MANY in NSW were taken aback by “liberal” Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s decision to strap us all in for a lockdown as a result of a few dozen positive COVID tests and, as usual, no deaths.
Even more were confounded by the lockdown extension leaked on Tuesday and announced on Wednesday, with its forced incarceration of school students, the promise of further and tougher restrictions on freedom, and, worst of all, the foreshadowing of a “COVID Plan” for the State.
- This can only mean one thing – internal vaccine passports.
- ScoMo sank $750m into a vaccine they now realise isn't fit for purpose.
- And the population is submitting – despite a lack of deaths.
Being developed by “senior ministers” including the pork-barrelling Nats leader himself, God help us.
This can only mean one thing – internal vaccine passports and contact tracing dictatorship. It seems the lady was for turning.
Now she has joined her rogue health minister in bagging, blaming and shaming the people. For spreading Covid.
If only we just did our bit by being obedient and volunteering for house arrest, then this “deadly” virus would just go away and I would still look like Captain Marvel of COVID. And possibly book my one-way ticket to Canberra to lead the nation.
No more Ms Nice Guy. Gladys has done a switch. She is now the bad cop.
These are sinister times.
Things are getting decidedly creepy, especially given that these fresh and tougher restrictions are not the result of an especially worrying spike in so-called infections.
It is now the politicians who are talking up the risks. We are used to being told by the supine corporate media that we are “bracing”, “scrambling” and “on the edge”.
They say that every day, over and over and over. But now it is the political class that is preaching gloom. Why the change in Gladys?
The reason is obvious, upon reflection.
The NSW Premier and all the other big brothers and sisters were plotting their escapes from the eventual electoral push-back against their panicked hysteria of March 2020 and the ever-deepening hole they have been digging ever since, through their silver bullet – the vaccine!
ScoMo sank a third of a billion dollars into a vaccine that even they realise now is not fit for purpose.
The Feds’ vaccine nightmare has meant that Australians do not know what is going on, do not know who or what to believe about vaccines, do not know who to trust, if anyone, in power, and are now registering visible and audible “vaccine hesitancy”.
Enough of us know now that the vaccine is not actually a vaccine. It is experimental, with its long-term health impacts totally untested.
It was only “approved” under dubious emergency powers. There is no opportunity to sue your doctor or whoever the Government rounds up to give you the jab.
It won’t necessarily stop you getting killed by COVID but the vaccine itself might kill you, and probably over half the people who get the jab will suffer some form of nasty reaction.
Not so much a silver bullet, then. Little wonder that our fearless leaders at every level of government are spooked. Scared witless that the whole house of cards will come crashing down.
That they will lose their jobs. That, one day, they might even be held accountable for all the deaths their actions have caused. Just google Nuremburg Two.
It is encouraging to see signs of resistance emerging as popular patience, incredible as it has been these past eighteen months, has perhaps reached a tipping point and is ebbing dramatically.
Whether it is Ben Fordham’s listeners, The Australian newspaper’s band of commenters, or Paul Murray on Sky News, there is a sniff of resistance.
The protest signs are going up in the suburbs – yes, they are almost immediately removed by COVIDS true believers, the useful idiots who have ramped their efforts up from mere conformist compliance to active proselytising for the State – but the protest signs are now literally out there.
We shouldn’t just be cranky, however. We really should be spooked ourselves.
The news that Woolworths rewards cards contain information that is provided to the Government to allow them to trace your movements and to text you with an instruction to self-isolate is arresting to say the least.
Let alone credit cards, the new currency of the coincidentally cashless COVID State, being used as a tracking device.
Gladys’s next drive is her planned push towards the total Contact-Trace State, a state enabled by willing third parties.
Where anyone, anywhere, anytime, can be instructed to self-isolate for two weeks and ordered to be COVID tested.
She has already announced this, to be implemented from July 12.
Now, to access any retail outlets – not only supermarkets – as well as schools, universities, government agencies, and just about everywhere else, you will have to sign in, with heavy pressure to sign in with a QR code.
Astonishingly, this decision barely raised a ripple in the now-totally-conditioned and compliant media.
Not one headline. This must have exceeded this sublimely media-savvy Premier’s expectations.
Now July 12 – our Lost Freedom Day – will come and go, safely concealed by Lockdown 2.1, and will become embedded in the lockdown culture in which we now live, ever watched by Big Brother and always, but always, only one text away from house arrest. Naomi Wolf calls it the imminent end of our liberty.
And our clueless Deliveroo Generation just shrug their collective shoulders at all this.
Perhaps the most alarming statistic shared by Paul Murray wasn’t the zero deaths, but the fact that nearly one million panicked Sydneysiders had submitted to a (useless and misleading) PCR test.
This is exactly what the Government wants. Mass testing and self-isolation of the population, where no one speaks to anyone else, where dissidents are subject to show trials and arrests, where the doubters are ostracised, where all our movements are known and controlled.
What else is going on?
The continued shutting down, by YouTube, Twitter and the rest, of anyone who sounds alarm bells about vaccines, vaccine passports and the like, should strike people as chilling.
This includes Robert Malone, the actual inventor of mRNA vaccines and the former VP of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon.
Then there is the continued vilification by leftist media outlets of real truth-tellers and freedom fighters – the sort of people that Brad Hazzard calls “whackos” – who are doing the heavy lifting on behalf of us all.
This is terrifying. And Gladys and her second-rate government are now busy plotting the next phase of the creeping COVID tyranny. A tyranny that will, inevitably now, include vaccine passports.
Some have argued that this was the aim all along, but to get there in stages – ever so “softly, softly” – without overly alarming the horses. We are almost there. Weeks away from the end of real liberty. In the sunny State of NSW.
The idea of vaccine passports has been very subtly, very gradually drip-fed into the COVID conversation. It is very close to the surface now. And it now seems that Gladys Berejiklian will be the first to move.
The Guardian reports: “What is apparent is that – and this has been demonstrated by every other place in the world, and we can’t pretend we’re different in NSW in Australia – is that you can’t live with the Delta variant unless you have a certain proportion of the population vaccinated,” she says. Berejiklian describes the Delta variant as a game-changer, adding that she is pushing to expedite the vaccination process in the State.
We know, from the likes of Mike Yeadon and other experts, that the Delta variant, just like every other variant of every coronavirus, is not different. It is, therefore not a gamechanger.
Yeadon also says that governments know this. Therefore, they are lying. And, faced with low vaccine rollouts and vaccine hesitancy, there is only one end-game here.
So, do not be fooled by the lockdown extension. Every single thing the COVID State, including its NSW variant, does is deliberate, planned and expertly stage-managed.
The good cop routine, the pleas with the public to behave ourselves or else, the instructing of ministers to be the bad cops, the daily pressers, the endless recounting of supposedly scary data on the virus, the media’s compliant infomercials and breathless reportage, and the inevitable conformism of a jaded, fearful populace. Over a virus that has killed one Australian in 2021. Just one.
Whether the “pandemic” was, indeed, a “plandemic”, hardly matters. What we have now is tyranny and the devastation of economies, lives and civil society as we thought we knew it.
Our one consolation in all this is that we know what Gladys is up to. Or at least the smart, thinking readers of Politicom do.PC
It’s a no win situation…with the low vaccine rate some sort of control seems inevitable…the big challenge is the proportionality…could some parts of Sydney be spared – most likely…the scope of greater Sydney given the geographic concentration begs the Q of why a northern beaches style focused lock down wasn’t looked at. The other big issue is lack of vaccine choice for folks over 60. Over sixties are most at risk and are not being prioritised over younger ages for the safer and more effective and quicker Pfizer shot. This is bonkers…the risk difference for a 63 year old versus a 57 year old is trivial yet over sixties have been discriminated against.
You have reached peak idiocy.
This whole “event” is caused by a bloated public service careering out of control initially supported by politicians who saw votes in it. Now Gladys and Scomo are trapped and trying to get out with the plan you outlined (scare every one into getting vaccinated). Even the petit bourgeoise supporters of the hard left brigade are getting sick of lock downs and even the ABC is reporting the “dead rate” from Delta is a fraction of the original strains. Should’ve planned it better Glady and Scomo because you don’t have a chance of getting re-elected at this point in time. It seems to be a point in common for all our professional politicians that they can’t actually think for themselves and being reliant on public servants has done nothing but get them in trouble (think back to “pink Batts”). Guess that happens when all you think about is gaining power and not governing.
What a lot of uneducated garbage!
Add to all this scam demic . Follow the money trail and the Budget Blow Out and her deals with lover boy and investments in the private sector ( rail, buses, property , energy, roads). Gladys has been fattening wallets while posing as Woman of Reason and understanding. I want Mark Latham as Premier as not only will this go away but the people will hear the truth and their tax dollars will go back into their Public Owned Assets thus back to basics. NSW = Now Selling Well.
IVERMECTIN should – MUST – be allowed for the mitigation of early symptoms of Covid once contracted – especially in those most at risk from respiratory stress.
ASTRA ZENECA IS ABSOLUTELY FINE! My husband, myself, many relatives & friends have had our doses – NO SIDE EFFECTS AT ALL – IN ANYONE – and several, including my husband have many of the usual age-related issues, diabetes, blood pressure etc. etc. – STILL NO SIDE EFFECTS!
GLADYS BEREJIKLIAN has become a turncoat, presenting as a ludicrous gloom & doom merchant, wanting us to tremble under our doonas like two-year-olds – scared of the COVID BOGEYMAN – WHICH DOES NOT EXIST!
This new Delta variant is nothing more than a nasty cold. Like a cold, highly transmissible, – BUT DOES NOT KILL AND MAY – MAY – ONLY BE SERIOUS IN THE GROSSLY OBESE, THE VERY ELDERLY, OR THOSE THAT HAVE SERIOUS UNDERLYING HEALTH PROBLEMS.
However, – we should all have the Astra Zeneca Jabs, – as three-quarters of the population of the United Kingdom did. We MUST be fully open, go back to work – make our economy function and thrive! IMMEDIATELY!
For me, Gladys has been proven to have feet of clay and a deficient character!
@ Jack,
So true, do they really think we are so stupid. The Prime Minister, State Premiers and respective Ministers for Health and the complicit mainstream media shoud be tried for Malfeasance and for the deaths of the Australian’s who needlessly died of COVID19 in hospital, when safe and effective treatments already exist. Not to mention all of the other deaths due to suicide from Communist Chinese government inspired “lockdowns” and damages to all of the business which are up against the wall or finnished.
See peer reviewed journals below on the safety and efficacy of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
I was astonished this even got onto the “useless” ABC. Words from Emeritus Professor Rob Clancy. Professor Thomas Borody called out Ivermectin as a miracle treatment last year, only to be ignored by the government.
The good Doctors of Australia should support the COVID medical network.
Also lawyers and medical experts should join the team with legal proceedings underway against the CDC, WHO and Davos group for crimes against humanity. Nuremberg Trials 2.
Good on you “Politicom” for presenting the truth with all of the censorship and propaganda going on today.
Spot on Paul!!
And you can bet they would be happy for people to die of covid in hospital, to increase the fear and get more people vaccinated. It lines up with the government depriving Australians of successful and safe therapeutics such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
The Great Reset is a ‘hiding in plain sight’ agenda: Bernardi
January 29, 2021 – 20:17PM
The ‘Great Reset’ is the hiding in plain sight agenda of the World Economic Forum, a globalist institution staffed by “leftist elites” who want to dictate how you live your life, says Sky News host Cory Bernardi.
“It (World Economic Forum) was started by a chap named Klaus Schwab and has run what is the equivalent of the Woodstock event for the super-rich and super powerful – Davos – for many years,” Mr Bernardi said.
“Davos is on now, although there are fewer private planes parked this year than normal.
“It’s not because they’re practicing what they preach and they’ve all gone green and ditched the gas guzzlers but it’s because of coronavirus.”
Mr Bernardi pointed out the “hypocrisy” of those so-called leaders who are “jetting in” to lecture about the need to take urgent action on climate change by reducing emissions.
“The Great Reset is only a new term to mask their previous failures to control economic and social foundations,” he said.
“The World Economic Forum is just a cabal of climate crusaders and social engineers who think they know what is best for the rest us.”