TEN truths have emerged from the Wuhan virus, truths which should have always guided our leaders.
Most became obvious soon after its arrival. And as they emerged, most were noted here. Not that I am especially gifted as some sort of prophet. All anyone had to do was to rely on two things, as so many readers do.
- The billionaires in Beijing must be amused as they see the West committing national suicide.
- Common sense eludes not only the academy but the political class & national organisations.
- The relinquishment of common sense is related to the emergence of a new, discredited religion.
The first is the truth, assisted by reliable sources and seen through the prism of sound principles, such as those found in our Western Judeo-Christian values.
Reliable sources are available in those responsible media which adhere to the media’s first duty declared long ago by The Times.
This is to obtain the earliest and most correct intelligence of the events of the time and instantly, by disclosing them, to make them the common property of the nation.
The media’s duty is never to tailor the news to fit some agenda.
Recently invited to speak on the life and times of Prince Philip, I have had to remind audiences of the ways in which many in the Australian media were prepared to misrepresent his Australian knighthood merely to advance the agenda of a treacherous cabal within Abbott’s chosen cabinet plotting to replace him with Turnbull.
The second thing those wishing to be informed must rely on is the sort of common sense that guides so many in such diverse fields as small business, the trades and farming.
Unfortunately, such common sense increasingly eludes not only the academy but also the political class as well as national organisations claiming to represent interests as diverse as big business or farming. (Just consider the extraordinary and unjustified endorsement by the Business Council of Australia and the National Farmers Federation of net zero CO2 emissions.)
Much of this widespread relinquishment of common sense is related not to the decline of religion but rather, the emergence of a new religion.
This is manifest in its dogmas, discredited theories ranging from man-made global warming, critical race theory (any “theory” qualified as “critical” is usually a fabricated Marxist assertion) and to gender fluidity.
That this new religion is Marxist-based must amuse the multi-billionaires in Beijing’s politburo as they gleefully see the West (including and perhaps especially Australia) committing national suicide before their very eyes.
Marxism had to change, with comrades, from Lenin on, realising Marx was wrong on one fundamental point. The workers were never going to revolt to create a communist utopia. What they wanted was to keep their traditional beliefs and values while enjoying increasing wealth.
That is why Britain and especially America never had strong communist Parties, with Americans only becoming interested recently as politicians ruin the free and healthy by making them dependent.
The classic example of this was when Lyndon Johnson, through his Great Society, destroyed so many black families.
The ten truths follow.
First, the thing to do when the virus emerged was to seal the international borders (especially for those countries lucky enough to be remote islands) but only until the virulence of the virus could be assessed. We have had more than enough time to do that. Worse than the flu, Wuhan is, for example, obviously not as serious as poliomyelitis.
Second, it soon became clear that the likely origin of the virus was a laboratory. Only the naive would believe this was for gain-for-function research; from this regime it was obviously for military purposes.
Third, communist-style lockdowns or internal border closures are alien to our constitutional system, unjustified and seriously damaging to human rights and the economy. In particular, the refusal of permission to visit dying relatives is unnecessary and constitutes a cruel and unusual punishment of the innocent.
Fourth, through cooperation with the Trump administration, massive reparations should have been and could still be collected from the communists. This, at the very least, for their crime in allowing New Year revellers to spread the virus across the world while closing internal travel and in denying what they knew to be true; that is human-to-human transmission was occurring.
Fifth, the principal aim should have been to protect the vulnerable and to use medicines, as proven by eminent scientists, in the treatment of the virus; medicines such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Sixth, the private and public partnerships to enable the faster approval and production of vaccines in Operation Warp Speed, announced by President Trump on May 15 2020, indicated that Australia should ensure that the widest range of vaccines was readily available to those Australians who wish to be vaccinated.
Seventh, the fundamental principles of our democracy and human rights are not being observed. There is no justification for their curtailment because of the virus.
Being designed as a federal commonwealth, Australia should have taken advantage of federalism to allow the assessment of lawful divergences in responses to the virus. Australia has, contrary to its constitution, become one of the most centralised and uniform federations in the world.
Along with this usurpation of power by Canberra, the States have become excessively concentrated in their capitals.
It is completely unacceptable that most of the usual checks and balances on the abuse of power by politicians, federal and State, have been neutralised in relation to the virus.
Eighth, now an institution totally captured and seriously damaged by those twin evils, career politicians and powerbrokers, representative democracy must be made fully accountable to the people, 24/7.
Ninth, the crisis has demonstrated how far much of our media have departed from being free and responsible to being an accomplice to the politicians’ agenda.
Tenth, this sad saga demonstrates the eternal truth of Ronald Reagan’s warning: freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. As he said, “It must be fought for, protected and handed on (to our children) for them to do the same”.PC
I know that we are a political party and need this sort of information.
And as always, David’s analyses are insightful and extremely valuable.
But I have two caveats on publishing stuff that could easily fall into the wrong hands and that should perhaps be better voiced behind closed doors:
1) Let’s stop bagging our popular leader so much because if we start to crumble from within then we are easy prey from the opposition when the soil hits the fan.
2) Let’s separate the facts of the whole thing about global warming from Liberal ideology. Ideology is a belief system. Facts are facts. the evidence is in. You can’t twist one to suit the other.
So, when you imply that things like rising ocean levels and the melting ice caps aren’t happening, and that both sides of politics in State Governments haven’t gone over the top with excessive land-clearing – because they are easily observable and well documented – then one looks like someone ranting on a soap box.
And the objective, helpful, policy-building info and suggestions, as in the info re Beijing billionaires etc. that are all too true and to which we SHOULD be alerted, and take action along with the perfectly valid observations re society disruption and the Big Brother state beckoning that we NEED to think about – all get lost in the fumes.
So I would like to focus on the issues that we are lucky to have David observe and report, and as the – yes, I know, barmy – Qld leader, scramble-quoting the Cherokees and Nelle Harper Lee said today: “If you think this is easy then try walking in my shoes for a day”.
But it is dangerous to bag popular leaders. And above all, we need cohesion in public and then take the gloves off behind closed doors.
(My opinion? The press place intolerable pressure on the leaders with their hyperbolic, hearsay reporting these days. Criticism from within leaves them nowhere to turn).
And I’m sorry – Brad is as independent a thinker as they come. If we trust anybody, we need to trust him.
And – pun intended – we need to keep our Heads!
Go the Liberals!
Well said David. Good Australian people need to step up now. The times for viewing from the arm chair whilst others do all the heavy lifting are over