THE Liberal Party is getting “worse by the day” and is merely months away from being obliterated from coast to coast, according to former Deputy Leader Neil Brown.
In an article appearing in this week’s The Spectator Australia magazine, Mr Brown warned that the once conservative Party was now “teetering on the edge of oblivion”.

- Its abandonment of core beliefs has been in lockstep with the decline in its electoral support.
- Its policies seem little more than copying the Labor Party and the Greens.
- The Party is now a mere token version of what it was.
In related news, expelled senior Liberal Matthew Camenzuli is set to move against Leftist Party MPs including NSW Treasurer Matt Kean and his compliant premier, Dominic Perrottet.
“Unless something dramatic happens, next year will probably be the year the Liberal Party teeters over completely,” Mr Brown wrote.
“I fell out of love with the Liberal Party when it turned away from its basic beliefs and started to flirt with the Left.
“There may be things going on behind the scenes to arrest the Party’s decay, but I doubt it, judging by its public performance, which seems to get worse by the day.”
“Its senior personnel are become increasingly apologetic and unconvincing.”
Mr Brown, who briefly acted as federal Liberal leader while John Howard received medical care, said the Party had become increasingly “alien”. He is no longer a member.
“I would be living a lie if I remained a member,” he wrote.
“I believe in free enterprise, small government, self-help, reducing the size of government, preserving our constitution and our institutions, and avoiding all the weird social experiments.
“The modern Liberal Party believes in none of these positions.
“And its abandonment of each of them has been in lockstep with the steady decline in its electoral support.”
He said the Party appeared lost and confused.
“What you get today is a Party that appeals to no one, stands for nothing and shows no sign of getting a hold on what it is supposed to believe in,” Mr Brown said.
“So, it is now a token version of what it was.
“Its policies seem little more than copying the Labor Party and the Greens, instead of offering a real alternative, as the Liberal Party used to do when it actually won elections.”
Meanwhile, expelled Liberal State Executive member Matthew Camenzuli is set to run candidates against senior Liberal MPs in NSW’s March 2023 election.
Mr Camenzuli was removed from the Party after he challenged the constitutional legality of Mr Morrison’s “captains picks” in the lead up to this year’s federal election.
According to The Daily Telegraph, the IT tycoon has recently formed a political collective called Choice 200 to run “true blue” independent candidates in March.
The movement has been established in response to the Left faction’s ongoing interference in preselections, with Choice 200 members already holding discussions with potential candidates.
According to the Telegraph, candidates include sports stars, business people, an entertainer, a paramedic and former servicemen and women.
Its platform will have three key policy elements: cost of living, housing and energy security.
Seats to be targeted include Epping, held by Premier Dominic Perrottet, Hornsby, held by Treasurer Matt Kean, Goulburn, Parramatta, Penrith, Riverstone and Winston Hills.PC
Even blind Freddie can see why the liberals are on the nose. I have been a liberal supporter all my voting life I am 76 but since the infiltration of liberal left (wets) around the time Turnbull entered parliment, if not before, the party has become a waste of a vote. While this form of preferential elections continues the Left will prevail even when they do not achieve the highest numbers without the greens and independants( all Left wing or swinging to gain extra for them, e.g. lambie, poke and the teals to name just a few). A new firm of elections is desperately needed ( e.g first past post) to allow the true voting outcome to be shown. This would allow the Quiet Australians vote to rule. I will forever find it difficult to actually vote for anyone in the upcoming Federal or State election. The left wing liberal politicians must be removed from the Liberal party well before the next Fed election to start the removal of this Marxist fuelled labor/green/union party before Australia is no longer the lucky land , one people, one flag, no President, no voice to parliment (elected politicians only). GOD SAVE AUSTRALIA.
You would have seriously thought that after the Baird fiasco with the amalgamation of local councils and greyhounds that Perottet would be aware not to touch the issue of cashless gaming cards. This issue is a political disaster for him in terms of the Liberal Party being re-elected to government at the next NSW State election. It’s not a vote catcher but a vote looser. He has just about alienated every club director and committee member in the State and every pub owner. They will fight him every way and are all cashed up to unseat him and the current government. Obviously, he is not very savvy as he has learned nothing from the Baird fiascos. All I can say further is “You can’t put brains in statues and educate mugs”
It would be a pity if Choice 200 ran against Matt Kean. In an ideal world he deserves to be defeated by someone even further to the left from the teals.
Perfectly nailed it Neil! I feel terminally disappointed and disgusted at the Liberal Party . Our whole family has voted for and cheered on the Liberal Party and its past values but no more. I cannot vote for the Greens or Labor and now not the Libs. Wow what a choice!!.
Totally disappointed in them. What the hell has happened.
WE went from being a nation admired and respected for our common sense values. But be very wary of turning the entire nation Red. ALP = CCP and The Greens are running the nation into the ground. Baird was allegedly a crook, Gladys allegedly another crook (there is book out about her) seems crime pays??? Old Dom should have sacked Hazzard and Chant and if he is a man of faith?? Well he better pray for a Miracle. I want Mark Latham as Premier and then see how it is done folks .
Might as well just merge Labor, Greens, Pale Greens and LINO and give the founder of the LINO his dream result.
Of course the Union Movement also seeks dominance of the governments of our nation as revealed in The Bulletin Magazine during 2006 around the time Kevin07 appeared as Labor Opposition Leader. Journalist Max Walsh wrote about a “corporate-style takeover” by the Union Movement of their political friend’s Australian Labor Party, union trained executives given safe Labor seats, and much more that he exposed.
Now close to 2023 and Labor hold WA, SA, VIC, ACT, QLD, NT and FEDERAL governments.
And the LINO left are the white ants chewing away at the foundations of the once centre to centre-right Australian Liberal Party while like minded NINO chew away at the Coalition partnership. The woke fools who cannot understand that even if they agree to climb into bed with the further left woke fools they will be discarded and excluded from positions of influence reserved for Labor factions and Greens also receiving Union donations.
And voters are again being positioned to vote at referendum ballot boxes for a republic we in the majority rejected not long ago and a “voice to parliament” and on a trust Labor basis, leave the details to them on trust. But noting that Prime Minister Albanese recently commented that the Constitution is “archaic”.
And despite the 1967 Referendum based on which governments can legislate for Indigenous Australians specifically, and how the Aboriginal & Torres Straits Islanders Commission was established, and later shut down because of governance and corruption problems. The “voice” would be called Aboriginal & Torres Straits Islanders VOICE. Are we stupid enough to not see the plot? And the secret agenda details, trust Labor basis as well. The founder of ARM wanted to change the Constitution and said it was out of date, etc. So out of date, archaic? It’s a No and a No for me.
Take care people we are in a terrible political situation, what comes next?