This is an emergency alert for New Yorkers!

If you are a New Yorker, you must read this immediately. If you reside elsewhere in the Republic, please share this information with every single New Yorker you know about a dangerous proposal on the ballot tomorrow. It is called “Proposition One” and it can give illegal aliens the right to vote, minors the right to cut off their penises and men the right to participate in female sports.

See this informative video here:

It is hiding in the sheep’s clothing of an “Equal Rights Proposal” that will literally amend the New York State Constitution by fooling the public to vote “YES” tomorrow.

There is no truly no limit to the deceit of the modern day hjacked Democrat Party.

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“The politicians who run New York State (all of whom are Democrats) passed a law last year (after they had created Prop One) giving themselves the power to NOT show you all the language, and instead only show you a short summary,” said Constitutional attorney Bobbie Anne Cox. “Their brazen elitism is truly unbelievable.”

We The People of the State of New York do NOT want Proposition One passed to change our Constitution! Unfortunately, the public at large will be tricked by this Trojan Horse proposal and likely vote “YES” for “Equal Rights.”

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Look how nice it reads on the deceiving ballot:

Amendment to Protect Against Unequal Treatment

This proposition would protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy. It also protects against unequal treatment based on reproductive healthcare and autonomy.

A “YES” vote puts these protections in the New York State Constitution.

A “NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.

The twisted, mentally ill government is trying to fool you!

You must vote NO on Proposition One tomorrow. Tell your friends and family that this “proposal” is a trick on voters of the worst kind- it reads beautifully to protect against “unequal treatment”…taking advantage of the good nature of humans and tricking them into checking “Yes” for what will actually be the final nail in the coffin of New York State.

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This diabolical proposition is NOT designed to protect anybody. Protected classes in the United States and New York constitutions adequately protect every single New York citizen from discrimination. So why would the progressive left push this proposal to add a laundry list of new “protected classes” that are already protected?

See Steve Forbes’ video warning on the dangers of voting “Yes” on Proposition One:

Here is the actual language that will become part of the New York State Constitution if Prop One passes tomorrow:

§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or her] their civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

Explanation – Matter in bold is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. *Courtesy of Bobbie Anne Cox.

If you know the way the Democrat Party in New York operates, you will easily be able to see right through what they are trying to do here.

The individuals that “Prop One” actually protects are illegal immigrants and non-citizens (hence the “national origin” clause) and will ultimately culminate in giving them the unconstitutional right to vote in elections.

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Furthermore, it will “protect” minors under the “age” category… meaning they will have the “right” to get sex changes, genitalia removed, addictive prescription medication and vaccines without parental consent. This is the sneaky trick the architects of this disgraceful proposal pulled- to protect against discrimination regarding “age”.

If this proposition is voted in tomorrow, it will affectively change the New York State Constitution. Minors will have the “constitutional right” to castrate themselves, while the constitutional rights of their parents to have a say in the matter will be null and void.

Adding insult to the most injured state in the Republic, this wacky proposition can give men (to be clear XX chromosomes humans) the “constitutional right” participate in women’s sports- effectively taking away the constitutional rights of WOMEN and giving special privileges to MEN. *Read this young high school girl’s plea to adults to vote NO on Prop One published in the New York Post here.

See this video from Newsmax on Proposal One:

It can give MEN the “constitutional right” to go into women’s bathrooms, locker rooms and safe spaces at the expense of the life and liberty of the WOMEN who are exposed to potential predators and who simply want to exercise their God given Constitutional rights to assemble with WOMEN only. That right is guaranteed under the First Amendment.

The sick in the head Democrat Party in New York State has tried for a long time to get this amendment to the Constitution pushed through as they continue to destroy what was once a great state, and trample on the Constitutional liberties of natural born females, parents, and LEGAL citizens. Equally as evil, they want to continue their agenda of exposing children to dangerous sex therapies, castrations and medications that they are not old enough to understand or rationally consent to.

You must send this article to everyone you know in New York State and get the word out for tomorrow.

See Cardinal Dolan of the Catholic Church speak on Proposal One:

VOTE NO ON Proposition One!

The remainder of this article is a long excerpt from an incredibly informative article by Constitutional attorney Bobbie Anne Cox. We obtained her permission to reprint in time for the election tomorrow.

According to Cox’s outstanding article on Substack:

“I’ll summarize what Proposal One is by saying it’s a proposed change to our constitution that would permanently install into our society a radical woke ideology, and it will empower our government to control our every move (and word) in the righteous name of keeping us from “discriminating” against a laundry list of newly protected classes.

The most infuriating thing is that the twisted politicians pushing this are lying about what Prop One is and what it will do! They know they have to lie about it to try to TRICK you into voting for it. How do I know that? Because we did a poll which showed that a large majority of New Yorkers would vote for Prop One if they just read the language. However, once the true implications of Prop One were explained to them, 66% changed their mind and said they would NOT vote for it!”

Most people are stunned (as they should be) when they learn that they/we the voters are not even allowed to see on our ballots the actual proposed amendment to our Constitution. “That’s criminal!” you say? It should be, but it isn’t. Why not? Make sure you’re sitting down for this one… because the politicians who run New York State (all of whom are Democrats) passed a law last year (after they had created Prop One) giving themselves the power to NOT show you all the language, and instead only show you a short summary! Their brazen elitism is truly unbelievable.

You will notice that what’s on the ballot is NOT a summary of what Prop One really says, nor does it explain at all what Prop One will really do if it passes, meaning how it will affect our everyday lives.

What it says:

Paragraph a of Prop One is improperly summarized on the ballot, and paragraph b of Prop One ISN’T EVEN MENTIONED AT ALL on the ballot!

What it does:

If Prop One passes, it will unleash a massive tidalwave of chaos upon our citizenry, upon normalcy, and upon all that we hold dear in our society. In other words, life as you know it will no longer be the norm. If Prop One passes it can lead to:

The weakening of your parental rights and give the government control of your children (which is already happening in schools across the State thanks to this outrageous and unconstitutional “guidance” the Department of Education issued last year). Just listen to these proposed laws these politicians are just waiting to pass if Prop One passes: also
Making New York a permanent sanctuary state where illegal immigrants (including criminals) can’t be deported. Check out our TV commercial HERE;
Opening the door for non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, to claim (or for these ill politicians to give them) a constitutional right to receive the same tax-payer funded benefits that citizens receive (like government assistance, medicare, social security, disability compensation, subsidized health care, etc.) and could eventually include the right to vote (see my X post on that HERE);
Abolition of girls’ sports and female spaces like women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, showers, dormitories, prisons, etc. (see my X posts on that HERE and HERE);
Abolition of single-sex spaces (boys’ and girls’) such as high schools, colleges, clubs, organizations, etc.;
The chilling of free speech (see my X post on that HERE). “Speech codes” will easily become law in New York with the government requiring all of us to (for example) call people by their preferred pronouns, or you will otherwise be engaging in “hate speech” and subject to punishment. Think I’m exaggerating? I wish. It’s already happening in a public school district in Croton, NY. (I discuss here).
The legalization of reverse discrimination (that’s what paragraph b of Prop One does). I explain that in a clip HERE and in my interview with Bret Weinstein HERE.

You can help defeat this beast. Here’s how:

GO and VOTE! And make sure 10 of your friends/family vote, too! Don’t forget to flip over your ballot and vote NO on Proposition Number One if you live anywhere in New York State!
If you do not live in NYS, but you know people who do, share this article with them, or one of my Tweets, or one of the images below! Warn them that Prop One is a Trojan Horse.
Click on these Tweets below and re-Tweet each of them!! Make my posts go viral so every New Yorker knows what they are really voting for, or against:

Interview with Bret:
An athlete’s plea to vote NO:
Girls’ sports:
Language on the ballot:
Their “abortion” Lie:
Our TV Commercial:
Abolishing Parental Rights:
Harming the Family Unit:
Chilling Free Speech:
Giving Illegals the Right to Vote:
A Trojan Horse:

Share our website! It’s full of information and articles:
Say a prayer. This is a battle of good vs. evil. Despite Governor Hochul calling me and my allies in this fight against Proposal One (including the Catholic Church and other religious leaders) the “forces of darkness” and “evil”, I think once you know the facts (as you now do after reading this article), you will agree that it is she who is evil… not us. By the way, my organization and I demanded Hochul issue a public apology for her obnoxious and offensive statement. Read more on that in the New York Post article HERE.

We can absolutely defeat this beast, if everyone gets out and VOTES on Election Day, November 5th!


This is not one to sit out.

You can read the rest of Cox’s article here and share this information far and wide right now! Follow her on X here and support her work,

Your fellow Patriots the State of New York need your help in spreading the word!

Remember, in the end GOD wins.

Please follow Cara on Twitter.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on Twitter HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

The post NY EMERGENCY ALERT! Vote ‘NO’ on Proposition One in New York Tomorrow! DECEITFUL PROPOSITION Can Give Illegal Migrants the Right to Vote and Allow Minors to Get Sex Changes! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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