Reliving Abbott’s landslide victory

TONY Abbott was the last Australian prime minister to win office in a thumping landslide.

Few PMs did it before him and none have done so since.

Abbott’s 89 to Labor’s 55 seat victory was a result of sensible policies, forceful arguments and inspiring speeches, mostly written by his own hand.

A new book Abbott: The Defining Speeches relives the lead-up to and the years following Abbott’s historic 2013 election victory.

The book is edited by David Furse-Roberts and Paul Ritchie with a foreword by former Canadian PM Stephen Harper.

It is being launched at a series of Menzies Research Centre events across Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne throughout the week.

Tony Abbott will be attending. Cocktails and canapés or refreshments will be served. The cost ranges from $20 to $120 per person depending on the venue.

5 thoughts on “Reliving Abbott’s landslide victory

  1. Sadly Tony was ousted by half the Warringah population voting for an Independent who deceived the public indulging in the worst pollical campaign supported by Getup and Climate 200 and renewable investors. Now Warringah has a politician with no worldly experience and a one track push on climate change and nothing else to show. No comments from our independent Zali Steggall, on Russia’s advance on Ukraine and their threat of nuclear use and China’s threats and trade embargos and threats on Taiwan which at the present time are a greater threat than climate. Zali is not a true federal politician and more of a council candidate. Whereas Tony Abbott is out there writing about the history of Russia and condemned Putin and Xi threating war and the peace of the world. The current independents , the greens and labor and left liberals are weak and we need strong politicians such as Tony Abbott and John Howard to lead Australia through these times.

  2. Tony Abbott was academically outstanding and a fighter. I believe he was a Rhodes Scholar and whilst attending Oxford University was awarded a Sports Blue for winning a Boxing Match. His election victory was a result of his strenuous and comprehensive campaigning I believe right through until concluding at the Sydney Fish Market on the Saturday morning of the Election just before the Polling Booths opened at 8 am. After losing the Seat of Warringah I believe he said he would rather be a Loser than a Quitter. Sadly I consider Tony lost because he was not a Listener.

    1. You are wrong! Malcolm was after his job & didn’t let up until he got it! Tony does not believe in Climate Change so Malcolm & the left faction of the party went after him & look how that went! We are the poorer without this smart, decent man.

    2. I knew the early Tony as a listener. And he did some good things as PM. Why did he stop listening? As John Howard has stated, when he (John) became PM he needed a different chief-of-staff to do different work than when he was striving for the top job. Different doors obviously needed opening and others closing. When that’s not happening, it makes it hard to listen to all who need to be heard. So, his personal loyalty seemingly undid him. He was and is a good bloke.

      1. Tony has always been a true blue aussie who has always put the Australian people first. This country is being fed Climate Change for breakfast lunch & dinner. The country has turned left, he knew what was coming & tried to warn us. There is more coming that will not be good for Australia. He was listening but many weren’t! I wish he was still our Prime Minister. I am not knocking Scott Morrison as he is not at fault for what happened to Tony & deserves our support as he is doing his best!

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