MY ASSESSMENT of Donald Trump, confirmed by his superb CPAC speech, attracted a version of the elites’ current default critical race theory response: “You racist jerk”.
Racist? In my youth, the front-page banner on the nation’s leading journal demanded “Australia For The White Man”. I would often be reminded of my origin even by adult strangers.
- These myths are part of the neo-Marxist armoury to bring down Western civilisation.
- With the stroke of his pen, Biden destroyed women’s sport and their personal security.
- Such is the power of the delinquent US media, even conservatives seem obliged to agree.
I have always resisted playing the victim, especially over jocular banter which the lazier London media so long pretended was shocking when uttered by Prince Philip.
But for the 1998 Convention Election campaign, I did mention my origins. Reprimanded by the Fairfax press, I explained this was to counter their dismissal of the Crown as alien and white. Then, a few years ago, a site promoting a politicians’ republic regularly damned me as that “perma-tanned Indonesian-born blow-in”.
A gift indeed, a great way to begin an after-dinner speech.
Critical race theory is but one of the myths pouring out of American universities. Its strongest proponent is the Party of slavery and segregation, led by the White House Pretender who himself emerged as a prominent segregationist Senator and who now declares that any African-American daring not to vote for him is not black.
All these myths are part of the neo-Marxist armoury designed to bring down Western civilisation. The priority of the cabal of “important people” recently revealed by Time magazine was not only to remove Trump, it was to ensure no other outsider ever dares disempower their swamp. What unites them is the veritable cornucopia Beijing offers, even if the price is US and Western decline.
Pseudo-scientific, these myths are slipped into the curriculum by our captured teaching institutions, no matter which party is in power.
Orwellian Newspeak is typically used to limit discourse to approved thought. Thus using “gender” instead of “sex” concedes that being a man or woman is not determined at birth but by choice. This has consequences illustrated by the fact that the Pretender has, by a stroke of his pen, destroyed women’s sport as well as the security of women’s lavatories, etc.
Resistance to these changes is sanctioned, if not by law, by the social media, key members of Time’s cabal.
(Incidentally full marks to the Australian government for so successfully standing up to the anti-Trump social media monopolists.)
The central myth today is the discredited theory of anthropogenic “global warming”. Because warming inconveniently stalled, Newspeak now uses “climate change”. According to a UN functionary in a moment of candour, its true purpose is to impose a global socialist model.
Although Beijing has promised net zero emissions, just as they promise not to commit genocide, they are laughing all the way to this nation’s downfall, building last year more than three times as much new coal power capacity as all other countries combined.
Recently, while the band played Amazing Grace, the mass-attending, rosary-carrying Pretender honoured the 500,000 Americans said to have died “from” (more likely “with”) the Wuhan virus. But when he restored US$9 billion in foreign aid to abort or kill foreign babies previously disallowed by President Trump, no band played for the 30 million babies, disproportionately black, killed under the Supreme Court’s invention of a constitutional right based on the myth of women’s choice.
Such is the power of the delinquent US mainstream media, even conservative commentators seem obliged to attack Trump over two things, his daring to question the integrity of the election but also, what can best be described as his lack of the sort of gravitas attained by the Pretender or by Barack Obama.
As to the election, US commentator Sebastian Gorka explained to Andrew Bolt on The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia that rather than Trump having no evidence of fraud he had a veritable mountain which judges curiously found technical reasons not even to hear.
This judicial reluctance was repeated recently when six Supreme Court justices scandalously ducked the opportunity to clean up, for the future, blatant constitutional breaches to do with changing electoral law.
The six sadly included two Trump appointments, Kavanagh and Barrett. The fact is Trump was not only entitled to raise election integrity, he had a moral and constitutional obligation to do so.
Common sense indicates that, as with credit cards, any opening for fraud will be used. The more you move away from the polling station-based secret (or Australian) ballot, the more fraud is deliberately enabled. And when politicians talk about making voting easier, the more they want to make fraud easier.
The Australian governments’ decision to experiment with the names of some voters being struck off on an electronic roll is suspiciously tame. This should be universal at the next election as should photo-identification on voting and especially registration. Expressing preferences should be optional and the elections should only be on one day.
As to Trump not having gravitas, he never claimed his inauguration would stop global warming, he never used the IRS against opponents, he never wiretapped an opponent on fraudulent grounds, he never funded Iran to develop nuclear energy nor derailed action against their Hezbollah client when they were funnelling cocaine into the US, he never abandoned diplomats attacked by terrorists in a US embassy nor then lied about the reason, he never unleashed a war, he never broke his promise to move the embassy to Jerusalem, he never hid from the media, he never allowed anyone in his administration to sell access and influence to foreign oligarchs, he never promised Russia that he would go soft after the election, he never threw the borders open nor did he ever fail to act to prevent the theft and transfer of intellectual property to Beijing.
He did none of these things. Instead he made America and the West great again. And, God willing, the best is yet to come.PC
‘CHEATS WILL NEVER PROSPER’ – so true! There is just so much wrong with the Government in the USA now that I fear for the whole Western World and in particular, fear for my children and grandchildren’s futures; the USA being so integral to our well-being in the larger scheme of things!
A US PRESIDENT WHO IS COGNITIVELY ‘TOAST’ – obviously being operated in ‘puppet’ mode and a ghastly HARRIDAN CALLED HARRIS itching to take the reins! O.M.G! Harris had to drop out of the primaries in 2019 as nobody wanted her anywhere near the Presidential Office, her support was dismal! She entered her VP role through the back door.
Under Kamala Harris as Attorney General of California, – 127,000 BLACK AND HISPANIC CITIZENS WERE INCARCERATED- many kept imprisoned for inordinate amounts of time for such crimes as Marijuana Smoking or Possession.
When Harris was a Prosecutor, she initiated the truly reprehensible scheme of LOCKING UP PARENTS of (mainly black and Hispanic) children who truanted from school. These poor, hopeless families had multiple reasons for their children’s non-attendance and this draconian ‘solution’ massively, tragically, added to the problem. The mind boggles!
Her actions for so long had been against the well-being of Black people and Hispanic people that one can only wonder at her about-turn to POST BAIL -(provided by the taxpayer)- FOR THE MANY CRIMINALS that were caught committing violence, destruction and mayhem during the horrific riots of the Marxist-led rabble – Black Lives Matter.
What farcical and tragic politics now dominate the USA! I can only wish the TRUE AND DECENT TRUMP REPUBLICANS in Congress and the Senate the very best of luck in times ahead.
Well written, David Flint. It is disturbing that, whilst voter fraud may well have been the tipping point to get Biden elected, so many Americans voted for the Democrats or against Trump. Whoever takes on the Democrats and the swamp in 2022 and 2024, they must increase their vote beyond the record vote Trump achieved. It will require considerable effort to re-educate the younger voters who, by and large, have been indoctrinated with socialist propaganda for most of their lives.
A lot of the Democrat ‘voters’ were recycled pieces of paper. The main challenge is for the Americans to sort out their voting systems before the next election.
A delightful, informative and sensible view of some of the crucial issues which probably aren’t being addressed in an informative or sensible manner elsewhere. I particularly appreciate the observations on the crock that is Critical Race Theory, as the lucky white English father of two daughters with my Polynesian wife. Having lived and worked in a number of countries around the world with my mixed race family, I’d regard the arguments postulated under CRT as specious, to say the least.
At the risk of irritating other readers, I also regard the entire proposition of Anthropogenic Global Warming as the product of paid for voodoo science. Polar bear populations are thriving in the Arctic Circle. Don’t expect any news of this from any newspaper or TV station.
Sea levels continue to vary and coral atolls continue to accrete land in some parts as they lose it in others. The trick is, with coral atolls, that you compact the land by having 6,000 people living on a tiny islet which had 600 people living there 50/60 years ago. They used to live without concrete, piling and tarmac. That’s Funafuti in Tuvalu.
On Male, the capital of the Maldives, it’s even more extreme. There are 150,000 people living on less than 10 km2. On Male, according to scientists I met when I was last there in 1990, the land is actually sinking. The population on Male had increased tenfold in less than 50 years. Logically, given the fragile nature of coral structures, which are the very substance of the islets in the atolls, this must make sense? Apparently not. Sea levels are rising, or falling, inexorably, everywhere. The UN has determined that sea levels are rising everywhere, and this is the absolutely undisputed narrative. The BBC agrees and they’ve closed the conversation – the science is settled.
I have a super idea. Instead of taxing the stuff out of us for driving cars which emit CO2 and which actually don’t make a scrap of difference compared with the mass of existing and new coal-fired power stations in China, India and Germany, (who knew?), why not consider a sensible strategy?
Even the ‘Gods’ of the IPCC considered this in a long ago buried report – ‘Mitigate’ sea-level rise/erosion. Do what the PRC has done, illegally, across loads of atolls in the disputed EEZs in the South China Sea – concrete and steel. Build atoll islet extensions. The PRC has now got about 10 ‘new’ islands with surface areas many times greater than the entire land area of Tuvalu and they’ve done this in less than 10 years. Concrete over Funafuti lagoon and have lots of space for 10,000 people. Criminal! Environmentally catastrophic! As if having 6,000 people on Vaiaku, the main islet on Funafuti, with sceptic tanks flooding over the land every time there’s a King tide is a sensible and environmentally useful arrangement.
It begs the question of whether you want to keep a growing population on islands which haven’t been able to sustain such large populations for several decades – Tarawa and Majuro are in the same club. Tricky questions which are unlikely to be asked, let alone addressed. Until the rational discussion is allowed there’s little prospect of progress. All the politicians in the islands are united in blaming all the Western nations for driving around in cars which use oil. It’s called consensus regional politics. It’s also, frankly, another crock and a great way to divert attention from a self-perpetuating problem which has nothing to do with my car but an awful lot to do with incompetent government planning over the last 40 years of independence in Tuvalu and Kiribati. I hesitate to mention the excellent government of the The Maldives for a variety of obvious reasons. I should, however, note that I once saw a Ferrari parked in an enclosed house on Male. Weird. There’s one stretch of road of about a mile or so where two cars can pass without one pulling over. Nowhere would you sensibly get out of second gear unless you were bent on injuring people.
Thank you David Flint. Once again, could I ask for this article to be published in The Spectator in Britain? It would cheer us up considerably.