WITH factional heavyweights delaying critical federal pre-selections, Liberal Party boss Chris Stone has been threatened with a Supreme Court law suit.
The delays have occurred as factions attempt to cut members out of the candidate selection process and, instead, stitch up a deal to divvy up seats among factional mates.

- Liberal factions would prefer to see the Party fail than to lose control of it.
- Mosman branch vice-president calls factional deal making “contemptible”.
- Factions have been running down the clock hoping to force a deal.
The legal threat, brought this week by Right faction organiser Matthew Camenzuli, accuses NSW State Director Mr Stone of pursuing an agenda ulterior to the Party’s interests.
There is widespread belief among grassroots members that Liberal factions would prefer to see the Party fail than to lose control of it.
With a federal election just months away, factions have been running down the clock hoping to force a deal that would parachute in preferred candidates without requiring endorsement from members.
According to The Australian newspaper, the legal proceedings would be brought by both Mr Camenzuli personally, who is a member of the NSW Party executive, as well as a representative of members.
A legal letter to Mr Stone demanded that proper pre-selection processes commence no later than February 1. The Federal election is expected to be held in May.
The move has further split the Party with NSW Liberal president Philip Ruddock, who is aligned with the Left, saying he believes Mr Stone has acted appropriately.
Mosman branch vice-president David McLean, however, said the factional deal making was “contemptible” and had sparked wide-spread criticism among members.
“Our beloved Liberal Party is in crisis,” he wrote in a letter to members during the week.
“Media reports of cross-factional deals that cancel out democratic candidate selections by the membership are just horrifying.
“It can’t be allowed. I’m sure all of you have been deluged with similar outrage.
“To disrespect the membership in such a contemptible fashion will undoubtedly degrade our ground game in the upcoming election.
“It will cripple our campaign effectiveness. Who could be motivated to volunteer, let alone donate?”
Mr McLean said factional treaties needed to be stamped out and decision-making restored to the membership.PC
True, strong leadership resides in each Liberal MP’s remit. Being a faction groupie means that you are a soft follower. We will only become strong again if we elect people who follow core Liberal principles.
In business, that is exercising initiative, using calm assessment of the effectiveness of your strategy and sharing your findings with your team in order to move forward. Not much different to being an elected Member or an elected council member.
Woebetide any member who is happy to sit in opposition and pretend to be busy and just sit back and accept the perks. Read the article by Warren Mundine in today’s Daily Telegraph (8/8/’23) and you will get a glimpse of what I mean.
Liberal party will not survive the next election cycle the left will have nothing left to inherit as conservatives migrate to alternatives in protest. Cory Bernardi was just the beginning.
Howard’s battlers are being deserted for the inner city Chardonnay set, look across the world it is a strategy of disaster.
This Liberal Division, having plundered the best out of the State Treasury, now have their greedy eyes on the Federal one where the pickings are much better for setting up lucrative deals for personal profit. I saw it coming when they wanted to send Gladys, who has been taught from young Liberal days to do the Left bidding, up to Canberra via Warringah electorate.
The state Members were more discreet up till then. The only indication had been Gladys forcing Covid lockdowns which the PM then had to finance ‘ loss of wages funds ‘into, bringing federal monies into the state. But lately they are more blatant with Perrotet/Kean recently demanding federal funding for businesses that the state had put into financial difficulties, and all available RAT packages being commandeered into Perrotet’s education testing venture – unnecessarily testing twice weekly, when once would do – when they should have shared stocks with pensioners and other low income groups till the next shipment came through, all paid for by federal Treasury.
Who could forget the adolescent arrogant public display on Sunday night news of Perrotet/Kean behaving like ‘adolescent 14 year olds seeking to use power over their parents by threatening to sick the authorities onto them if they didn’t get their way.’ In this instance the parents were the Feds and the authorities were the voting public. And the ‘adolescents’ really needed to be told to take responsibility for their own activities, not keep calling on the ‘parents’ to bail them out!
This is no Liberal Party it is the Morrison NAZI Party . Abbott was ousted because he was not a left wing radical and had conviction . Sure he was not perfect but compared to clapper boy and the rest of the rabble ??? He is a better choice still.
Scott is doing a great job under difficult circumstances. He has to keep the Left appeased while still doing the right thing by Australia – or face what Tony got! What needs to happen is the Left being more equalised rather than in so much control. Thank goodness the media is so insightful and can help modify the damage the Left tries to inflict!
“A great job”? Unleashing this national cabinet on the nation and then being too timid to reign it back in is a fair stretch from doing a great job.
The nation is divided, people are being scared witless with political and media driven fear porn, the economy is in the toilet again not such a great job.
“Or face what Tony got?” now you’re onto something, it wasn’t the opposition that rolled a PM, it wasn’t the media, he was worked over and destroyed by his own party, he’s not the only one. The cancer within the Liberal organisation is terminal it has destroyed and decayed every arm every organ of the being.
One Liberal told everyone he wanted Warringah NOW scouting around elsewhere.
So are the Liberals admitting defeat to Olympian Zali Steggal?
Who are you referring to? Interested.
Cannot rig pre-selections and get away with it.
Oh they can (and do) rig pre-selections, if your branch is fortunate enough to ever have them. Of course the shoulder taps and telephone calls have all been done long before the event, so if you do get a vote, you’ll be making a choice between factional preferences.
The Liberal party has defied every hard working aspirational Australian who returned them to office, instead they chase woke left votes in the hope of entrenching a few past their use-by MP in once safe seats.
It’s lazy, it’s destructive, it’s ripped the heart and soul out of the Liberal brand. It is damaged to the point the party is no longer even a repairable write-off.
Menzies Liberalism will survive, but the party riding on that legacy is no longer fit for purpose. The climate is ripe for re-emergence of the values of Menzies in a new and democratic form.
“To disrespect the membership in such a contemptible fashion will undoubtedly degrade our ground game in the upcoming election.”
They have being doing it to the Australian people for years. Time the LNP just died. They have not represented the Conservative views of Australian for years. This election manifesto will be their suicide note.
That’s why I resigned. Can’t continue to support a rabble undeomcratic organisation.
No longer a member of this rabble