AUSTRALIANS are almost twice as concerned about the health of the nation’s economy as they are for their own well-being as the Coronavirus pandemic picks up a new head of steam.
With an uncontrolled second wave in Victoria and isolated outbreaks in NSW, SA and Queensland, all Australians whether male or female, young or old have, by far, ranked the economic impact as a primary concern.
According to a survey conducted by McKinsey and published in The Australian newspaper this week, 61 per cent of Australians are concerned or very concerned about the state of the economy.
While only 31 per cent say they are concerned for their personal health.
McKinsey reports that Australians have expressed more concern for their economy than their counterparts in New Zealand, the USA and China.
Uncertainty ranks second in the survey [see table below] with 57 per cent of respondents concerned about not knowing how long the pandemic will last.
Woman or more worried about the health of relatives than are men with 50 per cent of females concerned or extremely concerned compared to only 38 per cent of men feeling the same.
The survey also shows women are more concerned about almost all aspects of the pandemic except for one category – interruptions to travel plans. Men are more worried about being grounded (39%) than women (36%).
The most chilled age group is 75yo+ with an average of only 25 per cent concerned or very concerned about the combined impacts of Coronavirus.
The youngest group surveyed (25-34yo) were most stressed with 46 per cent concerned or very concerned about its combined impacts.
As of Wednesday August 5, Australia had 8,039 active Coronavirus cases – an increase of 739 on the previous day, with the majority of new cases coming from Victoria (725), NSW (12) and SA (1).
Overall, Victoria has 13,035 active or closed cases with 162 deaths recorded, followed by NSW (3631/50) and Tasmania (227/13). All other States and territories have experienced single digit fatalities apart from Northern Territory which has recorded no deaths.
The McKinsey analysis was based on a periodic survey of 800 Australians carried out from April to July 2020.PC
MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews and the deserted streets of Melbourne (enhanced). (courtesy SBS/The Australian)
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The McKinsey Survey

This virus is here to stay, unless we obtain a reliable, safe vaccine down the track.
We oldies must be responsible for protecting ourselves, our young generations must continue receiving a full education and everyone possible return to the workforce while being more aware and sensible – (masks and social distancing, no large gatherings). Then the Treasury, (backed up by the uncalled-for ‘National Cabinet’), can stop murdering our Economy by distributing welfare like the Ganges in full flood!
Very sadly, Nursing Homes are at terrible risk because the nature of the care requires such constant, close contact from the HUGE turnover of young carers and nurses, (3 shifts per 24 hours). Then there are the cleaners, kitchen staff, admin. staff and many others. Locking a tranche of Corona-tested staff to board in the facilities for several weeks on rotation with another tranche, is hardly achievable. However, any resident becoming sick, should immediately be transferred to hospital.
Yes, wholeheartedly agree that the banks should be paying AT LEAST three-quarter dividends with the other quarter to come a little later, when most are back at work and able to pay mortgages etc.
It’s only time until the relatives of deceased patients, take a Class Action Law suite against the Andrews Government for banning of
It will be the biggest payout in the history of Australia!!!!
I’m in my 50’s and the company I work for has seen a substantial decline in it’s revenue. My main concern is following the inevitable downsizing I will not be able to find work again. Despite two university qualifications and decades of experience I know full well I’m not a prime candidate for any future position.
This confirms that the younger generation are mostly namby-pambies. For most of them life has been easy, and with the first real hardship they fall to pieces and demand that we ‘protect’ them.
No surprise the elderly are worried about their wealth. APRA ( ie the Government) is telling the banks to withhold their profits from their owners (read elderly self-funded retirees) so there will be plenty for everyone else. Amazes me that Crown Casinos could pay out $400 million in dividends and then put its staff on Jobkeeper while the elderly have been hung out to dry! Outrageous.
Chairman Dan – Socialism in action ie. dictatorial because he has no skin in the game as he and his fellow public servants are financially protected. Socialist don’t ever think where the money comes from – they just spend it and when it runs out they borrow more and then spend that as well. We desperately need the economy to pick up – not these non-sensical, draconian, nanny state directives.
With age comes wisdom. We should be more concerned about the economy. The cure remains worse than the complaint.
The fact that the young are more worried about their health than those aged 75 and older tells you a lot about the source of their information – Twitter and the ABC fearmongering. The people, in general, are a lot more sensible than their leaders, as they will find out in the next elections.