by AUGUSTO ZIMMERMANN – THE dilemma of modern feminism is that it has cut women off from aspects of life that are distinctly female desires.
These aspects, among others, include being a wife and raising children, according to UK author Joan Price.
- Australia has one of the most family-unfriendly regimes in the world.
- The feminist agenda has taught people to put individualism first, and then blame others for personal failures.
- Men are now convinced that sacrificing for their wives and children is neither expected nor even virtuous.
The feminists who led the 1960s women’s movement regarded motherhood as so burdensome that it approached slavery.
Such ideologues presented family life as a sort of prison for women and a working career on the outside as a form of women’s liberation.
However, these radicals neglected to inform people that most husbands did not go to work to find self-fulfilment. Husbands often undertook external work not because they lacked more enjoyable ways to occupy their time but because they loved their wives and children.
Some husbands made the ultimate sacrifice of taking truly appalling jobs because they felt obliged to provide for their wives and children. They worked long hours at terrible jobs that they absolutely hated, or at least barely tolerated for the sake of the income.
According to Kelley Ross, editor of the Proceedings of the Friesian School: “Few men were so fortunate as to be doing something fulfilling or interesting that paid the bills at the same time.”
The feminist agenda has taught people to put individualism first, and then go on to blame others for personal failures.
The last decades have seen the proliferation of laws allowing the unilateral dissolution of marriage.
By making divorce easily available, the State transformed the institution of marriage into a weak legal absurdity that denies any form of personal accountability.
Of course, whenever and wherever a marriage breaks down the State will step in. Hence the gradual increase of the State’s jurisdiction over the family.
Feminists have been the most vocal group to demand easily available divorce to enable women to escape from the “oppression” of marriage.
This has left working-class families particularly vulnerable because the social and economic effects of “no-fault divorce” fall disproportionately on the less wealthy, less educated and less powerful.
Even more tragically, the effects of easily available divorce fall particularly on the children of the working class.
Confronting studies in the United States reveal that in the 1980s, 60 per cent of rapists grew up in fatherless homes, as did 72 per cent of adolescent murderers, and 70 per cent of long-term prison inmates.
The present system offers no support for the institution of marriage and has a particular bias against single-earning couple households.
As a result, much of the care work for the old, the sick, and the young that used to be done within the family unit is now done by State-funded social services or child carers.
Australia has now one of the most family-unfriendly tax and benefit regimes in the developed world.
Some men are now convinced that caring and sacrificing for their wives and children is neither expected nor even virtuous. Fewer men are now willing to commit themselves to one woman in a monogamous relationship.
Once, fathers and brothers passionately protected their women. This protection has been considerably lost due to the sexual revolution in the 1960s.
Of course, not every woman agrees with no-fault divorce coupled with the radical feminist agenda of sexual liberation.
Arguably, men are less the targets of radical feminists than are traditional wives and mothers, who do not subscribe to radical agendas.
Further, the mere existence of traditional women reminds us that radicals do not speak for all women, and it is traditional women, therefore, who have earned the enmity of radicals.
In a 1970 issue of Time magazine, Gloria Steinem castigated housewives as “inferior” and “dependent creatures who are still children”.
Helen Gurley Brown, founder of the women’s magazine Cosmopolitan, in 1965 denounced every housewife and full-time mother as “a parasite, a dependent, a scrounger, a sponger and a bum”.
Characterising the housewife as a form of “parasite” is the worst kind of insult and betrayal of women’s solidarity.
In her critique of radical feminism, Carolyn Graglia, a self-described “lawyer by training and housewife by choice”, commented in her book Domestic Tranquillity: A Brief Against Feminism: “Housewives, not men, were the prey in feminism’s sights when Kate Millet decreed in 1969 that the family must go.
“Men cannot know this unless we tell them how we feel about them, our children, and our role in the home. Men must understand that our feelings towards them and our children are derided by feminists and have earned us their enmity.”
This is not an ideology that actually protects the rights of all women, but one that ridicules traditional women who refuse to embrace a certain radical agenda.
Where were the feminists when Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of the UK, was the victim of a vicious campaign that put the song Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead on a top UK singles chart on a Sunday evening prior to her funeral?
Ultimately, radical feminists are trying to increase their power over men and women. In so doing, they effectively deny women their basic right to make independent choices for themselves.
The late French feminist writer, Simone de Beauvoir, notoriously stated: “No woman should be authorised to stay at home to raise her children.
“Society should be totally different. Women should not have that choice, precisely because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”
Above all, on the radical feminist agenda, Suzanne Venker writes that it “has never been about equal rights for women. It’s about power for the female Left.”
In other words, radical feminism stems largely from a desire for more power and control.
It is the same desire which, throughout history, has driven people to oppress and subjugate others, especially women and children.
It is about time to reverse the serious damage caused in our society by such a destructive ideology.PC
– Augusto Zimmermann
With very, very few exceptions, we’d be better off if women didn’t vote. I don’t know what to do about that fact, it’s not palatable, but I just can’t deny it. Yes, many men vote for insanity too, but – for example – if you took the women-only demographic in just about any western nation, a conservative would never be elected again.
I think all these balsey women fighting for more and more women’s rights are products of communist infiltration of our institutions. Society is being engineered by a globalist agenda to enslave us. The institutes of learning have all been infiltrated and currently teaching kids ideologies that aren’t for the betterment of society but rather to break down and weaken society. The goal is enslavement of the world under a global totalitarian dictatorship. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you like, but prove me wrong.
Feminism i.e. women independent of men, can only survive in a welfare State where the taxpayer is used to replace the husband and father. And of course, most of these taxpayers are men.
“marriage – a weak legal absurdity” . YES, it has become that. And, given it led to divorce and Family Court disasters, a good pipeline of new marriages was required. Alas, people saw how it unfolded, so stopped getting married. No problem ? You see JuliaG just changed the laws, so marriage is not even needed before those life-changing miseries destroy mens lives. Cohabit for a year or longer, and the same fate awaits. #mgtow
Can you site the source for “Confronting studies in the United States reveal that in the 1980s, 60 per cent of rapists grew up in fatherless homes, as did 72 per cent of adolescent murderers, and 70 per cent of long-term prison inmates” ? I have often read similar statements but have never been able to find the research.
They talk about equality when in fact it is about emasculating the men who have fought, built , so much of the world . There is even a Female Only Insurance Company (STELLA) ?! Now they want to steal even more of the males bastions . Soccer ( Women’s World Cup) , NRL State Of Origin , Cricket (Ashes ) again women stealing from men and claiming it is about equality . If you want respect do what we men to Damn Well Earn It . But no just want more and how much is enough ??? Just a little bit more ! Remember Girls without Men No Women . Adam and then Eve !?
The feminist mantra that a woman can do anything a man can led to gay marriage and the intrusion of transexuals into every area of female affairs, particularly sport where men pretending to be women are wrecking female sports. We have children being exposed to this corrupt ideology with a growing number who underwent sex changes now suing the people who did this to them. We have children being exposed to this at schools where activist teachers are destroying our education and our base values to the extent that we can no longer define what a woman is. All of this cesspool of corruption began with feminism and its erosion of traditional male and female roles in society.
My wife ran away with the next door neighbour, I really miss him.
I believe that the best person for the job should be chosen.