by KEVIN DONNELLY – LIKE the millions of other Australians who can trace their ancestry back to the time before federation in 1901, I’m a proud Australian.
The first Donnelly arrived in the colony of NSW in 1841 travelling from King’s County in Ireland and settling in what is now Wagga Wagga.

- It’s time to forget past grievances and move on. Enough is enough.
- Portraying Indigenous Australians as perennial victims is counterproductive and self-defeating.
- We must embrace a future united by what we hold in common.
The voyage to the fledgling colony was lengthy and arduous on the ship Laurel with one daughter dying before arrival.
After disembarking in Sydney John Donnelly, like many before him, decided to try his luck in the bush.
As written in the Australian Men of Mark, “He took up land on the Yass river, near Gundaroo, and remained there on his Bywong Station for many years, proving very successful in agricultural and pastoral pursuits”.
Donnelly was so successful breeding sheep for wool to be sold in London his property had a forty mile frontage on the Murrumbidgee river and he was able to buy land on which the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary built their convent.
There is nothing unique in Donnelly’s story, but ignored – by those seeking to paint our past as oppressive and racist – is the fact, if not for the ambition, hard work and toil of the early pioneers and settlers, Australia would not be such a prosperous nation.
As detailed in Judith Wright’s poem Bullocky, current generations need to acknowledge those long past who struggled in such an inhospitable outback environment.
Wright writes, “O vine, grow close upon the bone and hold it with your rooted hand. The prophet Moses feeds the grape and fruitful is the promised land”.
At a time when Senator Lidia Thorpe and the radical Indigenous activist Thomas Mayo, champion a black armband view of history arguing the First Fleet was an invasion leading to genocide, it’s time for native-born Australians to stand proud and celebrate the nation’s history.
A nation, for all its faults and sins, that was one of the first to give women the vote and that introduced a conciliation and arbitration system plus the eight-hour day that protected workers’ rights and those doing it hard.
Instead of invading, the orders given to the colony’s first governor were to treat Aborigines with respect and kindness and to peacefully co-exist. Even though a number of convicts were killed, Phillip refused to retaliate unless absolutely necessary.
As noted by Tim Flannery in Watkin Tench 1788, “Indeed, in all, the Aborigines were able to kill or severely wound seventeen Europeans (including Governor Phillip himself), with no loss to themselves, before a reprisal was ordered”.
Forget original sin where blacktivists argue every generation of non-Indigenous Australians are guilty of alleged crimes committed over 235 years ago when the penal colony was established in what is now Sydney.
Also forget the claim, epitomised by the obsequious “welcome to country” celebration where we are treated as strangers trespassing on our own land, that we don’t have the right to call Australia home.
To argue any who say No to the Voice being enshrined in the constitution are racist and that the needs of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders are ignored is also a myth perpetuated by those committed to identity politics and victimhood.
Indigenous Australians have long since had the right to vote, to be treated equally before the law and every year receive more than $30b in government benefits.
Indigenous Australians also have land rights and interests in about 50 per cent of Australia’s land mass.
While there’s no doubt many Indigenous Australians suffer deprivation, ill health and poverty it’s also true there are countless others who have assimilated and are leading a prosperous life.
Warren Mundine, Senator Jacinta Price and Anthony Dillion, all Aborigines arguing the No case illustrate what can be achieved.
Instead of fermenting division by dividing the nation into two types of citizens, those who have a direct line to executive government to influence decision making and the other 96 per cent denied such preferential treatment, it’s time to forget past grievances and move on. Enough is enough.
Instead of romanticising Aboriginal culture and history before European settlement as an antipodean Garden of Eden and promoting a black armband view of European settlement, what is needed is a reality check.
Pre-European Aboriginal culture, like many other less developed cultures, was characterised by violence, ill health and inequality – especially for women.
The grievance industry portraying Indigenous Australians as perennial victims is also counterproductive and self-defeating.
As argued by Senator Jacinta Price, it’s time to draw a line in the sand and embrace a future where all Australian citizens, instead of the colour of their skin, are judged according to their character and their willingness to embrace a future united by what we hold in common.PC
Dr Kevin Donnelly is a conservative commentator and author of The Dictionary Of Woke.
The Indigenous taxpayer-funded ‘Finance Industry’ needs to be subject to intense scrutiny just as Jacinta and Peter Dutton have indicated they will do once this bunch of socialist, incompetent morons have been turfed out of office. No indigenous person would be living in poverty if at least some of the billions of dollars provided to their so-called ‘elites’ had found its way into their communities.
We are proud of you and your family too Jacinta
Kevin, you support monarchy.
You support racial selection, and racial privilege, and a race-based veto.
This little bush munchkin who was born under a tree, grew up with English as a third language went on to complete a Bachelor of Applied Science in Aboriginal Community Management and Development as a young mother and
then became a Minister of the Crown and became the only woman in Cabinet. This incredible person is my mother Bess Price. NITV and SBS do not
celebrate her achievements because she does not adhere to the left agenda. When an Aboriginal person is not recognised or celebrated for being able to think for themselves you have to wonder who is actually keeping us down? I
celebrate her everyday!
“As argued by Senator Jacinta Price, it’s time to draw a line in the sand and embrace a future where all Australian citizens, instead of the colour of their skin, are judged according to their character and their willingness to embrace a future united by what we hold in common.”
We cannot change past history, but we can secure a better future if we are determined to join together.
And in my opinion that must include winding down government Departments of Indigenous Affairs as quickly as possible.