by PAUL COLLITS – IT HAS been a big week for Nazis and their discontents.
First, we had the sad, though not tragic, passing of Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, the German Shepherd. In what was to presage the reactions to the death, only days later, of his old friend and fellow real-Catholic, George Pell, there was an inevitable social media pushback, though nothing like what was to come following the Cardinal’s death.
- Those attempting to bring down Perrottet are not remotely interested in the plight of Jews.
- NSW has had a government that has been totalitarian in its most recent term of office.
- But no one dares mention this truth.
Hatred for what we don’t understand, to paraphrase Elton John in one of his gay anthems, lingers long in the hearts of anti-Christians. And social media is their weapon of choice.
What the mob had to say about Benedict was, inevitably, his well-known and enforced membership of the Hitler Youth. Again, we see Godwin’s Law in play.
Eventually, even when the guy with whom you have issues is dead, you are liable to play the Nazi card. It seems especially odd when those tarred with this charge are, patently, anything but a Nazi.
Witness George W Bush and Donald Trump, flawed men both and deeply disappointing in many ways to those Right-of-centre, but far from Nazis.
Trump’s enemies sometimes labelled him “literally Hitler”. This is Godwin turbo-charged. But it was sure to be raised by someone after Benedict’s passing.
Then we move to politics, and here is where the Hitler wars hot up considerably.
Two conservative (well, perhaps) politicians on opposite ends of the globe are under the pump for alleged anti-Semitism.
One, Andrew Bridgen, is a British Tory politician who, alone among his peers, has called out COVID vaccine deaths and injuries. A hero, in other words.
His “mistake” was, allegedly, to have linked the manifest, lethal, yet, to date, unpunished, crimes against the COVID vaccine victims to the Holocaust. The other, closer to home, is the NSW Premier who wore a Nazi uniform at his 21st.
Inevitably, the twitterati in each country have turned on their prey. A pair of storms in teacups?
No, much worse than that. These people have been turned on because the social media mob saw their “crimes” as opportunities.
Opportunities for revolutionaries to advance the cause of cultural and political mayhem. And, sadly, useful idiots in the corporate media have come on board in each country, seduced by the wet dream of the twenty-four hours news cycle which is fed by endless political trivia.
Those who are attempting to bring down Bridgen and Perrottet are not remotely interested in the plight of the Jews.
The anti-Bridgen campaign is a farcical attempt to shut down the anti-vaccine community by the friends of the COVID State, which has killed and maimed innocent lives at will and about which they care not a jot.
Those who are coming after Bridgen have copious blood on their paws. Like former Health Minister Matt Hancock, of all people.
Bridgen is a hero, like Malcolm Roberts, Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic, George Christensen and Craig Kelly in Australia. These are the good guys. Their persecutors are not. History will record this.
Bridgen has been stripped of his role as Party Whip for his “crime”. What was his crime? He posted on Twitter.
The North West Leicestershire Conservative MP was suspended yesterday by the Party Chief Whip, Simon Hart, after he tweeted that vaccines are “biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust” and are causing “serious harm”.
Mr Bridgen’s words were later condemned by the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, in Parliament, who said: “It is utterly unacceptable to make linkages and use language like that, and I’m determined that the scourge of anti-Semitism is eradicated.
The scourge of anti-Semitism? I do not speak for Jews or their interest groups. I have no idea whether the majority of Jews are offended by people who call out human rights abuses with reference to the Holocaust. Not all of them have joined the pile-on, though.
Brucha Weisberger stated: “As a Jewish woman, I support MP Andrew Bridgen’s statement ‘This is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust’. Please see my Rabbi’s words in this article as well.”
Note that Bridgen never said that the engineered vaccine deaths exceeded the scale of the Holocaust, or that they even matched it.
He said that the vaccines were the worst act of mass killing since the Holocaust. He simply mentioned the Holocaust as a hideous point of reference. As well he might.
Moreover, it wasn’t even Bridgen’s own statement. He was quoting what some doctor said. Will that doctor be sacked as well?
And what if Bridgen had said that it was the same as the Holocaust, or similar to the Holocaust? This should be an argument that is allowed to be made.
At worst, it is an empirical argument to be decided by the facts. By evidence. But that would be a “rational” debate. We can’t have that!
Then there was Bridgen’s “crime” of being against the vaccines, as interpreted by the Chief Whip: “The vaccine is the best defence against COVID that we have. Misinformation about the vaccine causes harm and costs lives. I am therefore removing the whip from Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect, pending a formal investigation.”
This is simply a lie. As readers here will be well aware, the vaccines have been shown over and over again to be useless and dangerous. The Chief Whip, Simon Hart, is simply a toady to the COVID class which pays his salary.
As Upton Sinclair has stated: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.”
Indeed. Bridgen was sacked for being a COVID troublemaker, for exposing the government’s lies. His enemies have swooped on his Holocaust-related tweet with mal-intent.
Let us move to the NSW Premier, now embroiled in a truly pathetic mini-disaster of molehill proportions.
As is now well known, he apparently went to his fancy dress 21st birthday party dressed as a Nazi, and the Premier feared that this would just now come to light, so he got in first.
I may be wrong but I cannot imagine the Premier’s 21st party act was done with other than comic intent.
Given his subsequent policy trajectory, I cannot see the Premier as a closet Nazi. People have been bagging the Nazis ever since they came into being.
Think John Cleese in Fawlty Towers and the writers behind ’Allo ’Allo, the 1980s British comedy sending up the French resistance, the Nazis, the Brits and just about anyone else involved in World War II.
Jerry Seinfeld had a go too, in one of the episodes involving Mr Pitt. Seinfeld is Jewish. Of course, none of these programs would be made now.
The perpetrators of these humorous words and deeds are invariably not setting out to offend Jews, and it is hard to see that the latter would be seriously offended.
If they were offended, one might well respond, with humour? Fr Ted wasn’t very kind to Catholicism or the Irish. As a Catholic of Irish origins, I laughed uproariously. As I did with Dave Allen.
So, let’s get real.
NSW has had a government that has been totalitarian in its most recent term of office. In every sense of the term, if only our journalist class could see it.
We have had home detention, enforced (harmful) medical procedures, the shutting down of dissident views, fascist curfews, the forced injection of children with dangerous, unneeded drugs, the mass sackings of workers who refused to be jabbed with experimental vaccines, army helicopter surveillance of targeted areas, sinister contact and trace technology, and the rest.
How Nazi is this? Hitler could only dream of twenty-first century tools of oppression. And not a flipping word from those who now obsess over a politician who donned a Nazi uniform at his (probably drunken) 21st.
Those who should be in the dock here are the useful idiots of the press who stood by, asking no questions whatsoever, of real Nazism in our midst.
Their shame should be such that they have no way back to their paid jobs. And they now want a politician crucified for a thoughtless twenty-something prank, committed with no apparent ill-intent.
Let us, rather, condemn the NSW Premier and his utterly incompetent government for real crimes and misdemeanours, and take the appropriate action on March 26, 2023.
Here is Craig Kelly’s summary of the latest Perrottet saga:
The first issue should be that the NSW Liberal Party is so dysfunctional that the rival factions within the Party would keep ‘’dirt-sheets’’ on each other and keep photos for 20 years hoping to use them for future factional black-mail.
And secondly, we shouldn’t be worried about a fancy dress costume – we should be worried about the real creeping neo-fascism in Australia, including:
- The suppression of free speech,
- Media stitch ups and cancel culture,
- Police violence against citizens opposing government policies,
- Human rights violations by the NSW Liberals using coercion to force people to inject an experimental genetic agent into their bodies,
- Denying citizens access to medicines proven safe.
All too true.
What we are living through, as many of us already know, is an age of confected outrage and performative offence-taking, powered by technology and the ability to achieve instantaneous political results.
It is all done with ideological purposes. No one is really taking offence at these people’s statements or 21st birthday party antics. Or, if they are, they need to get a life.
The desire to get opponents sacked through social media pile-ons is to eliminate those thought to be threats to the achievement of the mob’s objectives.
But, far worse, manufactured political bread and circuses also have the effect of providing cover for actual crimes and actual blunders.
As Craig Kelly notes, the real Nazism of Australia’s COVID-obsessed governments and those of other Western countries, which has led to massive suffering and destruction, has almost totally escaped scrutiny – from the legacy media, from the major political Party backbenches, from academics, and from just about everywhere else.
Not one government or politician or health bureaucrat or vaccine spruiker in the media or pharmaceutical company or bought-and-paid-for academic has been held to account and punished for their evil deeds.
Instead, we are treated to days and weeks of obsessing over fake Nazism and the offence that it supposedly gives to victim groups.
This confirms two things. The first is the absolute power position of the offended classes, as Geoff Shullenberger at Compact Magazine has recently pointed out.
“Victim power”, he terms it and he regards it as the most potent ideological force of our time.
The second is the almost laser-quality capacity of the punter-class to avoid its responsibility to ponder serious issues and filter out the political dross.
Or even to inform themselves about core issues of the day. Issues like the tyrannical nature of the State and the evil intentions of the COVID class, and the need to the punish politicians involved.
As a footnote, one of the great ironies of the Perrottet Nazi affair is that the most sensible reaction of all – including that of the Premier – came from the Leader of the Opposition.
A measured, sober response that the local media found hard to comprehend, such is the total absence of proportionality from which the Australian fourth estate now suffers.
Labor Leader Chris Minns probably realises that the forthcoming State election will be decided on real issues, not fake ones, and that the Premier and his hang-dog Party have more than enough baggage without having to complicate things with political vaudeville.
That can safely be left to the Liberal factions that are now parodies of political activity.
Sadly, Godwin’s Law still has power, as Benedict XVI, Andrew Bridgen and Dominic Perrottet can all well attest.PC
You are unfortunately out of date The prize is the Senate seat left vacant by the wonderful Jim Molan who can be appointed at the sole discretion of the Premiet