WITH Australia’s pro-monarchy victory coming of age this year, the movement is looking to lock-in its success for another generation.
Despite recent desperate attempts by pro-republican agitators to demonise Queen Elizabeth as a totalitarian, anti-Muslim, anti-Catholic and anti-Australian foreigner, Australia’s current system of government remains overwhelmingly popular.
One of the leading organisations behind 1999’s referendum success, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy (ACM), will hold its 21st National Conference next week. Tickets have sold out.
The theme of the conference is “A Tale of Two Great Commonwealths: Australia and the USA”.
ACM National Convenor Prof David Flint AM said the conference would be highly topical and would be uploaded to social media as soon as possible.
“We will be comparing the Australian and American constitutional systems,” Prof Flint said.
“In addition, we shall be reporting on the latest twists and turns in the campaign to impose some politicians’ republic on this reluctant nation.
“There will also be a session with a significant broadcaster on the subject ‘A superb constitution which could be even better’.’’
Prof Flint said, due to current gathering restrictions, it would be a smaller turn-out but anticipated high levels of enthusiasm.
“We are hoping to involve ACM’s remarkable Young Ambassadors for the Australian Crown, Constitution and Flag and ensure opportunities for Q&A.”
The conference will be held between 2pm and 5.30pm on Monday November 30, 2020 with video of the event to be publicised soon after.PC
If only Charles could start behaving himself. The Queen and Prince William need to sit him down and tell him what for. His activism is the single biggest threat to Australia’s constitution.