IN A bombshell revelation, NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s leadership could be “sunk” if her actions as transport minister were to be made public.
In an extraordinary article published on page one of The Australian newspaper on Tuesday, it was inferred Ms Berejiklian’s successor to her transport portfolio, Andrew Constance, was in possession of information that could undo the Premier if released.
The nature of Ms Berejiklian’s alleged “actions” were not outlined in the piece written by The Australian’s NSW Political Correspondent Yoni Basham, however, a long list of leadership aspirants were named.
A search through news archives during Ms Berejiklian’s 2011-2015 stint as transport minister failed to reveal any hint of a scandal involving her.
The closure of Newcastle railway station together with a somewhat clumsy implementation of the Opal public transport ticketing system appeared to be the most controversial issues raised during her time as Transport Minister.
A number of high-value infrastructure contracts were awarded by Ms Berejiklian’s transport department to private construction companies during her tenure, including the badly delayed Sydney Light Rail as well as the North West Rail Link.
Those named as potential successors to Ms Berejiklian included members of the Premier’s own Green-Left “Moderate” faction as well as one member of the “Right” faction.
The NSW Liberals have three recognised factions including the already mentioned activist “Moderate” faction, which is led by State Environment Minister Matt Kean.
The Centre Right faction is led by federal International Development Minister Alex Hawke and boasts support from the Prime Minister.
While the once all-powerful Right faction has been significantly weakened largely by its members engaging in “on-the-sly” deals with the Left.
The front runners to replace Ms Berejikian, according to The Australian, were all from the Left including Matt Kean, Andrew Constance, Planning Minister Rob Stokes and Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet is listed as the only serious contender from the Right faction. No Centre Right names were listed, continuing the Centre Right’s refusal to “deal” with the radical Left faction on principle.
Matt Kean is described in the article as having a progressive agenda and, along with Arts Minister Don Harwin, is one of the people closest to the Premier having brokered her leadership with Mr Perrottet.
Mr Kean is nicknamed Matt “Green” by people in the media. His political allies in the Greens Party refer to him as Captain Planet.
Aspirant Stuart Ayres is the partner of federal Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne who is labelled the “godmother” of the Left faction. Mr Ayres is a former Young Liberal president.
The article alleges Andrew Constance, who is also a former Young Liberal president, is kept close by Ms Berejiklian to quell disloyalty – although he was stripped of his role as Leader of the House after a failed tilt for federal parliament earlier this year.
The Australian says that while the Premier’s position is safe “for the moment” the Left faction is currently working on a succession plan. PC
The Australian newspaper bombshell…

I have often wondered how far Gladys’ career would have prospered if her parent’s business had been subjected to a govt that treated it like Gladys treated the George Street businesses. Would they have been able to fund her through university? Would they have been able to get up again after being knocked down so badly? She is lucky that there was no govt like hers – in the Day!
Thanks for reminding me Morris, I’d forgotten that infant murder had been made legal by our NSW Government!
I’d always thought that the decision to abort a foetus up to about 12 weeks gestation was a choice for the woman herself, not a political decision. But I would add that society should censure those who have been too lazy to avail themselves of very easily-acquired contraception.
An atheist would have no qualms, thinking that the living jelly-bean has no feelings, no thoughts and is not yet a human. A believer usually would decide for the foetus, cherishing the reality of a growing human life.
HOWEVER, – aborting a living foetus/baby, who, just after mid-way gestation actually has a chance of life IS PLAINLY MURDER, there is no other word for it.
I cannot understand how any Doctor could perform a late-term abortion! They train to sustain life, not to extinguish it; the only exception for intervention being the absolute certainty that an unborn baby could not survive outside the womb.
I only hope these women, who must lack any normal feelings, are made to look at the baby they and their so-called Doctor have just murdered.
Hello Jennifer,
“I cannot understand how any Doctor could perform a late-term abortion!”
Quite so; abortion is the only medical procedure that is considered to be a failure if the patient survives. In cases where this happens in N.S.W., the hapless newborn is placed in a bucket and put aside to die, presumably in a place where medical staff and the mother cannot hear it screaming in pain as its life ebbs away. Apparently the law and the the medical profession are more than a little affronted by such “pieces of flesh” that are “not human”, and yet have the temerity, having survived the operation that was designed to kill them, to behave as though they are.
Everyone who is involved with the Liberal party and everyone who supports them should consider this matter very carefully, because supporting these murderous scum means that one is complicit in this particular crime, the heinousness of which cannot be overstated.
Aren’t these foetuses required for the research and development of their “vaccines”?
If there’s anything worse than a feckless man in politics, it’s a feckless woman – and Gladys exhibits fecklessness in spades.
Unfortunately, her strategy of sacrificing unborn babies won’t save her – it will prove no more effective than it did for those Canaanites who gave up their innocents to molech: in the end she will be most severely judged, at which time she will discover the truth of what is written: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God”.
I’m always interested when views of inner political machinations are aired but, – of course, take them all with a grain of salt.
I must say that I’ve been, on the whole, quite impressed with Berejiklian’s leadership, – WITH THE EXCEPTION OF HER IRRESPONSIBLE AND RIDICULOUS, LATTER-DAY GREEN LEANINGS and her appointment of that equally ridiculous Mr.(keen about himself) Kean.
Perhaps Premier Berejiklian and P.M. Morrison should take some leaves out of Trump’s play-book, – especially on the ludicrous ideas circulating about non-existent ‘climate’ emergencies, on Trump’s economy-boosting energy plans and his eminently sensible, gratefully received stand against the rogue insanities of identity politics.
Get well soon Trumpie!
Interesting insights….Most people not involved in politics have no idea about the inner workings of the Liberal Party and many from the conservative side of politics would be shocked to know about the dirty deals being done by conservative members with the Left, purely for personal gain.
This sort of article is just plain mischief designed to bate.