Labour has lost control of Britain. They have been in power for just a couple of weeks and Britain is already falling apart.

There have been bodies found in suitcases, riots in Whitechapel, riots in Leeds, riots in Southport, children murdered in cold blood, a soldier stabbed, police officers brutally attacked, machete fights in the street, and mass antisocial behaviour.

And yet, the best our government can offer are half-hearted statements written by SPADs saying they’re ‘shocked and appalled’.

Britain is on its knees, but it’s not a coincidence.

Within just days of coming into government, Labour announced they would release 40,000 prisoners early. They scrapped the Rwanda scheme and announced they would waive through 90,000 asylum applications.

They took the side of two men who attacked police officers and following every major incident have just put out soft statements – barely doing the bare minimum.

When you take a soft on crime approach – expect crime.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has been about as useful as a chocolate teapot and has frankly disappeared when the country is in desperate need of leadership, of strength, or reassurance. If she isn’t sacked by the end of the week then we can clearly see that the Prime Minister is not prepared to lead as her position is completely untenable at this point, she clearly isn’t up to the job.

In just two weeks the country has already fallen apart, the government has already lost control, and Britain cannot afford five more years of this, yet somehow I know it is only going to get worse.

I knew Labour would be bad – but I didn’t think they would be this bad.