RARELY does a dictionary have you laugh, cringe and kick the cat with the turn of each page.
But that’s the roller-coaster ride Dr Kevin Donnelly takes you on with his latest book A Politically Correct Dictionary and Guide.
The book is a glimpse into the dark world of anti-Western extremism – while at the same time providing optimism that the tide has turned as a “sane” public overwhelmingly rejects such absurdity.
Its pages are illustrated throughout by talented newspaper cartoonist Johannes Leak who, much like his late father Bill, has an extraordinary ability to lay bare the craziness of people who should know better.

In her foreword, former prime ministerial chief of staff Peta Credlin explains how Dr Donnelly’s dictionary successfully alerts readers to how Marxism has been transformed “from an economic to a cultural movement”.
“The cultural Left appeals to our most decent instincts in its attempts to weaken us,” Credlin writes.
“It pushes for the open borders that weaken our societies on the grounds of compassion for refugees.
“It pushes for climate change policies that weaken our economies under the guise of saving the planet.
“It pushes for gender fluidity to weaken family ties in the name of inclusion for our most vulnerable fellow human beings.”

While compassion, conservation and inclusion are all worthy causes, Credlin writes, they are being underhandedly used by the Left to compromise “the strength and cohesion of the only societies which actually exhibit these fine traits; countries in the West, like our own”.
A Politically Correct Dictionary and Guide is easy to read and, so long as you keep reminding yourself that PC culture has been widely rejected, a lot of fun as well.
The combination of Donnelly, a Senior Research Fellow at the Australian Catholic University, and Leak brings together an academic and an artist who are both at the top of their games.
So if you’re unsure what “non-animalist”, “queer theory”, “shadowbanning” or “intersectionality” means the PC Dictionary will help.
It will also explain the origins of the terms and the often sinister intensions behind their use.PC
I gave this humorous book to a couple of my friends at Christmas who were most appreciative.
My generation (and our children) are easily ignoring this absurd, thin-skinned, tripe!