by PAUL COLLITS – COVID vaccines have failed to reduce the death rate from Wuhan virus, according to multiple international studies.
The wide-ranging research tells a very different story to the “propaganda” currently being peddled by Australia’s mainstream media outlets.
- Boosters do not help and may make things worse for the vaccinated.
- Sudden Adult Death Syndrome & excess deaths are running at about 20 per cent.
- Still, it is of no interest to Australia’s media and vaccine deaths deniers.
These studies reveal mounting evidence that suggests COVID-19 vaccine may work for a while, however, protection is extremely short lived.
A recent Qatar study shows vaccine effectiveness reduces to zero within six months.
Other studies of vaccine effectiveness show similar fade.
Israeli research has suggested the boosters fade after a mere eight weeks. One headline in January 2022 read, “Fourth vaccine shot not good enough against Omicron”.
Another suggested “minimal protection”. As The Daily Sceptic noted: Fourth Vaccine Dose Makes No Difference, Study From Israel Shows, as Infections and ICU Admissions Surge.
Then there is the latest British research. Boosters do not help and may make things worse for the vaccinated.
Natural immunity offers far, far greater protection against COVID than the vaccines. As does prior infection with COVID.
The scrupulously fair Swiss Doctor reports: “Prior to omicron (ie during the alpha and delta periods), several large studies showed that vaccine protection against symptomatic infection decreased from about 90-95 per cent shortly after vaccination to close to zero per cent within about half a year. This decrease was first seen in Israel during the delta wave in summer 2021.
“Since omicron, vaccine protection against infection starts at 50-60 per cent shortly after vaccination and decreases to zero per cent within 4-6 months. A booster vaccination restores protection to 50-60 per cent, but again only for a short period of time. The lower peak protection is due to the partial immune escape of the omicron variant.”
So, what about protection against severe disease and death, which is at the core of the Australian media’s claims?
Again, here is the Swiss Doctor: “Since omicron, protection against infection starts at 50 per cent and drops to zero within a few months, whereas protection against severe disease and death in senior citizens starts at 75 per cent and decreases to 50 per cent within a few months.”
On this view, there is certainly some protection, but no guarantees, and it wanes dramatically.
You are vaccinated, and still at risk of serious illness and death. Moreover, astonishingly, much of the international data doesn’t break down effectiveness against death by age.
So perhaps many of those vaccinated people who are jabbed, then get COVID, don’t get really sick and die because, well they never were going to, as they were largely young and healthy.
And perhaps the data on vaccinated deaths might have been considerably less favourable had more old people been included in the various studies.
Then there are the studies related to hospitalisations and deaths, both from COVID itself and from adverse reactions to the vaccines. First, there are data on the risk of hospitalisation and death, and they are not reassuring.
For example, country-by-country data showing the relationship between vaccination rates and COVID deaths show a clear pattern.
Former federal MP Craig Kelly recently shared the following charts [see below]. These clearly highlight what Australia’s media is hiding.
Australia beats all comers on both the highest vaccination rate and the highest number of deaths per million. Ouch.
Some recent NSW hospitalisation figures confirm this. As noted on Craig Kelly’s Telegram page on 11 June 2022, the official NSW weekly figures were as follows:
Admitted to hospital with COVID:
• 50 – who had 4 or more injections
• 184 – 3 injections
• 93 – two injections
• 0 – no injections.
Admitted to Intensive Care Units with COVID:
• 5 – 4 or more injections
• 20 – 3 injections
• 2 – 2 injections
• 0 – no injections.
So, at least in the Premier State that week, it was far better to be unvaccinated if you didn’t want to get very ill with COVID.
US attorney Tom Woods noted in April 2022: “A new Danish study making the rounds will surprise people who have been getting their information from officially approved sources.
“We’ve heard it said again and again that the shots help prevent death from COVID.
“This study seeks to find out just how effective the vaccines have been in preventing death.
“It concludes that the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have had a positive effect in preventing deaths, while the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) have had no effect.”
Woods quoted the renowned former Harvard medical scholar, Martin Kulldorff. In the case of the mRNA vaccines, says Kulldorff: “There was no evidence of a mortality reduction. For every 100 deaths among the unvaccinated, there are 103 deaths among the vaccinated, with a 95 per cent confidence interval of 63 to 171 deaths. That is, the mRNA vaccines may reduce mortality a little bit, or they may increase it; we do not know.”
“For the mRNA vaccines, there was a reduction in COVID deaths but an increase in cardiovascular deaths, but neither was statistically significant. So, either result could be due to random chance. Alternatively, the vaccines may reduce the risk for COVID deaths while increasing the risk for cardiovascular deaths. We do not know, and Pfizer and Moderna did not design the RCTs to let us know.”
Then there is the question of adverse events from the jab. British Medical Journal editor Will Jones has been examining this. His headline: COVID Vaccines More Likely to Put You in Hospital Than Keep You Out, BMJ Editor’s Analysis of Pfizer and Moderna Trial Data Finds.
The World Health Organisation concurs, as The Daily Expose points out: World Health Organization Study concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339 per cent higher than risk of being hospitalised with COVID-19.
The list of illnesses and adverse reactions related to the COVID jab runs to many pages. Not just, infamously, myocarditis.
Official data is said by insiders to seriously under-represent the actual deaths and illnesses. Declining sperm counts among the vaccinated is merely the most recent side effect reported.
The vaccine injuries and deaths reported both anecdotally (if you look hard enough) and through official government adverse reactions reports should be front page headlines.
Rebecca Weisser at The Spectator Australia wondered in May 2022 why no one in Australia was asking questions about reports of vaccine-linked deaths. They still aren’t.
What about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) and excess death data, stated by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and noted by The Australian’s Adam Creighton to be around 20 per cent in 2022?
This is the new way of dying. Dying of “died suddenly”. Twenty per cent is not nothing. Something to be discussed, you might think, even if not fully explained.
Still, it is of no interest to Australia’s media and vaccine deaths deniers.PC

Updated information !! and I hope all people share this Article and Information Comments widely because Mainstream Media Empires are deeply deeply deeply conflicted and will not give the truth to the people.
Australians whilst the Corporate Governments distracted you with Russia the Australian Government reveal that 9 IN 10 COVID DEATHS WERE VACCINATED
The Medical Profession is being bought by the Pharmaceutical Industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research.
The Academic Institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the Pharmaceutical Industry. I think it’s disgraceful.
Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014) Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor in Chief of the NEJM
The International Medical Council On Vaccination
We are profoundly critical of the practice of vaccination. Vaccination is an unacceptable risk to every member of society, regardless of age.
As medical professionals, Council members have observed first-hand the health of vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated.
Covid Vaxxine Deaths and Injuries USA & Europe
Through to 2 July 2022 – 75,322 Dead and 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines
Almost from the beginning of this medical lie it was exposed by professor Thomas Borody in Australia as he found that given early an Ivermectin Protocol or Hydroxy chloroquine therapy would eradicate the disease! Which for dubious reasons to support the poison offered by Big Pharma was disallowed here in our country whilst found to be stopping it it in others 🙁 And so the lies and deaths were allowed to continue as a world wide experiment of failure and especially here in Australia and the “People” were so scared “they” might be right they almost all succumbed to the lies 🙁
Thank you Paul. Outstanding work
RIP Medical Privacy – Dictator Dan – See my very important comment Information also to give the truth to the people.
This has always been about total control over global populations money and $$$$$$$$$$$$ as per the Architects of this the Monstrous World Economic Forum and it’s Head Tyrant Klaus Schwab and his pack of Globalists.
Another “Mysterious Death” and States continue to wash hands of Vaccine Liability
Remember originally Two weeks to flatten the Curve
Another Jab to flatten your Pulse
Remember Corona Virus, Rhinovirus and about a hundred common viruses Are the COMMON COLD