 vaccine waned over time and did not protect against COVID-19 variants. Pfizer concealed this critical effectiveness information from the public.

4. Pfizer said its COVID-19 vaccine would prevent transmission of COVID-19 even though it knew it never studied the effect of its vaccine on transmission of COVID-19.

5. To keep the public from learning the truth, Pfizer worked to censor speech on social media that questioned Pfizer’s claims about its COVID-19 vaccine.

6. Pfizer’s misrepresentations of a “safe and effective” vaccine resulted in record company revenue of approximately $75 billion from COVID-19 vaccine sales in just two years.

7. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated previous consent judgments with the State of Kansas.

8. Pfizer’s actions and statements relating to its COVID-19 vaccine violated the Kansas Consumer Protection Act, K.S.A. 50-623 et seq., regardless of whether any individual consumer ultimately received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

9. Pfizer must be held accountable for falsely representing the benefits of its COVID19 vaccine while concealing and suppressing the truth about its vaccine’s safety risks, waning effectiveness, and inability to prevent transmission.

You can read the complaint here.


BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach is suing Pfizer for “misleading Kansans on COVID vaccine.”

Kobach alleges Pfizer misled Kansans on the vaccine’s side effects, such as miscarriages and myocarditis.

“Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public…

— Truth In Media (@Truth_InMedia) June 17, 2024

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that in a case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the court acknowledged the plaintiffs’ claim that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not meet the traditional definition of vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of the virus but only mitigate symptoms.

In its decision, the 9th Circuit highlighted that the district court had misapplied the precedent set by Jacobson v. Massachusetts, which upheld mandatory smallpox vaccinations due to their effectiveness in preventing disease spread. The court noted that the plaintiffs’ claims, taken as true at this stage, suggest that the COVID-19 vaccines do not effectively “prevent the spread” of COVID-19, thereby warranting further consideration of their allegations.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Acknowledges Plaintiffs’ Claim that COVID-19 mRNA Jab is NOT a Vaccine, But a Therapeutic

The post IT BEGINS: Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

4 thoughts on “IT BEGINS: Kansas Sues Pfizer — State Alleges Company Knew of ‘Serious Adverse Events’ Yet Marketed COVID-19 Vaccine as ‘Safe’

  1. More shocking truths for the People of the World where Censorship has been rampant.
    Global censorship/banning/disabling websites, disabling social media /video accounts etc., have been destroying/killing off all our freedoms, rights and choices – our freedom of opinion, speech, information sharing, opposing views to Governments and their ‘agendas’.
    The voices of truth, reason, integrity, honesty have been stifled/throttled and this atrocity of ‘shutting up any opposing views performed allegedly, by Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Medicine, Big Media, Globalists, Elites, Treacherous Politicians et al., the total destruction of the Freedom, Rights and Choices of the People of the World > heading us all toward Global Totalitarianism.

    What really happened – See substack Article by Alison Bevage (Channel 7’s Spotlight program Sunday 30/06/24)
    What really happened on Channel 7’2s Spotlight Show >

    Alison’s insight into the alleged TGA & trial medicine:
    Alleged > “The TGA’s safety monitoring system consists of voluntary reporting. . .
    Doctors were ‘discouraged’ in March 2021 when the medical boards and AHPRA told them not to criticise the gene-vaccines on social media or face disciplinary action.
    The public had no idea how to report or even if they could.
    To monitor safety, the TGA tells drug companies to scan social media for reports of injuries.
    But the Home Affairs Department and the federal Health Department both told social media platforms to censor posts by gene-vaccine injured people, as revealed by Freedom of Information requests.

    This is insane.”
    More than insane, allegedly, it’s evidence of criminal intent to hide crucial safety signals in a trial.

    1. FDA-CDC* Oct 2020:
    CBER Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Steve Anderson, PhD, MPP Director, Office of Biostatistics & Epidemiology, CBER VRBPAC Meeting October 22, 2020

    FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines:
    DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change*** ▪ Guillain-Barré syndrome ▪ Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis ▪ Transverse myelitis ▪ Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/meningitis/ encepholapathy ▪ Convulsions/seizures ▪ Stroke ▪ Narcolepsy and cataplexy ▪ Anaphylaxis ▪ Acute myocardial infarction ▪ Myocarditis/pericarditis ▪ Autoimmune disease ▪ Deaths ▪ Pregnancy and birth outcomes ▪ Other acute demyelinating diseases ▪ Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions ▪ Thrombocytopenia ▪ Disseminated intravascular coagulation ▪ Venous thromboembolism ▪ Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain ▪ Kawasaki disease ▪ Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children ▪ Vaccine enhanced disease

    2. Pfizer* doc Feb 2021:
    See pages 30-38 APPENDIX 1. LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST > ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING vaccine injuries/adverse effects/deaths/diseases/illnesses.
    Over 1000 known adverse conditions allegedly hidden from the public.

    Parliamentary question – P-003358/2022 – European Parliament – At a meeting of the Special Committee held on 11 October 2022 to discuss the findings regarding COVID-19 pandemic and recommendations for the future, a Pfizer executive confirmed that the vaccine had never been tested for its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID before being put on the market.
    Data emerging since the introduction of the vaccine indicates that it is in fact unable to do so, thereby refuting the claim that the COVID-19 Digital Passport provides any guarantee of protection.

    Another small example of the alleged disgusting Conflicts of Interest in Australian Vaccination Policies compiled by The Heart Party.

    Information Paper – link hereunder > see Corruption/Conflicts of Interest items all through this Information Paper. This is the Tip of the Iceberg !
    Note >> From Page 40 Why You are not getting truth from Mainstream Media Empires
    Page 51 Censorship of Academic Research – A Critical Analysis of Australian Government’s rationale for its Vaccination Policy – Dr. Judy Wilyman – University of Wollongong – A Disgusting, Relentless and Abusive
    Campaign against Dr. Judy Wilyman to stop her.
    Page 52 International Medical Council on Vaccination
    Page 29 Information – The Truth on the Flu Vaccines/vaccinations – Absolutely ATROCIOUS DAMAGE/SIDE EFFECTS
    Also, please in particular, see the information on Victorian Government > Revolving Doors > Big Ties > Big Pharma > Big Medicine et al but as stated, allegedly the entire system is corrupted with systemic and extensive conflicts of interest – please look all through this Information Paper for Corruption/Conflicts and I have only scratched the surface herein !

    We know that the lipidnanoparticle will take the RNA and there’s also contamination from DNA into the genome of individuals.
    TGA is supposed to be the Powerful, Astute, Independent, Unbiased, Uncompromised, Non-conflicted, Transparent, Honest, Ethical, Effective Watchdog of the Pharmaceutical Industry BUT IS ALMOST FULLY FUNDED BY THEM – this is allegedly the most shocking Conflict of Interest !

    No Jab for Me – And Here Are 35 Reasons Why – By Dr. Gary G. Kohls
    Fist published by Global Research on May 5, 2020
    “Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.
    The CDC’s entire vaccination propaganda campaign rests on their claim that side effects from vaccinations are exceedingly rare, but according to the blatantly pro-over-vaccination, Big Pharma-funded CDC, in 2016 alone, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) received 59,117 vaccine adverse event reports. Among those reports were 432 vaccine-related deaths, 1,091 permanent vaccine-related disabilities, 4,132 vaccine-related hospitalizations, and 10,274 vaccine-related emergency room visits. What if these numbers actually represent less than 1% of the total as this report asserts? You multiply those numbers by 100.” – William Christenson
    “The FDA receives 45% of its annual budget from the pharmaceutical industry.
    “The World Health Organization (WHO) gets roughly half its budget from private sources, including Pharma and its allied foundations.
    “And the CDC, frankly, is a vaccine company; it owns 56 vaccine patents and buys and distributes $4.6 billion in vaccines annually through the Vaccines for Children program, which is over 40% of its total budget.
    “The HHS (US Health and Human Services) partners with vaccine makers to develop, approve, recommend, and pass mandates for new products and then shares profits from vaccine sales.
    “HHS employees can personally collect up to $150,000 annually in royalties for products they work on.
    “For example, key HHS officials collect money on every sale of Merck’s controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil, which also yields tens of millions annually for the agency in patent royalties.” — Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
    Statements in these sites (this and this) are substantiated with facts that will stand in a court of law. Informed Consent requires a flow of information. Click on the hyperlinked sections to direct you to primary sources such as CDC, WHO, FDA documents.
    Did you know?
    Please read entire article >

    Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’
    Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.” 29 February, 2024

    12 July, 2024.

    In March 2022, my office conducted an inquiry titled “COVID Under Question” to examine COVID and the response measures. Another inquiry was held in August of the same year.

    Witnesses included Australian and international health experts, as well as individuals or loved ones who were impacted by the jabs.
    The inquiry scrutinised all facets of Australia’s COVID response, involving politicians from multiple parties, ensuring a genuinely non-partisan cross-party inquiry.

    Channel 7’s Spotlight program revealed widespread public dissatisfaction and concern with the government’s COVID response. Many people are expressing anger and have numerous unresolved questions. Rebuilding trust in federal and state governments, politicians, health departments, medical professionals, media, and pharmaceutical companies cannot happen without fully addressing these concerns.

    Call a COVID Royal Commission now!

    The United Kingdom even called upon the whole country to stand on their front doorsteps and applaud their health professionals every Thursday evening.
    The inventor of the Moderna vaccine was given a staged standing ovation at Wimbledon. Certainly, big pharma thought so highly of the head of the TGA, the Therapeutic Goods Administration, Professor Skerritt, that they offered him a thank you job on the board of Medicines Australia—which, despite the grandiose name, is the main pharmaceutical industry lobby group. Heady days, indeed. Those days are over as the reality of their incompetence, self-interest and lies comes home to roost.

    To those in this place fighting a rearguard action against a tidal wave of knowledge and accountability, it must be clear to you now that the battle is lost. Public anger is not going away; widespread and deep anger remains.
    Trust in the medical profession is lower than at any time I can recall. I fear where that will lead if it’s not corrected.

    Please continue to read full Transcript and watch video >

  3. Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says
    In a Senate hearing Thursday, ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield said mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are “toxic” and should not have been mandated.
    He also called for a pause on gain-of-function research.
    by John-Michael Dumais
    JULY 12, 2024
    Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.
    Redfield’s admissions came during a Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing on government oversight of taxpayer-funded high-risk virus research.
    The late admission of vaccine injuries underscores the failure of public health agencies and the medical establishment to provide informed consent to the billions of vaccine recipients worldwide.
    “It’s important that he is telling the truth now,” vaccine researcher Jessica Rose, Ph.D., told The Defender. “Adverse events were hidden and still are being hidden to prevent injection hesitancy.”
    Redfield, who led the CDC from 2018 to 2021, didn’t stop there. He declared biosecurity “our nation’s greatest national security threat,” calling for a halt to gain-of-function research pending further debate.
    The hearing, which featured contentious exchanges between senators and witnesses, also touched on controversial topics such as the COVID-19 origins lab-leak theory and allegations that health agencies suppressed data.

    Demanding Answers over BIG PHARMA P.R. Firms EMBEDDED STAFF AT CDC

    CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) Data Shows Links Between Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
    749 deaths liked to Hib (Haemophilus influenzae Type b) and 51% were SIDS
    By Sayer Ji and Dr. William Makis
    Global Research, March 27, 2024
    COVID Intel and GreenMedInfo
    This callous disregard for the evidence — evidence that clearly shows the CDC misrepresents the safety of the Hib vaccine — speaks to the blind investment in vaccine policy decisions over human wellbeing. Millions of parents have listened to the CDC and FDA and believed that these vaccines not only work but are safe. Informed consent requires those undergoing a quasi-mandatory medical intervention like vaccination to know the true risks associated with it. Failing to do so is clearly a violation of this medical ethical protection against being abused, and in some cases disabled and even killed.

    Study: Prenatal Exposure to Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Causes Autism in Male Rats. COVID Vaccines Recommended for Pregnant Women Without Safety Data
    Prenatal exposure to Pfizer’s vaccine altered gene expression in male offspring, causing “pronounced autism-like behaviors.”
    By Megan Redshaw
    Global Research, January 14, 2024
    Megan Redshaw 13 January 2024
    According to Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, COVID-19 vaccines have not been proven safe for pregnant women, as evidenced by Pfizer’s 2021 cumulative analysis of post-authorization adverse events, which shows 1,223 deaths in the first ten weeks of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, an 81% miscarriage rate, a nearly sixfold increase in fetal death, a 7.9 times increase in neonatal death, and breastfeeding complications in 14.7% of newborns.
    Please also see Megan Redshaw – Articles Archive >

    US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Has 10 Year Backlog of Claims
    By Megan Redshaw
    Global Research, February 26, 2024
    The Activist Post
    It may take more than 10 years for someone injured by a COVID-19 vaccine to receive a decision on whether their claim is eligible for compensation by the government’s vaccine compensation program—if they receive a response at all.
    Activist Post >
    REMEMBER !!! CHD Covid Vaccines Deaths / Injuries VAERS Data – Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events !!

  4. Talented singer, song writer, biodynamic farmer, Kelly Newton-Wordsworth just wrote and produced this profound song, not only for Australians but for all of humanity. LISTEN to the words & SHARE!
    EXIT the WHO is a song by international singer/songwriter Kelly Newton-Wordsworth, to alert Australians and all people of the urgent need for our nations to leave the World Health Organisation.

    The song is to bring attention to what she and many other Australians believe is a state of emergency, because the WHO is attempting to negotiate changes to the International Health Regulations as well as a new “Pandemic Treaty”, with the tyrannical aim to position itself as the sole controller of public health practices worldwide.

    In the words of former US congresswoman Michele Bachman: “Through the WHO Pandemic Agreement, Bill Gates is attempting “the greatest grab of power in 5,000 years of recorded history. Once the deal is done in May, if in fact it does get done, it will change our lives completely going forward.”

    What should be of great concern to the people of Australia and other WHO member nations, is that under the proposed Pandemic Treaty (the “Treaty”) proposed by the WHO and being negotiated now, are provisions for the WHO and its Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to expand their powers over and above the sovereignty of the member nations, therefore over the people of the world.

    Dr Tedros, who is also the principal “global health” adviser to the United Nations, was the health minister in Ethiopia’s ruling Communist party known as the “Tigray People’s Liberation Front”. This communist organisation was listed by the US government as a terrorist organisation. It received financial support from the Chinese Government, which also supported Dr Tedros to head the WHO.

    Dr Tedros has also been seen as closely aligned to Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which are the biggest private funders of the WHO. The WHO and Dr Tedros strongly supported mandates and vaccinations, as did Bill Gates, who is heavily invested in vaccine companies and profited from them during the pandemic.

    At present the WHO’s recommendations are non-binding to member states. However, If Australia fails to reject the proposed amendments to the International Health regulations and the proposed Pandemic Treaty in April and May this year, our nation will be bound to obey every medical direction from the WHO. Our doctors, health administrators and citizens will have no choice. The WHO’s proposed changes will make its “health” recommendations mandatory. The WHO is also moving to expand its powers to decide upon whether a situation constitutes a potential emergency or public health risk and if it does, to order lock downs and other measures.

    In page 16 of the the Treaty, member states will be encouraged to engage in “innovative research and development for addressing novel pathogens”, while making sure that a nation’s own standards “do not create any unnecessary administrative hurdles for research”. This indicates that the WHO supports “Gain of function” research of the kind that was being done at Wuhan and is now seen by most scientists as creating the pandemic.

    The WHO wants to be in control of ALL pathogens with pandemic potential! (Pages 17-18 of the “treaty”!) They want the genomic sequences and also every single benefit which would arise from having the control of these pathogens.

    The WHO also wants to increase funding to censor what they deem to be medical “misinformation and disinformation”. They seek to be the final arbiter and judge over what is medical “misinformation” and to be responsible for censoring it.

    In summary, the WHO Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations form an attempt to create a medical dictatorship.
    In page 21 of the Treaty the WHO is wanting to rebrand mandatory lock downs, restrictions and quarantines as “protection of human rights”!

    If member states confirm this Treaty, the WHO will have the power to dictate, control and direct the supply of pharmaceutical products and the member states under law, would have to do what they are told! (Page 13).

    Under this Treaty, member states will be expected to speed up the approval of pharmaceutical products and not take precautions to check whether they are safe for consumers. (Page 15)

    The WHO is also seeking under the Treaty to extend its powers beyond advising on human health, to be able to declare a climate or environmental emergency and enforce consequent lock downs.

    “It is time for Australians to make our voices heard to ensure that Australia exits the WHO and joins the World Council of Health to protect both human health and fundamental human rights in ALL public health policies.” (Dr Judy Wilyman, author of ‘Vacci-Nation’)


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