Perrottet ‘sorry’ for enforcing vaccines

by MONICA O’SHEA – FORMER NSW Liberal Premier Dominic Perrottet has finally admitted his handling of vaccine mandates was a mistake. 

Mr Perrottet announced his resignation from NSW Parliament on July 19 after 13 years and will embark on a private sector career in the United States. 

It is important to point out one mistake which was made by government. That was the strict enforcement of vaccine mandates.
Dominic Perrottet
Former NSW Premier

In his speech, the ex-premier acknowledged that while the intentions behind the mandates were to curb the spread of the virus, their impact on transmission was limited.

“While we did not get everything right, I believe we got more right than wrong. And, without dwelling on every decision we got wrong, I believe it is important to point out one mistake which was made by governments here and around the world. That was the strict enforcement of vaccine mandates,” he said.


“Health officials and governments were acting with the right intentions to stop the spread, but if the impact of vaccines on transmission was limited at best, as it is now mostly accepted, the law should have left more room for respect of freedom.”

Perrottet, who served in the top job from October 5, 2021, to March 28, 2023, was Deputy Premier and Treasurer when NSW Health introduced mandatory COVID vaccination for all healthcare workers.

Perrottet said the pandemic was both a health and economic crisis. He shared his firsthand experience of the double‑edged sword created by government policy, which still impacts the State today.

He credited former Premier Gladys Berejiklian for fostering an environment where senior ministers could discuss and debate the State’s response from various perspectives during daily crisis Cabinet meetings.

“This approach helped NSW address the health needs of our people while remaining more open and more free than other States. As hard and as challenging as that period was, it was incredibly rewarding to work alongside such dedicated ministers and public servants,” he said.

“Whilst we did not always agree and, in fact, often disagreed, everyone’s perspective was fairly considered and I believe that led NSW to having one of the strongest responses not just in the country but globally.”

Berejiklian was Premier at the time vaccine mandates were introduced for healthcare workers, aged care workers and construction workers, from August 2021.

Perrottet noted that when he became premier he eliminated the vaccine mandates he could, but admitted this should have happened quicker.

“Vaccines saved lives but ultimately mandates were wrong. People’s personal choices should not have cost them their jobs,” he said.

“When I became Premier, we removed them – or the ones we could – but this should have happened faster.


“If a pandemic comes again, we need to get a better balance, encouraging people to take action whilst at the same time protecting people’s fundamental liberty.”

Perrottet, one of 12 children, was elected to parliament in 2011 after working as a commercial lawyer and serving as president of the NSW Young Liberals.

A conservative NSW Liberal, he became NSW Treasurer in 2017, a position he held until October 2021 when he became the 46th Premier.

During his final speech, Perrottet also shared some of his lessons from his experience in executive government.

He said the first and most fundamental lesson is that the lifeblood of politics is imagination and ideas.

“What I have learned is that the real opposition in government is not the Opposition; it is the status quo. The status quo is like a safety blanket: comfortable and familiar,” he said.

“But comfort does not lead to progress. To make the future better, you need ideas that challenge the way things are. Some think that being a conservative is about clinging to the past.


“To me, it is about understanding the immense value of the best of the past and carrying it with you to build a better future. It is about preserving what is good and innovating everything else.”

Perrottet stressed the importance of questioning established norms and practices.

“I now believe that the most important question a minister can ask is why. Why do school hours have to be from nine to three? Why does Canberra run GPs but States run hospitals? Why does the Cahill Expressway actually even exist?” he said.

“Asking why makes you challenge things that are just part of the furniture – like, why do you pay the government, on average, $75,000 in stamp duty just to buy a home?”

Perrottet also mentioned that achieving major change in politics sometimes means starting a journey that others will finish.

“For example, John Hewson started the GST and John Howard finished it. That is why I know the days of problem gambling in this State are numbered,” he said.

Further, he acknowledged the challenges of pushing for change, as most people are preoccupied with the present.


“While you might imagine a better future, most people are just busy with the here and now. If change means disruption, it is hard for some to see the vision beyond the dust and rubble,” he said.

In NSW, vaccines were required to enter pubs, restaurants and nonessential retail shops until “freedom day” when the State exited lockdown in October 2021.

Vaccine mandates for healthcare workers in NSW were introduced inAugust 2021 and did not fully end until May 2024.

A policy directive issued by NSW Health on May 16, 2024, removed the requirement after nearly three years.

NSW Libertarian MP John Ruddick, a former Liberal Paqrty member, applauded Perrottet’s speech and “admission of error around forcing warp speed vaccines”.

“Yes it was way too late but Dom was the sole voice of reason in the Berejiklian cabinet from the beginning of the hysteria,” Ruddick said.

“Dom ended the hysteria in Australia.”PC

Monica O’Shea

MAIN PHOTOGRAPH: Dominic Perrottet. (courtesy ABC)
RE-PUBLISHED: This article was originally published by The Epoch Times on August 7, 2024. Re-used with permission.

11 thoughts on “Perrottet ‘sorry’ for enforcing vaccines

  1. DNA Contamination in Bivalent COVID-19 “Vaccines”: Insights from Kevin McKernan
    Moderna and Pfizer’s Bivalent COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” Exceed DNA Contamination Limits Set by the U.S. and Europe
    By Dr. Mark Trozzi
    Global Research, October 19, 2024
    Dr. Mark Trozzi
    The greatly respected geneticist Kevin McKernan and his team have presented their most recent research, now available in preprint.
    Using five different laboratory methods, McKernan and his team studied two vials each of Moderna’s and Pfizer’s bivalent “vaccines.” Both brands contained levels of DNA contamination that exceeded the limits set by both the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the U.S. FDA.
    Pfizer’s bivalent “vaccine” contains several components when assembling the RNA sequence library. These include the spike protein insert (marked in red), a bacterial origin of replication (yellow), a Neo/Kan resistance gene (green), and two origins of replication (yellow) along with an SV40 promoter (marked in yellow and white).
    When testing for RNA and DNA in the vaccine, the ratio of RNA to DNA was found to be between 43:1 and 161:1. However, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requires a much higher ratio of 3030:1 for safety. This means the amount of DNA in the vaccine is 18 to 70 times higher than what is allowed by the EMA.
    This raises multiple concerns, adding to the growing body of evidence calling for an immediate halt to these injections. One particularly troubling issue is the danger of DNA contamination in breast milk. Current testing methods would miss this problem, as exosomes containing DNA in breast milk could easily pass into suckling infants through their highly receptive neonatal upper digestive tract. The risk of genetic invasion via breast milk is alarming and could constitute a serious violation of medical safety.
    The research team consists of Kevin McKernan, Yvonne Helbert, Liam T. Kane, and Stephen McLaughlin from Medicinal Genomics. Their preprint report is titled “Sequencing of Bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA Vaccines Reveals Nanogram to Microgram Quantities of Expression Vector dsDNA per Dose” and can be found here. >

    Please read the article and links in full >

    See more important Articles >
    Dr. Mark Trozzi – Articles Archives >

  2. Scientist Clifford Carnicom and the National ARM (National American Renaissance Movement) Sign Landmark Intellectual Property Contract
    Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
    Oct 21, 2024
    As a Board Member of National ARM, as well as a former research partner of Clifford Carnicom, I am very happy to share this announcement. I consider Clifford’s research a key foundation in understanding the bio-engineering and geoengineering transformation of our biosphere, all life and all of humanity – that has been going on for decades. What Clifford calls cross domain bacteria I now call advanced nanomaterials, nano and microrobots. Regardless of the name, it is the same self-assembly nanotechnology that was deployed on humanity via the COVID19 bioweapons and other injectables. Clifford is the only person to date on this planet that I know of, who has managed to culture the polymers in a laboratory setting.

    To ensure the preservation of his research for the benefit of humanity is a great honor for National ARM. Please see this letter from National ARM President David Meiswinkle, Esq.
    Dear Friends,

    An Intellectual Property Contract has been signed between Scientist Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute and the National American Renaissance Movement – view here

    The purpose of the Agreement is to help preserve, protect and develop the scientific work of scientist Clifford Carnicom for the good of humanity.

    The Agreement will make the National ARM a trustees of two thousand pages of very important and essential lab notes never previously published, which involve the intensive study of an air borne filament which has been corroborated to be the same filament found in strange biosynthetic, plastic/rubbery blood clots attributed to the Covid-19 vaccination found by embalmers. These notes are confidential and at this time only for viewing by the Board of Directors of non profit corporations who are parties to the contract. Clifford Carnicom’s work which he has already made public can be viewed at this link:

    These lab notes are thus far, a culmination of 25 years of work studying the geoengineering of our skies and the bioengineering of our bodies by aerial spraying of nano material consisting of heavy metals such as aluminum, strontium, barium, titanium and strange filaments.

    Clifford Carnicom has studied strange filaments being dispersed through the chemtrail spraying and inflicting some people with a horrendous affliction. In 1999 he gave a sample filament to the EPA for identification. A year and a half later they sent the sample back and refused to identify it. For lack of a name, he called it cross domain bacteria (CDB). Today this filament is a disease called Morgellons and is characterized by lesions and synthetic fibers growing out of people’s bodies.

    The filaments are also known as Covid-19 vaccine hydrogels which attack the human immune system and destroy the red blood cells. This, Clifford has corroborated by studies done with Dr Ana Mihalcea, a Board member of the National ARM who has examined the contents of the Covid-19 vaccine through dark field microscopy and the blood work associated with the vaccine, and compared it with Clifford Carnicom’s work on the Morgellon’s filament. They are the same.

    The work of Dr. Ana Mihalcea and scientist Clifford Carnicom document that the human race is under attack through the dispersion of the Covid-19 vaccination and the chem trail/aerosol spraying.

    The Intellectual Property Agreement with the National ARM calls for the creation of an Alliance of Non-Profit Corporations that would serve as Trustees of the Intellectual Property.

    This new role as trustees marks a significant step forward for the National ARM, expanding its mission to safeguard and disseminate vital research on geoengineering and bio-engineering. By holding these documents, the National ARM aims to foster collaboration among nonprofit organizations, creating a network of partners who share a commitment to understanding and countering these global health threats. The Alliance of Nonprofit Corporations will serve as a central hub, enabling other nonprofits to access and contribute to this body of knowledge, ensuring the research is used responsibly and effectively. This effort will strengthen collective advocacy, facilitate broader education on the issues, and empower more organizations to take action in addressing the implications of these findings for public health and the environment.

    Support the National American Renaissance Movement and our attempt to educate the Public on the assault upon them, and assist in countering the geoengineering and bio-engineering poisoning of mankind through Covid-19 vaccinations and aerosol spraying.

    We are fighting for you!
    David R Meiswinkle Esq.
    National American Renaissance Movement President

    The COVID Pandemic and the mRNA Vaccine: What Is the Truth?
    Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, Retired Neurosurgeon, Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States.
    By Dr. Russell Blaylock
    Global Research, September 18, 2024
    Surgical Neurology International 22 April 2022
    Excerpt >
    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3 , 6 , 57]
    We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
    For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines.
    For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23 , 38]
    The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called “pandemic”.
    Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology.
    These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world.[23] Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine.
    Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the most cited experts in his field, who has successfully treated over 2000 COVID patients by using a protocol of early treatment (which the so-called experts completely ignored), has been the victim of a particularly vicious assault by those benefiting financially from the vaccines. He has published his results in peer reviewed journals, reporting an 80% reduction in hospitalizations and a 75% reduction in deaths by using early treatment.[44] Despite this, he is under an unrelenting series of attacks by the information controllers, none of which have treated a single patient.
    Neither Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO nor any medical governmental establishment has ever offered any early treatment other than Tylenol, hydration and call an ambulance once you have difficulty breathing. This is unprecedented in the entire history of medical care as early treatment of infections is critical to saving lives and preventing severe complications. Not only have these medical organizations and federal lapdogs not even suggested early treatment, they attacked anyone who attempted to initiate such treatment with all the weapons at their disposal—loss of license, removal of hospital privileges, shaming, destruction of reputations and even arrest.[2]
    A good example of this outrage against freedom of speech and providing informed consent information is the recent suspension by the medical board in Maine of Dr. Meryl Nass’ medical license and the ordering of her to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for prescribing Ivermectin and sharing her expertise in this field.[9 , 65] I know Dr. Nass personally and can vouch for her integrity, brilliance and dedication to truth. Her scientific credentials are impeccable. This behavior by a medical licensing board is reminiscent of the methodology of the Soviet KGB during the period when dissidents were incarcerated in psychiatric gulags to silence their dissent.
    Other Unprecedented Attacks
    When this pandemic started, hospitals were ordered by the CDC to follow a treatment protocol that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of patients, most of whom would have recovered had proper treatments been allowed.[43 , 44]
    Tools of the Indoctrination Trade – ….the controllers fed the media a number of tactics, one of the most commonly used was and is the “fact check” scam. With each confrontation with carefully documented evidence, the media “fact checkers” countered with the charge of “misinformation”, and an unfounded “conspiracy theory” charge that was, in their lexicon, “debunked”.
    Logic, Reasoning, and Scientific Evidence Has Disappeared in this Event….
    Dangers of the Vaccines Are Increasingly Revealed by Science….
    Hot Lots—Deadly Batches of the Vaccines….
    Why Did Fauci Want No Autopsies of Those Who Died After Vaccination? ….
    We are all living through one of the most drastic changes in our culture, economic system, as well as political system in our nation’s history as well as the rest of the world.

    We have been told that we will never return to “normal” and that a great reset has been designed to create a “new world order”. This has all been outlined by Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum, in his book on the “Great Reset”.[66] This book gives a great deal of insight as to the thinking of the utopians who are proud to claim this pandemic “crisis” as their way to usher in a new world. This new world order has been on the drawing boards of the elite manipulators for over a century.[73 , 74] In this paper I have concentrated on the devastating effects this has had on the medical care system in the United States, but also includes much of the Western world. In past papers I have discussed the slow erosion of traditional medical care in the United States and how this system has become increasingly bureaucratized and regimented.[7 , 8] This process was rapidly accelerating, but the appearance of this, in my opinion, manufactured “pandemic” has transformed our health care system over night.

    As you have seen, an unprecedented series of events have taken place within this system. Hospital administrators, for example, assumed the position of medical dictators, ordering doctors to follow protocols derived not from those having extensive experience in treating this virus, but rather from a medical bureaucracy that has never treated a single COVID-19 patient. The mandated use of respirators on ICU Covid-19 patients, for example, was imposed in all medical systems and dissenting physicians were rapidly removed from their positions as caregivers, despite their demonstration of markedly improved treatment methods. Further, doctors were told to use the drug remdesivir despite its proven toxicity, lack of effectiveness and high complication rate. They were told to use drugs that impaired respiration and mask every patient, despite the patient’s impaired breathing. In each case, those who refused to abuse their patients were removed from the hospital and even faced a loss of license—or worse.

    For the first time in modern medical history, early medical treatment of these infected patients was ignored nationwide. Studies have shown that early medical treatment was saving 80% of higher number of these infected people when initiated by independent doctors.[43 , 44] Early treatment could have saved over 640,000 lives over the course of this “pandemic”. Despite the demonstration of the power of these early treatments, the forces controlling medical care continued this destructive policy.

    Families were not allowed to see their loved ones, forcing these very sick individuals in the hospitals to face their deaths alone. To add insult to injury, funerals were limited to a few grieving family members, who were not allowed to even sit together. All the while large stores, such as Walmart and Cosco were allowed to operate with minimal restrictions. Nursing home patients were also not allowed to have family visitations, again being forced to die a lonely death. All the while, in a number of states, the most transparent being in New York state, infected elderly were purposefully transferred from hospitals into nursing homes, resulting in a very high death rates of these nursing home residents. At the beginning of this “pandemic” over 50% of all death were occurring in nursing homes.

    Throughout this “pandemic” we have been fed an unending series of lies, distortions and disinformation by the media, the public health officials, medical bureaucracies (CDC, FDA and WHO) and medical associations. Physicians, scientists, and experts in infectious treatments who formed associations designed to develop more effective and safer treatments, were regularly demonized, harassed, shamed, humiliated, and experience a loss of licensure, loss of hospital privileges and, in at least one case, ordered to have a psychiatric examination.[2 , 65 , 71]

    Anthony Fauci was given essentially absolute control of all forms of medical care during this event, including insisting that drugs he profited from be used by all treating physicians. He ordered the use of masks, despite at first laughing at the use of masks to filter a virus. Governors, mayors, and many businesses followed his orders without question.

    The draconian measures being used, masking, lockdowns, testing of the uninfected, use of the inaccurate PCR test, social distancing, and contact tracing had been shown previously to be of little or no use during previous pandemics, yet all attempts to reject these methods were to no avail. Some states ignored these draconian orders and had either the same or fewer cases, as well as deaths, as the states with the most strictly enforced measures. Again, no amount of evidence or obvious demonstration along these lines had any effect on ending these socially destructive measures. Even when entire countries, such as Sweden, which avoided all these measures, demonstrated equal rates of infections and hospitalization as nations with the strictest, very draconian measures, no policy change by the controlling institutions occurred. No amount of evidence changed anything.

    Experts in the psychology of destructive events, such as economic collapses, major disasters and previous pandemics demonstrated that draconian measures come with an enormous cost in the form of “deaths of despair” and in a dramatic increase in serious psychological disorders. The effects of these pandemic measures on children’s neurodevelopment is catastrophic and to a large extent irreversible.

    Over time tens of thousands could die as a result of this damage. Even when these predictions began to appear, the controllers of this “pandemic” continued full steam ahead. Drastic increases in suicides, a rise in obesity, a rise in drug and alcohol use, a worsening of many health measures and a terrifying rise in psychiatric disorders, especially depression and anxiety, were ignored by the officials controlling this event.

    We eventually learned that many of the deaths were a result of medical neglect. Individuals with chronic medical conditions, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological diseases were no longer being followed properly in their clinics and doctor’s offices. Non-emergency surgeries were put on hold. Many of these patients chose to die at home rather than risk going to the hospitals and many considered hospitals “death houses”.

    Records of deaths have shown that there was a rise in deaths among those aged 75 and older, mostly explained by Covid-19 infections, but for those between the ages of 65 to 74, deaths had been increasing well before the pandemic onset.[69] Between ages of 18 and aged 65 years, records demonstrate a shocking hike in non-Covid-19 deaths. Some of these deaths were explained by a dramatic increase in drug-related deaths, some 20,000 more than 2019. Alcohol related deaths also increased substantially, and homicides increased almost 30% in the 18 to 65-year group.

    The head of the insurance company OneAmerica stated that their data indicated that the death rate for individuals aged 18 to 64 had increased 40% over the pre-pandemic period.[21] Scott Davidson, the company’s CEO, stated that this represented the highest death rate in the history of insurance records, which does extensive data collections on death rates each year. Davidson also noted that this high of a death rate increase has never been seen in the history of death data collection. Previous catastrophes of monumental extent increased death rates no more than 10 percent, 40% is unprecedented.

    Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, stated that hospitalizations in Indiana are higher than at any point in the past five years. This is of critical importance since the vaccines were supposed to significantly reduce deaths, but the opposite has happened. Hospitals are being flooded with vaccine complications and people in critical condition from medical neglect caused by the lockdowns and other pandemic measures.[46 , 56]

    A dramatic number of these people are now dying, with the spike occurring after the vaccines were introduced. The lies flowing from those who have appointed themselves as medical dictators are endless. First, we were told that the lockdown would last only two weeks, they lasted over a year. Then we were told that masks were ineffective and did not need to be worn. Quickly that was reversed. Then we were told the cloth mask was very effective, now it’s not and everyone should be wearing an N95 mask and before that that they should double mask. We were told there was a severe shortage of respirators, then we discover they are sitting unused in warehouses and in city dumps, still in their packing crates. We were informed that the hospitals were filled mostly with the unvaccinated and later found the exact opposite was true the world over. We were told that the vaccine was 95% effective, only to learn that in fact the vaccines cause a progressive erosion of innate immunity.

    Upon release of the vaccines, women were told the vaccines were safe during all states of pregnancy, only to find out no studies had been done on safety during pregnancy during the “safety tests” prior to release of the vaccine. We were told that careful testing on volunteers before the EUA approval for public use demonstrated extreme safety of the vaccines, only to learn that these unfortunate subjects were not followed, medical complications caused by the vaccines were not paid for and the media covered this all up.[67] We also learned that the pharmaceutical makers of the vaccines were told by the FDA that further animal testing was unnecessary (the general public would be the Guinea pigs.) Incredibly, we were told that the Pfizer’s new mRNA vaccines had been approved by the FDA, which was a cleaver deception, in that another vaccine had approval (comirnaty) and not the one being used, the BioNTech vaccine. The approved comirnaty vaccine was not available in the United States. The national media told the public that the Pfizer vaccine had been approved and was no longer classed as experimental, a blatant lie. These deadly lies continue. It is time to stop this insanity and bring these people to justice.
    Please I ask you to continue and read full article >
    Russell L. Blaylock is a Retired Neurosurgeon,
    Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States.

    See Dr. Russell Blaylock – Archive of Articles

    Here is the link for the Covid Update: What is the truth ? by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock article on the Surgical Neurology International Website >

  4. Florida Surgeon General Calls for Halt of Covid-19 Vaccine. The Vaccine Affects Millions of Americans.
    It Should be the Object of Debate Prior to the 2024 Elections
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Florida Department of Health, and FOX 4 Newsroom
    Global Research, October 19, 2024
    Global Research, Florida Health Department, Fox News

    ** Bombshell: Fox New Reports the following: “Severely Pissed Off”
    “MSM now admits the shots are toxic “Discovery billions fragments of DNA in every dose” – Florida Surgeon General
    The masses are going to be severely pi$$ed off when they finally find out what they’ve injected themselves with numerous times”. **

    People across America – The State of Florida has called for a halt of the use of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines, setting a precedent for the implementation of similar decisions not only across the United States, but Worldwide.
    The evidence is overwhelming.
    Read the powerful message of Florida State Surgeon General Joseph A. Ladapo who has come to the rescue of 22 million people in Florida.
    We call upon people across the United States to pressure State officials to cancel the mRNA Covid-19 once and for all.
    The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.
    The official data (mortality and morbidity) as well as numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.
    Contact your representative at the US Congress. The decision of the State of Florida must be the object of debate and analysis across the land. AND THIS SHOULD TAKE PLACE BEFORE THE NOVEMBER 5 ELECTIONS.
    The media has remained mum on the dangers of the vaccine in the course of the last three years.
    We invite the media to emulate Fox News, to provide coverage pertaining to the “failures” of the Covid-19 Vaccine and its implications, nationally and internationally.
    In less than four weeks from now it’s Election 2024. Let us actively debate the issue of the vaccine which has affected millions of Americans.
    It is essential that the candidates for the Presidency of the United States take a stance regarding the Covid 19 mRNA vaccine which has been carefully documented by Florida’s Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladopo.
    Please continue and read full article and watch videos >

  5. Shockingly > When the TGA is asked for its PCR Protocol a lot of REDACTED/black bars/blacked out information was the TGA’s response.
    Geneticist calls out shoddy TGA science in response to vaccine contamination
    THE PROMINENT geneticist Kevin McKernan has called out “disinformation” published by the Australian TGA in its attempt to deny the Covid “vaccine” DNA contamination scandal.

    McKernan says the TGA’s flawed methodology is underestimating DNA contamination of Covid vaccines by 100 times.

    McKernan, the founder and Chief Science Officer of Medicinal Genomics, was the research director on the Human Genome Project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later was the first person to sequence the cannabis genome.

    After Cairns News and other online media published the call by Port Hedland Town Council to alert councils across Australia to the issue of contaminated mRNA Covid injections the big-pharma funded TGA put out a media release attempting to refute the information.

    “We are aware of misinformation in recent media and online reports that claim the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are contaminated with excessive levels of DNA. This is not the case,” the TGA said.

    The TGA goes on to claim “the reports are based on studies conducted by a small number of laboratories that have attempted to investigate the amount of DNA in COVID-19 vaccines.

    “While the TGA welcomes and constantly reviews the latest scientific evidence about the safety of vaccines and other biotechnology products, these recent studies fail to apply the required scientific rigor expected in pharmaceutical testing.

    “As such, the results are not robust or reliable, and are creating confusion and concern regarding the safety of vaccines.”

    Well, sorry to say TGA, but one of the world’s leading geneticists has publicly refuted your claims and was also highly critical of TGA stonewalling of requests for scientific methodology behind TGA safety clearance for the mRNA products, in particular the qPCR protocol for quantifying the DNA content of the “vaccines”.

    “Your response to peoples request for your qPCR protocol is misinformation,” McKernan posted on X. “No transparency on your methods but we can already see that you are using only one assay in the vector (Kan gene) so you are under estimating the load 100X. You should know this by now as Speicher et al published this a year ago.”

    McKernan also rebutted another claim by the TGA that some laboratories had chosen to report DNA levels using a test called fluorometry, which the TGA claims “is known to overestimate DNA levels in the presence of mRNA”.

    “This is because the fluorescent dye used in this test binds to both DNA – which may be present in minute amounts – and mRNA, which is the main ingredient in the COVID-19 vaccines. This leads to incorrect DNA levels being reported in these tests,” the TGA said.

    But McKernan responded: “This is misinformation. Dr David Speicher’s latest test used RNaseA. There is no RNA interfering with the fluorometry. Did you not even read the report? Life must be good at the TGA when you can be a year behind all the time.”

    McKernan went on: “Will you ever read Moderna’s patent from their CEO that teaches against the use of qPCR for quantifying the DNA? If fluorometry is so useless, why are you using it to measure the RNA? Did you know the cross talk with RiboGreen binds DNA 2X as much as RNA? (Jones et al)

    “Is the TGA aware that the Kan gene in Pfizer is very different sequence than the Kan gene in Moderna? How do you know your PCR efficiency is equivalent for the 2 plasmids if you never sequenced either? Are you certain the primers are 100% match for both plasmids?”

    The TGA’s claim that data refuting mRNA vaccine safety is “creating confusion and concern regarding the safety of vaccines” is disingenuous, given the massive number of adverse events including deaths, recorded wordwide since the roll-out of the Covid shots. has emailed McKernan’s comments to the TGA for their response.

  6. New false Government Narrative/fear campaign for Bird Flu vax – Dr. Peter McCullough
    Greg Hunter
    USA Watchdog
    Sun. 13 October, 2024
    Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning. Dr. McCullough is on record saying “The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.” Now, Dr. McCullough is fighting a new false government narrative on the Bird Flu. They just held the “International Bird Flu Summit” near Washington D.C in early October. At the same time, they were holding a Bird Flu summit in Arkansas for veterinarians.
    So, the evidence says, they are planning on a new pandemic. Dr. McCullough, who monitored both summits, says,
    “This is what we learned.
    Bird Flu is spreading around because it actually came out of a lab. It came out of the USAD research lab in Athens Georgia. . . . Bird Flu has been around for a hundred years, and the current version is very mild. There have been just over 10,000 animal deaths, yet, they have intentionally culled or killed tens of millions of healthy chickens.”
    Please read full article and watch video >

  7. Alarming Study Reveals Undeclared Toxic Elements in COVID-19 Vaccines
    16 October, 2024
    Study finds 55 undeclared chemical elements in COVID-19 vaccine vials, including heavy metals and radioactive materials, raising critical questions about vaccine safety and manufacturer transparency.
    Background on the Groundbreaking Study
    In a shocking revelation that could have far-reaching implications for global public health, a team of Argentine scientists has uncovered the presence of numerous undeclared chemical elements in COVID-19 vaccine vials. The study titled, “At Least 55 Undeclared Chemical Elements Found in COVID -19 Vaccines from AstraZeneca, CanSino, Moderna, Pfizer, Sinopharm and Sputnik V , with Precise ICP -MS 1,” conducted in March 2023 and published on October 11, 2024, in Research Gate, provides a detailed analysis of vaccine samples from major manufacturers, including Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and others.
    The Research Team
    This groundbreaking research was carried out by a distinguished team of experts:
    Lorena Diblasi, PhD: Biotechnologist, Faculty of Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy, National University of Tucuman, Argentina
    Martín Monteverde, MD: Physician, Colegio Médico de Santa Fe, Argentina
    David Nonis, PhD: Molecular and Cellular Biologist, California, USA
    Marcela Sangorrin, PhD: Biologist, PROBIEN (Institute for Research and Development in Process Engineering, Biotechnology and Alternative Energies) – CONICET-UNCO, Neuquén, Argentina
    The team’s diverse expertise in biotechnology, medicine, molecular biology, and biochemistry lends significant credibility to the study’s findings.
    Please continue to read this full article >

    All 537 Australian Councils to Receive DNA Contamination report .. and much much more by Julian Gillespie
    By Julian Gillespie
    Port Hedland Councillor Voting Record on the Motion to Provide Recipients of COVID mRNA Vaccinations Information on DNA CONTAMINATION 11 October, 2024 5 VOTED FOR and the TWO COUNCILLORS AGAINST GIVING THE INFORMATION TO THE PEOPLE were the Mayor Carter and Councillor Rebello.
    .. I watch this testimony from Professor Dalgleish and only hear again and again and again
    Please read full article AND WATCH VIDEO >

    Russell Broadbent MP Informs Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of DNA Contamination in mRNA Covid Vaccines in Australia.
    .. as too all Federal Senators and MPs
    It would appear that both the TGA and the Department of Health have failed the Australian people by ignoring repeated warnings by experts and pushing ahead buy continuing to distribute these vaccines.
    Julian Gillespie
    Sep 20, 2024
    …the consequence of this now is all Federal Senators and MPs now know we know they have all received Notice of the contamination


    2. Pfizer* doc Feb 2021: READ THE COMPLETE PFIZER REPORT of deaths and vaccine injuries here particularly pages 30 – 38 >

    Reminder > Allegedly, Pfizer and the FDA tried to suppress these deaths and injuries (which they refer to as ‘post marketing experience’ ) for 55 years I believe, and the PHMPT (Public Health Medical Professionals for Transparency) took them to Court to have the data released.
    Fortunately they apparently got a Judge who did not have any ties / financial interests / conflicts of interest and made them release the data.

    Senate votes down bill to protect Australians from discrimination based on Covid vaccination status

    These alleged obscene Tyrants don’t care that this world belongs to us all – we the people have a right to live in our countries with all our freedoms rights and choices in tact – allegedly, these tyrants, the elite, treacherous politicians, big pharma, big medicine, big tech, big media, big banks et al and all their accomplices, are happy to destroy our lives, all our freedoms, rights and choices and have us live under tyrannical rule/totalitarianism.
    The WEF, WHO, UN etc., for starters; are allegedly, before our eyes, destroying our lives as we knew it and must be stopped and their obscene power and control over the people representing governments removed.
    Only the people of the world can put a stop to it, by removing them all from power and force all those representing governments to act on behalf of the people for the people and for the benefit of all people, and not big corporations calling the shots and running alleged Governments.
    Every person in the world has the right to decide what is or is not done to their own bodies and what is or is not injected / put into / done to their own bodies.

    From the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) – Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into Excess Mortality
    17 May 2024
    We are writing to provide an important update regarding our recent efforts to present a comprehensive submission to the Senate Committee.
    Despite our team’s diligent efforts, dedication, and expertise, our full submission was denied by the Senate Excess Mortality Committee. At the committee’s request, AMPS provided a summary of our full submission, along with individual submissions, for consideration. This work, undertaken by a multidisciplinary team of medical, scientific, and academic subject matter experts, required hundreds of hours of research, review, and analysis. We believe the compiled information is critically important for the committee to consider on behalf of the Australian people.
    We were very disappointed that a committee of elected servants of the people denied due consideration given the depth of knowledge, experience, and time invested in the creation of these submissions. Our primary goal has always been to seek the best interests of health and safety for Australians.
    The excess deaths in Australia, at rates not seen outside of wartime, is perhaps the most concerning and pressing issue facing our country. It should be of the highest priority for governments whose primary responsibility is to protect their populations. The committee’s refusal to read such a comprehensive submission and their claim that we did not answer the terms of reference directly is deeply troubling, especially considering one of the terms of reference specifically states “(d) any other related matter.” Our responses were directly linked to the TOR, as evidenced in our submission, which is now published on our website.
    Being called to testify at the public hearings only to have our submission denied publication is very concerning.
    We believe this decision undermines the critical importance of the issues raised and the extensive work put into our submission.
    We encourage all members and supporters to read the full submission, now available on our website. Your awareness and support in spreading this information are crucial as we continue to advocate the health and safety of all Australians.
    Thank you for your continued support and your commitment to these vital issues.
    Click here to read the full submission – Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into Excess Mortality
    17 May 2024 >
    You can watch Dr Neil, Dr Kunadhasan and Dr Madry at the Excess Mortality hearing on 13 June in the recording here from 14:14:30. > (Looks allegedly like the Parliament of Australia have disabled that page of the recording which I have reported to AMPS) >
    Warm regards,
    Kara Thomas
    AMPS – Australian Medical Professionals’ Society
    P: (07) 3497 5048 | |


  9. Why do monarchists want Australia’s head of state to be inferior to the UK’s head of state?

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