by BETTINA ARNDT – LAST week Australia had great news. A brilliant young Chinese PhD student won his appeal against the sexual assault convictions which led him to spend last Christmas in prison.
I wrote about this appalling case last March following his release on appeal, after three months in Parklea jail.
- Politicians have been shamelessly denigrating and ignoring men.
- Mainstream Parties are a total disgrace and getting rid of Labor should be an absolute priority.
- It’s all part of getting men’s rights on the map. About time too.
It all started when his accuser threatened to have him charged with rape when he refused to resume their relationship after she’d dropped him and then wanted him back.
Sure enough, that’s what she did. Now her lies and manipulation have been exposed for all to see.
Here’s the verdict from the appeal. Read it to get a taste of the utter madness that is finding its way into our courts. And know that this creature had the effrontery to turn up to visit him in prison, full of remorse, claiming she had no idea this would happen to him.
I’m just delighted that he will get a chance to return to China to finish his PhD.
What is outrageous is he will receive no compensation for wrongful imprisonment – what happened to him was apparently perfectly legal. But certainly not right, nor proper.
And some further good news…
Six years ago I ran a campaign targeting the charity Mission Australia for claiming a major cause of homelessness was women escaping violent partners.
We pointed out this was misleading since the bulk of truly homeless people are male and that there are also many males and their children needing to escape violent women. We even managed to get the CEO to meet with male domestic violence victims to expose him to the true picture.
The result – nothing. The charity continued to pull on the heartstrings of potential donors by portraying cowering women.
Now suddenly they have discovered battered men.
Look at their latest ad, featuring Brice who has been forced to move interstate with his children to escape his abusive, drug-addicted ex-wife.
This is a huge turn-around, suggesting that finally the truth is out. The fact that this major charity featured a male domestic violence victim to launch its Christmas appeal is a big deal.
It acknowledges that the public realises female violence is a major issue and assumes they will be willing to pay to help vulnerable males and their children. We need our governments to take note.
I’m pleased to be able to offer some Christmas cheer, celebrating many new initiatives which are springing up, all designed to change the prevailing narrative, and provide more services and support for men in trouble.
It all heralds a big year ahead, with the world waking up to the fact that men matter too.
To start with, I’m getting political and helping the NSW Libertarians put together their men’s rights policies.
The Libertarians were the Liberal Democrats until the Liberal Party won a court battle to restrict their right to use that name. They are a Party committed to “Individual liberty and personal responsibility under the rule of law” – an alien notion in this nanny State with its prescribed victims and villains.
That means equality – which requires brave new policies to redress the imbalance currently operating in our society. Policies ensuring fair treatment for men, rather than the existing laws and rules endlessly advantaging women.
We are working on the list now – and you might like to help. How about enforcement of penalties for false allegations? That’s number one on my list.
Suicide policies which, instead of favouring women, give proper funding to Dads in Distress,the only organisation properly supporting one of the groups proved to be most at risk, namely dads during family separation.
How about we do a Trump and commit to removing all DEI from all government-funded bodies?
Restore the presumption of innocence in sexual assault trials? No more cases pushed through to court without insufficient evidence. No more talk of “victims” rather than complainants.
Stop shaming boys in schools? And close the education gap by addressing boys’ educational disadvantage.
And, of course, Family Law reform must be centre stage – and the abolition of the entire rotten system is the only real answer.
But a pilot of an inquisitorial tribunal model would be a good start. We must work for a 50/50 shared care presumption, but in the meantime insist on changes to the Family Law Act to restore the presumption of shared parental responsibility and children’s right to care by both parents – both tossed out by the current Labor government.
We need a family court system which enforces its orders. And a fairer child support system which doesn’t incentivise mothers to deny fathers contact with their children. Dismantling the current system where violence orders have become the go-to tactic for gaining advantage in family law matters. The list goes on…
We are looking for a top ten – you can send in your suggestions – ideally with links to background documents. (Please don’t send in massive screeds – we will only read brief summaries of ideas.)
We know these policies are not going to sweep any Party into power but hopefully they will start a conversation about the shameful way our politicians have been both denigrating and ignoring men. Our mainstream Parties are a total disgrace and getting rid of Labor should be our absolute priority.
A few months back I published a survey asking for feedback on lawyers and other professionals involved in domestic violence and family law battles.
The results were striking, with the average legal costs over $100,000, over 90 per cent reporting trouble finding good legal help, endless reports of dud, incompetent lawyers and frequent overcharging.

Now a new service has been launched to address the unique challenges faced by men during divorce. The High Conflict Divorce Centre (HCDC) will provide both men and women with services from carefully vetted, ethical professionals, but is tailored specifically to meet the needs of men confronting false allegations, parental alienation and anti-male bias in the justice system which makes the separation process so much tougher.
The initial launch offers limited services but will soon be expanded to include a far wider range of professionals available across the country.
HCDC welcomes inquiries from professionals keen to be involved, and potential investors. Plans for 2025 will include resources to help men self-represent.
It’s been very entertaining watching panic set in as viewers desert mainstream media whose ignorance and bias had been exposed in the recent US elections.
Suddenly everyone is talking about the pulling power of alternative media, given that Joe Rogan’s interview with Trump attracted 38m views in three days.
But in the new world of podcasting and social media, heavyweights like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson have long been exposing the plight of men. And now many other programs are starting to join them.
Here too, there are encouraging signs of large audiences hungry for such content. For the past few months Damian Coory has been pulling big numbers in his YouTube show, The Other Side, by focussing on the hot button issues impacting on men: the biased family court, false allegations of domestic violence and feminist targeting of men.
He has just produced a great finale for the year – Stand up for Aussie Men.
The result of Damian’s show was that my inbox has been flooded with men wanting to talk about their family law battles – one train wreck after the other. Now there’s an Australian podcast which aims to give these men a public voice.
The Broken Fathers Podcast was founded by an Australian veteran, Jared Purcell – a proud father who was “completely broken” by his family court experiences.
He aims to provide a platform “for fathers to share their struggles, expose flaws in Australia’s outdated Family Court system, and advocate for change”. Contact Jared if you would like to participate at jared.purcell88@hotmail.com.
There’s plenty more happening – like a new app to help men negotiate legal battles and an AI chatbot focussed on family law and related court issues (let me know if you have the skills to help with this project).
Dads in Distress is soon to launch legal support for self-representing men. Plus, there are new male-focussed blogs, YouTube and podcast channels.
It’s all part of getting men’s rights, and men’s needs, on the map. About time too.PC
Thanks for being on our side Bettina
You are the worst. Being evil is easy. I support all women.
Yeh, I’m not sure about you my confused beta-male friend.
Low information women and their weak male cheerleaders have caused more destruction than anyone ever thought possible. It’s time to take these radicals seriously.