LEFT-wing media and politicians are in a panic as Italy voted this week to elevate family values ahead of mass migration, gender fluidity and radical climate politics.
Reflecting a trend across Europe, Italy’s conservative candidates dominated the September 25 election, installing pro-family firebrand Giorgia Meloni as the nation’s first female prime minister.

- “All too often the high priests of group think are incapable of giving answers that make sense.
- “The attack our national identity, they attack our religious identity, they attack our gender identity and they attack our family identity.
- “We will defend God, country and family.
Italy has a five-year parliamentary term.
Ms Meloni is leader of the Brothers of Italy Party, named after the first line of the Italian national anthem.
While her countrymen celebrated in the streets, political and media elites around the world condemned the result.
Australia’s ABC described Ms Meloni’s government as “hard Right” and the most extreme since Benito Mussolini’s mid-20th century dictatorship.
The Fascist dictator was a former journalist and Communist Party member.
Prior to this week’s vote, European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen admonished Italians to reject Ms Meloni and said the EU “had tools” to deal with the result should she prevail.
The Italian electorate, however, responded with two fingers, giving their new prime minister a majority in both houses of parliament.
Ms Meloni, whose Party attracted little more than four per cent support in 2018, ran a high profile 2022 campaign elevating family values, Christianity and Italian culture.
She laid out her agenda earlier this year at an Italian Family Congress gathering, which Left-wing protesters had attempted to disrupt.
“Our opponents said it was scandalous for people to defend the natural family founded on marriage, to want to increase the birth rate, to want to place the correct value on human life, to support freedom in education and to say no to gender ideology,” Ms Meloni told the gathering.
“I think the ones that want to go back to the past are those trying to bring back censorship by trying to stop an event like this taking place,” she continued.
“I think it is unenlightened when a State which is usually willing to sponsor any old thing – even exhibitions featuring a crucifix immersed in pee – is ashamed to sponsor an event like this.
“I say the losers are those with nothing better to do than come here and insult us while we talk about what we can do for the Italian family.”
She said Italian families should stand proud despite Left-wing opposition.
“Above all, I say the embarrassing ones are not us.
“The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like ‘womb for rent’, abortion at nine months and blocking the development of children with drugs at 11 years of age.
“That is embarrassing!”
Ms Meloni said, if elected, she would improve rights.
“We want to guarantee rights that today don’t exist,” she said. “The right of a woman to be a mother and not to have to give up work as a result.
“The right to be a mother, choose not to work and not starve to death as a result.
“The right of a woman forced to have an abortion because she has no alternatives – to have that alternative.
“Because it’s not true that a woman’s freedom to choose is guaranteed. If a woman only has the option to abort, that isn’t the freedom to choose.
“The freedom to choose means having a choice. That is what we want to guarantee. We’re here to defend women, to defend the family.”
She said people should be responsible for their own actions.
“The point is, I believe in a society where every choice has consequences and you accept responsibility for them.
“I reject a society where every desire becomes a right, every whim becomes a right, where I have no responsibilities, I have only rights. I reject it. It is wrong.
“I am a person who asks myself uncomfortable questions. And I want answers to these questions that are credible.
“And all too often the high priests of group think are incapable of giving answers that make sense.”
Ms Meloni’s most vigorous applause came when she targeted globalist financiers.
“Why is the family the enemy?,” she asked. “Why is the family so frightening?”
“There is a single answer to these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identity.
“Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.
“And so they our attack national identity, they attack our religious identity, they attack our gender identity and they attack our family identity.
“I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No!
“I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number!
“Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators.
“The perfect consumer.”
She told her audience that globalists were frightened by pro-family communities.
“We don’t want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being,” she said.
“That’s the reason why. That’s why we inspire so much fear. That’s why this event inspires so much fear.
“Each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable.
“And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family.
“Those things that disgust people so much.
“We will do it to defend our freedom. Because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators.
“That is our mission.
“Chesterton wrote more than a century ago ‘Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer’.
“That time has arrived. We are ready!” PC
Climate hoax and related warming trend creative accounting had to eventually stop being taken seriously, but at what cost point would that reach before the crony capitalism fellow travellers lost interest?
The answers are now emerging: “Despite the fanfare surrounding wind and solar, the world’s dependency on fossil fuels is increasing. Last week, Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser said that the world is now “transitioning to coal.”
Saad al-Kaabi, Energy Minister of Qatar, says, “Many countries particularly in Europe which had been strong advocates of green energy and carbon-free future have made a sudden and sharp U-turn. Today, coal burning is once again on the rise reaching its highest levels since 2014.”
They are right. Global coal demand will reach an historic high in 2022, similar to 2013’s record levels.”
It would be fascinating to read a list of astute investors who were prepared and own coal deposits, gas fields and other reliable fuel sources.
What a pleasant change to hear someone like Giorgia Meloni speak about issues that cause so much concern to so many of us. In the meantime, we have to listen to our pathetically weak so-called centre-right politicians whose only interest appears to be conforming to the latest poll results. A classic example is the emergence of the the Teal Party (that’s what it is!) whose primary focus is climate change. Instead of educating the public on how stupid are the Left’s views on global warming and recent extreme weather events they just say nothing and then wonder why these Teal morons get elected !
She has spoken what many all think and want . Why did we go to war ??? For our rights ands freedom to speak our minds out without being censored . This is the first domino of many t fall in the collapse of the EU,UN,WE,WHO Dictatorships .
Like most traditional Liberals, I fancy this Italian PM. Classy, unafraid and straight to the point. What wouldn’t we give for her courage. Instead, Australian politicians are spineless sops.
Wow, this could have been Perrottet, except he hasn’t the nuts of this Christian woman. Instead, he dropped a knee to his globalist overlords and melted into a sop.
He is under orders and they have something on him. So much for a man of faith ?