THE COVID robot that runs NSW has instructed her health gauleiters to email new rules to all of us unfortunate enough to have innocently signed up to the NSW Government Service app.
One gets tired of using words like “sinister” and “menacing” in relation to COVID governance. Such words, if used too often, lose their impact. But how else to view the following tones?
- Gladys and her offsiders have already chided us for a lack of honesty in relation to test & trace.
- It has become our fault that they are not being allowed to control the virus!
- People have finally cottoned on to the surveillance State and turned off their COVID apps.
The email states: Starting Monday 12 July you must check in using Service NSW QR code
Regional and rural NSW check in rules: If you live in regional or rural NSW, from Monday 12 July you must check in using the Service NSW QR code every time you visit a retail business or workplace. This includes gyms, offices, schools, universities, TAFEs, supermarkets, medical centres and pharmacies. Keep checking in at beauty salons, cafes and restaurants, even for takeaway food. [Bold in the original, just in case you missed it.}
So, just about everywhere you ever might go in public, and when visiting just about any institution you can think of, we-the-State will know where you are, what you are doing, and when you are doing it.
And we will have the power, as a result, to confine you to your home. Until you are forced to have a COVID test and thereby (possibly) trigger your (temporary) permission to leave your house. With daily calls to ensure you are obeying. Under threat of fines, and if you resist, possible jail.
That these new controls on free movement elicited such minimal, bordering on invisible, treatment in the legacy media is yet another reminder of the media’s abject failure to do their jobs.
The new QR code requirements scored one dot point in a list of new rules reported by the Australian Broadcasting COVID-Corporation the preceding Thursday. Other than this – nothing.
Perhaps the failure of anyone in the media to comment on this massive expansion of the spooky, intrusive, Chinese Communist Party-like COVID State was the result merely of it being dropped on a busy COVID news day. Or that the rules relating to movement were just part of a much broader range of more newsworthy new regulations, and so unremarked.
I take a different view.
It is, at least, a plausible hypothesis that the so-called liberal mob running us from the Macquarie Street bunker timed and placed the “announcement” – a soft launch, if ever there was one – of the new ubiquitous QR code regime in the middle of a long list of new COVID rules in the middle of a lockdown. All quite deliberately.
The daily pressers that announce the latest case numbers are not simply part of COVID roulette designed to keep us all in a state of false fear. They serve functions for the political class as well.
They serve as a distraction. The “don’t look over there” distraction lie. The media were meant to miss this new, evil announcement.
When one is confined to house arrest in non-COVID affected parts of regional NSW, it might all seem a long way away.
No, as the emailed message to all Service NSW recipients makes clear, the new rules, just like the masks, are everywhere.
In Gladys World, can vaccine passports and vaccine apartheid be far away?
We know that she and her offsiders have already chided us for a lack of honesty in relation to test and trace.
It is our fault that they are not being allowed to control the virus!
Being a good cop hasn’t worked. Now it’s time for the bad cop. And we know now just how bad bad cops can be in Australia.
Test. Trace. Rinse. Repeat.
These are the COVID State’s rhythms, powered by the all-seeing all-knowing “killer app”.
An app that kills freedom and assigns us all the role of serfs little different in practice from the social credit scheme rolled out in China. One that, as Naomi Wolf has reminded us, uses the very same technology platform as the vile Chinese system.
The world is awash with test and trace madness. The mother country is now known as the United Pingdom, and is experiencing what is now widely termed a “pingdemic”.
This refers to the nearly a million Britons a week pinged by their apps with instructions to self-isolate as the result of a “close contact” in a “venue of concern” or some such.
One prominent British firm had to recruit two thousand new workers to cover for those who were at home, having been pinged.
A huge chunk of the population is stuck at home for no reason, solely as a result of a forty-billion-pound crock of you-know-what.
Now a fifth of Britons have turned off their COVID apps! They have finally cottoned on to the practical outcomes of all this pinging. Just as NSW is making it compulsory and omnipresent.
Test. Trace. Rinse. Repeat.
Following the “outbreak” of COVID germs in Byron Bay’s sewerage system, one NSW Health official actually lamented that “there were no cases” in Byron.
Did we read that right? Concern at no cases? Sounds a little like we actually want more cases in more regions, so that we can close down the whole place.
You could not make this up. (Did someone say that bureaucrats, unlike children, should be unseen and not heard).
No need here to repeat in detail the sheer lunacy of the logic of test and trace (aka contact trace), of making people who are not sick, and so not spreading COVID, to stand in queues for hours to establish that they are still not sick but might be COVID positive, and therefore a danger to society.
Let us set aside all the unchallenged evidence about false positive tests that massively exaggerate the real cases of COVID.
Let us ignore the fact that the (German) guy who invented the much-used PCR test that drives our global casedemic did so only in January 2020 and on the back of non-peer-reviewed research.
An invention that when tested, however, by his immunologist peers, was found wanting. And then misapplied in ways – mass testing of the non-symptomatic – for which it was never intended, and whose use in those circumstances is bound to mislead.
As Virginia Nicholls (a former ABC journalist, no less) has pointed out on Twitter:
To achieve 142 positive cases from 180,000 PCR tests, Australia is testing samples at 40-45 cycles. Yet the Doherty Institute says a positive above 30 would be “very unlikely to be infectious”, & most + results are found at 20-30 cycles. We’re locked down for false positives.
Let us ignore the fact, too, that most of the healthy and non-frail-aged who test positive under this farcical regime then experience COVID’s most common symptom, as Peter Hitchens has endlessly pointed out, “feeling fine”.
This system forms the core infrastructure of the COVID terror State.
A neighbour told us the story of her older sister, in her late eighties, vaccinated, and experiencing indifferent health – battling cancer, among other things, to be precise – being forced to sign in separately at each store she visits in the local mall, in a town, remember, with no locals in isolation and no cases, however falsely recorded and published.
Visit Maccas. Sign in. Walk ten metres across the food court to Donut King. Sign in again. Being forced to wear, of course, a stifling mask. This is madness.
It is taking the “therapy” out of retail therapy, as one’s very reason for visiting the local mall ebbs away.
For our friend, it removes one of life’s few remaining joys.
Sending small businesses to the wall. Bureaucratising shopping, especially for those unfamiliar with, and/or undesirous of, the new-fangled ping machines. But bureaucratising with evil aforethought. Ratcheting up the compliance requirements for businesses who must already be thinking – why do I even bother turning up?
Test. Trace. Rinse. Repeat.
The drum-beat of the COVID surveillance State. People being nudged towards the app because of the sheer tedium of endless by-hand sign-ins. (Clueless millennials seem actually to enjoy the apparent thrill of the QR code sign-in, by the way).
I can’t actually comment on the local impact of the rollout of Gladys’s new test and trace regime, and its impacts on retail and commerce generally. This is because I am still locked up in my house on two weeks’ forced isolation for having made the mistake of recently visiting a part of Greater Sydney (a part that has experienced no cases whatsoever).
A visit that was made in order to attend about a dozen events – events that were all cancelled, of course.
I suddenly thought we might visit our daughter in Queensland as a treat after escaping Gladys’s isolation rules.
Then the Olympics Queen of the North shut the border to us. Haven’t seen our daughter for over a year. The daughter forced to endlessly postpone her wedding planned for 2020.
A great country, this. As Rita Panahi has noted, we are becoming a global laughing stock. No one can believe how stupid we are.
Laughter at our unleaderly political class of COVID robots and their assorted technocrat mates is one of the few remaining pleasures in life under lockdown, as we lurch towards the so-called vaccine “solution”.
A solution so full of holes that the latest UK Government adverts that urge people to keep wearing masks even after July 19’s “Freedom Day” emphasise that vaccines do not protect you.
A new government ad campaign tells Brits to carry on wearing face masks and to use the NHS COVID app so as to “keep life moving”.
One poster warns that “COVID is still with us” and that you can still pass on the virus “even if you’ve been vaccinated” (The Daily Sceptic).
They would be the same untested, unapproved-for-other-than-emergency-use non-vaccines that do not stop infection and, as the BBC’s Andrew Marr admitted last week, do not stop you from getting “as crook as a dog” with COVID. However, they might kill you through blood clots.
If you don’t fall about laughing at our own stupidity and cringeworthy compliance, you will surely be weeping.
Or sitting alone, in fear, waiting for the phone to ping, as the COVID surveillance State works its way ever closer to controlling all of our lives and to shutting down our very humanity.PC
‘In Gladys World, can vaccine passports and vaccine apartheid be far away?’
Hopefully, no. Sadly there is a large cohort of fellow citizens whose limited situational awareness and/or bloody-mindedness ensures they will remained permanently unwashed by the vaccine. Those of us who wish to regain our lost freedoms are unimpressed by conspiracy fuelled claims about the malign intent of governments that promote vaccination.
Let’s say it will remain impossible to persuade 20% of the population to accept vaccines, and within this substantial cohort the virus continues to rage, yea, even unto the Omega variant. As a consequence, the unvaccinated are a reservoir of disease, unemployed and usually unemployable, even in mundane professions such as seasonal fruit-picking. Yet the rest of us are blocked from ICU, or a hospital bed for elective and non-elective surgery, as these neo-unwashed slowly gasp their way to a personal extinction revolution. In short, if there really is a governmental conspiracy to impose a perma-authoritarian state, the unvaccinated are the useful idiots who validate the project.
The real problem for a liberal democratic society is the possibility that the new restrictions will become institutionalised once the virus is defeated. Since the 9/11 attacks we have been on a remorseless downward path, the airport security controls have never been removed and financial transactions are minutely scrutinised to ensure we are not supporting terror groups. The Opal and Mykey systems are not so much designed to eliminate the crushing burden of ticket-collector salaries, but to enable tracking of each individual journey. Noticed the road-signs with aerials poking out the back? These track enabled bluetooth in your car. All this must go.
Zero risk tolerance is by far a greater risk to society than the actual risks.