Shabbos Kestenbaum is a college Democrat who is Jewish and has just endorsed Donald Trump, saying that he will be voting for him in November.

If you have followed the news over the past year, you have seen mobs of radical leftists on college campuses denouncing Israel and supporting Hamas, despite the fact that it was Hamas that attacked Israel last October in horrific fashion.

In the video below, Kestenbaum criticizes the Democrats for failing to address this issue at their convention and says that he reached out to numerous high ranking Democrats and couldn’t even get one of them to return his phone calls.

The Times of Israel reported:

Shabbos Kestenbaum, high-profile campus antisemitism critic, endorses Trump

Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Jewish Harvard alumnus who is suing the school over its response to antisemitism, announced on Thursday that he has broken with the Democratic Party and will be voting for Donald Trump.

Kestenbaum made the declaration during a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual convention, saying that he had become disillusioned with Democratic leaders and their policies during his push for action against campus antisemitism.

“I did not support Trump in 2016, I did not support Trump in 2020. Hell, I did not support Trump six months ago. Nobody’s perfect,” said Kestenbaum, a registered Democrat.

“The Democratic party has taken the Jewish vote and Jewish voters for granted for far too long,” he said. “I will be supporting, I will be endorsing, I will be voting for President Trump.”

Kestenbaum’s party switch isn’t a complete surprise: He addressed the Republican National Convention in July, an experience, he told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency at the time, that felt “lonely” but that was warmly received by the crowd. In that speech, he talked about his vote in November — but did not specify which candidate he would support.

Watch the video:

I am a Democrat.

I support most progressive policies.

I will be voting for President Trump.

Please watch and share my speech below to understand why.

— Shabbos Kestenbaum (@ShabbosK) September 6, 2024

Plenty of Jewish Democrats will be voting for Trump in November on this single issue. Just look at what happened to Jamaal Bowman in New York over the summer.

The post Jewish College Democrat Concerned About Antisemitism Endorses Trump for President (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

7 thoughts on “Jewish College Democrat Concerned About Antisemitism Endorses Trump for President (VIDEO)

  1. RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Get Green Light to Sue Biden Administration for Censorship
    A Louisiana district court ruled late Tuesday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense have legal standing to sue the Biden administration for colluding with tech giants to censor their social media posts, in a decision that listed specific instances of government officials targeting Kennedy and CHD.

  2. The World is in Absolute Peril !

    It’s a “Killer” Vaccine Worldwide: Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linked to 201 types of diseases
    By Lee Harding and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
    Global Research, September 08, 2024
    Western Standard and Global Research 15 January 2024
    “You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Former Minister of Internal Affairs

  3. Video: The Pfizer Vaccine and “Mrs. 4.5 Billion Doses”. EUC President Von Der Leyen Involved in Censorship, Surveillance, Coercion and Corruption
    Mislav Kolakusic, Croatian lawyer and Independent MEP
    By Mislav Kolakusic
    Global Research, November 13, 2022
    Farms Not Factories 25 October 2022
    Please watch video >
    Please also examine the extremely important Articles by Dr. William Makis

  4. As I said Mr. Donald Trump and Senator R.F. Kennedy Jnr. have got a lot of ‘cleaning up and cleaning out’ to do. For the sake of the entire world – vote for TRUMP !!

    This from the wonderful and courageous BIG PHARMA WHISTLE BLOWER Dr. Mike Yeadon.
    Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth.
    Two important recent speeches and an introduction from myself.
    Dr Mike Yeadon
    Apr 19, 2024
    I saw the two gentlemen at the end of this post, Dr Christian Perronne and Stefan Homburg, make short speeches close together in time.
    Knowing as I do that there was no pandemic, no public health emergency…
    …only lies about a dreadful new disease sweeping across the world, followed by deliberate misattribution of illness and death to this supposed disease, “covid19”, the speeches warn strongly of impending danger to liberty.
    The first speaker warns that various agreements are being forced upon all countries in the world…
    aimed at concentrating power into the hands of one globalist institution, the WHO, total power to announce a “public health emergency of international concern” or PHEIK, pronounced “fake”. It certainly is fakery, but terrifyingly, it means that the head of the WHO can tell each of our governments to lock us down, to restrict our ability to travel, to mandate testing and even injections and to restrain those who refuse to comply. I point out simply this: if there truly was a PHEIK, it’ll be because of claims of some new health threat. Under such circumstances, WHO could not possibly know what is the best course of action for the people of Berlin, Bogata and Birmingham. Whatever WHO instructs, it cannot know that it’s appropriate. It’s a novel situation. Nobody knows what is best. Humans are very good at dealing with such novel circumstances. They do what they think is best, locally, and communicate outcomes efficiently. Very quickly, we learn what works and what does not. Do not let that corrupt institution steal your sovereignty. If they take it, if our traitorous governments effectively give away our rights, they will never give them back and we would be on track for imposition of a One World Government, a New World Order. It’s hard to envisage anything more dangerous, more so even than a war.
    Please continue to read full article and watch videos >
    and see Dr. Mike Yeadon’s additional vital piece of evidence included on the link above >
    Here it is too >
    I forgot to include in my summary one absolutely vital piece of evidence that confirms to me that this has been but Part 1 of a continuous assault upon humanity.
    We’ve known long before injecting billions of people with mRNA based products that these are unavoidably harmful.
    Why, then, are Pfizer & Moderna expanding their manufacturing footprint all round the world, building new production facilities everywhere?
    Why have several governments proudly announced that they have struck desks to purchase sufficient doses to inject every citizen a further ten times over?
    Add to this the constant warnings about “the next pandemic”, when there haven’t been any real pandemics?
    Add further, the steady push towards a requirement to have & to display a new form of international digital ID, like a farm or companion animal?
    Also, the symphony of voices from the central bankers that cash is out-dated and is to be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)?
    A future world, if we let them bring it into being in which we disappear as unique humans and become mere avatars represented by a QR Code. These avatars can easily be forced to get injected repeatedly as a condition to maintain the validity of their digital ID, with which no person may buy or sell.
    You may have come across such a scenario before.

    Statement by Dr. Mike Yeadon – Biochemistry, Toxicology and Respiratory Pharmacology, Biopharmaceutical R & D and more.
    Please continue >

  5. As I said Mr. Trump and R.F. Kennedy Jnr. have a lot of cleaning up to do when Trump is President >

    R.F. Kennedy Jr. withdraws from ballots in 10 swing states, endorses Trump, promises to tag-team the dismantling of the Big Pharma / Big Food / Big Ag DISEASE industry that preys upon children – A MUST READ
    In a truly historic speech, RFK Jr. showed rare political leadership and courage by endorsing President Trump, removing his name from the ballot in 10 swing states, and promising to radically reform the disease industry in America that keeps our nation sick and diseased for the sake of corporate profits.
    Please continue >

  6. As I said Mr. Trump and R.F. Kennedy Jnr. have a lot of cleaning up to do when Trump is President

    Video: Climate – The Cold Truth. The Massive Scam which Promotes Global Warming / Climate Change
    Climate The Movie by Martin Durkin
    By Julian Rose – Global Research, June 20, 2024
    We are rapidly waking up to the massive scam that promotes global warming/climate change as ‘doomsday scenario par excellence’.
    In this film (see below) is a succinct and powerfully presented series of exposes by scientists and climatologists coming clean about the real truth behind the global warming invention.
    Highly recommended viewing for all in need of material that can be shared with others needing to be brought up to speed on this vital issue.
    Climate Change/Global Warming is the scare tool being used to completely capsize the world economy, destroy agriculture and act as a supposed critical ‘health hazard’ to the global population.
    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has the audacity to claim that it is in a position to also rule on climate issues. So its ‘Pandemic Treaty’, if approved by The World Health Assembly this May 2024, looks like being the basis for placing both climate change and world health under its United Nations/World Economic Foundation backed despotic mantle.
    Let us be in no doubt that the depopulation agenda is at the forefront of these manoeuvres.
    Covid, Climate and Health Care are now all weaponised by the elite Big Finance cult that pulls the strings of puppet political chiefs, non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and all operatives that toe the line of the top down status quo.
    I would wish that those speaking on this film had had the courage to raise their voices before their retirement. This is where true whistleblowers really come into their own. It takes courage.
    Please continue and watch the video >

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