THERE is absolutely nothing the Prime Minister Scott Morrison can do to appease Australia’s hostile climate lobby – so he shouldn’t even try.
Not a single serious person in government believes Morrison can ever do enough to please the Green Left.
If he attempts to, he risks burning huge chunks of his voter base.
As former Labor PM Kevin Rudd learned shortly before being dragged kicking and screaming from office, compromise is not a word in the climate change vocabulary.
Rudd’s failed Emissions Trading Scheme would have crippled the nation, but it didn’t go anywhere near far enough for The Greens. In the end, it cost Rudd his job. Yet he was their poster boy.
PM Morrison, who is despised by the Left, is on a hiding to nothing on climate. Either he capitulates to every last one of their demands, or he will be relentlessly demonised.
And their demands are frightful
Take Greta Thunberg’s call for “real zero” carbon emissions at the recent Davos Economic Forum. Not “net-zero”, as had been the usual terminology.
Net-zero sets a target based on emissions at a point in time, where a nation commits not to exceed that level in future years – or to at least limit increases within a published range.
But “real zero” is altogether different. It enforces a complete stop on human-caused carbon. No motor cars, no barbecues, no refrigeration, no industry. It effectively rewinds human progress 250,000 years to before our first controlled use of fire.
Everything stops. If something doesn’t exist before real zero targets kick in, then it never will. Not unless it can be manufactured with energy from existing renewable generator farms.
Energy instantly becomes a viciously contested commodity. [Think Mad Max and his rivals brawling over a jerrycan of unleaded.]
Greta’s “real zero” demand was said with a straight face and was received with fawning applause at Davos. Even from Prince Charles, no less. [see video below]
How do you work with such ideas and the people who support them?
You don’t. And the prime minister shouldn’t even try to. Instead, he should get on with the task of nation building.PC
How true Sean, Morrison is the Man for All, – with the exception of delusional greens and gullible climate activists, both groups being cruelly whipped on by the billionaires making a motza from unreliable renewables made from reliable fossil fuels.
———-Look at brave Michael Moore’s truthful exposure of both renewables and the passé, denounced cult of ‘climate change’.
And some other true facts:
———-CO2 is good for life and we probably don’t have enough of it!
———-Scientists have proven that the World is actually in a huge, inexorably slow cooling period where measurements for months and years mean nought.
———-Coal is the source of energy that has fuelled the Industrial Revolution, that will continue pulling millions out of poverty and will provide safe, affordable energy to the developed World for enormous future advancement.
Move on Climate Doomsters!
—Start lobbying for the protection of all wildlife – Worldwide.
—Lobby against China’s bullying ways, gross human rights abuses and its coercion of small Nations when they default on payments for the Chinese programme of dire, ulterior motive, – the ‘Belts & Roads’ so-called initiative.
—And don’t forget to lobby to shut down all laboratories that produce dangerous viruses!
I’m sorry. I am a Liberal, been a party member (with one break from disillusionment with Malcolm Fraser’s weak action on trade unions) since “The Dismissal”. I abhor Labor’s insistence on over-manning robots in manufacturing that has effectively led to loss of manufacturing on a large scale.
But I also believe that the Free Trade agreement should be tightened so that our own fresh food produce is not being slowly strangled, and manufacturing mangled, and inventions lost forever. And that there are better checks and balances on standards on imported fresh food. In other words, if we are not allowed to question some policies and procedures without being tainted as “soft” Liberals, then the party is headed down a path of irrelevancy. … And people, I am here to tell you that some “policies” that are really only opinions are really beyond politicking. And Global Warming is one of them. Transport is another. Health is another. Education is another. These issues should be decided by cross-bench or oversight committees with a budget, and findings and goals that are suggested by experts and beyond debate. Presided over by a Minister, yes. There is so much ignorance and bullsh….ng sprouted by blustering lawyers, accountants, doctors, pharmacists, business owners and trade union officials etc who happen to have been elected – on both sides – that it is becoming a parody. Findings are findings. Facts can’t debated. Recommendations for remedial action must be left up to experts. We are then charged with the responsibility of prioritising and budgeting – yes. But not for deciding on the floor of parliament that is usually a rabble of shouting and invective, whether or not global warming exists. That just makes us all look like idiots – which I am afraid how the rest of the world increasingly sees us. So, more sense, more real action and less point-scoring is what we need. And the world is waiting for us to catch up. Frankly, I liked the policy of the Howard Government in that area. And that was pretty successful government.
“But not for deciding on the floor of parliament […] whether or not global warming exists.”
Left wingers declaim ad nauseum that “global warming” (AKA “climate change” in the many cases where facts contradict the narrative) does exist. Ergo, can we confidently state that it does not exist.
“[…] findings and goals that are suggested by experts and beyond debate.”
Experts, or self-declared and self-interested experts? Is Greta Thunberg an “expert”?
“I am here to tell you that some “policies” that are really only opinions are really beyond politicking.”
Well thank goodness for that – what would we have done without you?
“[…] I am afraid how the rest of the world increasingly sees us.”
Of course you’re afraid: you have no sense of either your national identity or the consequent pride and confidence that accompany it. No one who is a fair dinkum Australian gives a rat’s what the rest of the world thinks.
“I’m sorry. I am a Liberal […]”
I’m sorry you’re a Liberal too; it’s people like you who have trashed conservatism in this country. Why don’t you nail your colours to the correct mast and go and join the Greens.
P.S. Don’t use capitals when making reference to “global warming”, and ensure that you always place it inside quotes (otherwise you’ll rapidly erode the little credibility with which you started).
Poor Scott. He tries to sit on too many fences! It won’t work!!
I agree Margaret.
And so do I. Run the country,do a good job, ignore Labor & The Greens on Climate Change & the left factions in your own party as it is crippling our country! We are doing more than enough on this front so look after the people by creating industry so we have enough jobs for all. Build Coal mines as we will be in a recession in no time if you don’t & bring water to the country that needs it by whatever means. The real Australians will respect you & you will remain our PM for a very long time I believe!
Probably because I have been doing other things with my time of late than following the global warming/climate change debate I have never heard of DAVOS. Is is misspelt? Should it really be DAVROS? It certainly seems more appropriate. ‘Exterminate! exterminate!’ The other thing I found strange was the recent proposal by the Environment Minister who, via James Griffin, wanted to get a profile, had no talent, so tried the time honoured plaint of such ilk & proposed to ban plastic in NSW. I replied to James’ email querying what the Minister proposed to make garden furniture from or use to encase his computer. I have heard nothing on the topic since, but also wonder how he would propose to take a loaf of sliced bread home intact from the shop without plastic wrap? Perhaps he might suggest paper wrap. But paper is made from trees – so he would be in trouble with the Greens! Perhaps leave the staus quo Minister because if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!