by SEAN BURKE – NSW Opposition Leader Chris Minns’ carefully curated image of “nice and relatable” has been dealt a heavy blow by his own hand.
The Labor premier-in-waiting last week exposed himself as little more than an “identity” politician after he singularly threw support behind gay pride celebrations in a social media post.

- If you’re not a climate radical, a homosexual activist or a union official, prepare to be forgotten.
- Why does three per cent of the population dominate the narrative for the “achievement” of being different?
- No one really cares anymore!
His problem? An in-depth review of his social media campaign posts fails to reveal a single mention of any mainstream Australian value.
Mothers, Anzacs, the faithful nor fathers (God forbid) didn’t rate a mention from Mr Minns.
If you’re not a climate radical, a homosexual activist or a union official, prepare to become a forgotten taxpayer under NSW Labor.
In a post on February 17 the NSW Labor leader wrote: “A night of pride for NSW last night as we celebrated the start of Sydney World Pride by lighting up the sails of the Sydney Opera House!” He attached an image of a rainbow-soaked Opera House.
Mr Minns’ devotion to the LGBTQ cause, however, doesn’t end with pride symbolism. He is also threatening to prevent people struggling with same-sex attraction from seeking corrective help.
Unfortunately (and not unexpectedly), NSW’s Liberal Premier Dominic Perrottet soon followed Mr Minns’ authoritarian over-reach by also promising to ban medical assistance.
The responses to Mr Minns’ posts were harsh and somewhat surprising, given the Left’s dominance on social media.
“You really are disgusting,” Pamela Hanr wrote. “Is virtue signalling all you’ve got?”
Steven wrote: “Do you light up the Opera House sails for Mothers’ Day?”
Meanwhile Steve Penman wrote: “What’s to celebrate?
“You can be proud of an achievement, accomplishment or overcoming a difficulty.
“That’s pride in yourself.
“Why does three per cent of the population dominate the narrative for the ‘achievement’ of being different?
“The gays I know get on with their lives without waving a flag!”
Gary Gravy agrees. “Enough of this stuff already,” he wrote. “No one really cares anymore.
“If you are gay, you are gay – so be it. End of story.”
Reflecting the views of mainstream Australians, Julie Monry responded to Mr Minns’ post with eight echoing words.
“I’m absolutely sick of this whole pride rubbish!” PC
Mothers Day, Fathers Day, ANZAC Day, Australia Day…………who cares? As long as we celebrate the Pride movement. Which I am happy to do, but the Pride movement seem to want to cancel the other celebration days. WHY? What have we done, other than support their every whim and request, and demand. When does it stop? I’m sick of it.
From a puff-piece in a national daily last weekend, it seems Minns has discovered you think more clearly when off the grog. Stunning insight from a man who wants to run the state. Let’s hope he doesn’t forget.
Minns is a shallow individual – all ‘smart-talk’ but no substance.
Little fish, big pond – Minnow